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Nari fusses over Seonghwa

Nari wiped the sweat from her forehead. They were performing at KCON in a few weeks and they had been practicing harder than ever. She was in the midst of trying to cheer up the grumpy maknae. "C'mon, Jongho-ssi, you'll be able to dance again in no time." She pinched his cheek and he swatted her hand away.

"I feel the same as when you broke your knee, noona." He groaned out and she pinched his cheek again, a bright smile on her face. "You're so cute when you pout, Jongho-ssi. Yunho! Isn't he cute?" She said, moving to the side (while still pinching his cheek) so Yunho could see.

The very tall puppy bound over to them, pinching the other side. "Oh! Our little baby! So cute!" Jongho stood up, letting out a frustrated huff before going to join Hongjoong by the computer. Nari and Yunho snickered and Wooyoung shook his head. "When he squeezes you dry I don't want to hear it."

They both laughed, going to enjoy the rest of their small break. Nari sat down next to Seonghwa, who had his hand placed on his hip and lips pressed into a straight line. "You okay, oppa?" Nari said, raising a brow while bringing her drink to her lips.

He offered a pained smile, nodding his head. "Yeah—yeah, I'm good. Just didn't stretch before we started." She didn't fully believe him, but chose not to argue and making a mental note to keep an eye on him. She tiptoed over to Hongjoong, whispering in his ear and making him jump.

"KIM NARI!" He yelled, jumping up and she couldn't help the giggle that escaped her lips. "How many times have I told you not to sneak up behind me?!" She shrugged, feigning innocence. "I didn't mean to! I was just—I'm worried about Seonghwa."

Her voice was low enough for only him to hear her and he quickly glanced over at the eldest before back at her. He moved closer, their heads practically pushed together. "What is it?" She explained that she thought he might be sore or injured and just asked that Hongjoong take it easy on him which he was quick to agree too.

"Yah! Pull apart before San turns into the green-eyed devil again! Then we'll have more fighting for a week." San narrowed his eyes at Mingi who pulled the two apart and Nari rolled hers while Hongjoong didn't even acknowledge him.

"Hyung! We can only take hearing makeup sex once every few months." Nari's cheeks turned a furious shade of red as she smacked Mingi's chest, hard. "Yah! You buffoon! We didn't do that!" Hongjoong, again, learned that acknowledging it would just make it continue so he pushed past them, shouting for everyone to get back ready to practice.

"I want to change my spot!" Nari said, stomping up to hers as Mingi snickered behind her. "I don't want to stand next to Mingi. We're not friends anymore." Hongjoong opened his mouth then closed it, doing his best not to fall into their antics.

"You can stand next to me," Wooyoung winked and Nari scoffed, crossing her arms and sticking her nose up in the air. "I'd rather stand next to Yeo." Wooyoung feigned hurt and Yeosang shook his head rapidly. "No way. I don't want to be next you. You smell." Nari narrowed her eyes but before she could retort Seonghwa was clapping his hands, gaining everyone's attention.

"How about we don't give Hongjoong an aneurysm today, hmm?" They all grumbled, promising to behave for at least the next few minutes. They started, everyone turning on their serious face and performing as if they were on stage in front of their fans.

However, Nari noticed that Seonghwa stumbled a little while rising up for his part and Yunho's face had briefly flashed with worry and his hand tightened a little around his wrist. Nair looked towards Hongjoong who only subtly nodded at her; he'd seen it.

They kept going and as soon as the hip thrust came, Seonghwa fell to the ground, on his knees, clutching his side. San had caught him halfway, worry on his face. "Hyung? Are you okay? What happened?" Seonghwa didn't say anything, standing up, but wobbling a little and San wrapped an arm around his waist.

"Seonghwa-hyung," Hongjoong said and Seonghwa looked at him, a pained smile on his face. "I'm fine, really. Let's continue. Sorry about that." Hongjoong shook his head, stepping forward. "What happened to your hip?" He raised a brow and Seonghwa tried to play it off, not realizing his was still clutching his hip.

"Nothing at all! I'm fine. Just tripped over my foot while turning." He said and Hongjoong narrowed his eyes, looking down at his hand. Seonghwa's mouth formed an 'o' before he slipped his hand away and smiled sheepishly, gently pulling away from San. Wooyoung narrowed his eyes and stepped forward.

Nari bit her lip, wondering if she should just tell Wooyoung to back off and let Hongjoong handle it. Wooyoung had a tendency to tease Seonghwa and while it was all out of love, this wasn't the time or place. Nor would it make him be honest.

"Hyung, if you're hurt, let's not make it worse." He said and Nari smiled small. Seonghwa nodded, sighing. "My hips been bothering me." He said and Hongjoong hummed. "For how long?" Seonghwa shrugged, looking down at the ground. "A few days."

"Tell manager, you should probably go see the doctor." Seonghwa wanted to protest but Nari stepped up, taking his hand. "C'mon, oppa. I'll go with you." She gently pulled on his hand and he followed her, walking to the staff room for their manager.

"I can't sit out. Jongho is already out and I don't want to ruin it. We have KCON is just a few days." Nari squeezed his hand, stepping in front of him to meet his sad gaze. "We'll manage, Seonghwa. All that matters is that you get better and don't make it worse."

He nodded, knowing she was right but still feeling guilty. His health had always been a problem since before their debut and he didn't want to bring the team down. She hugged him, making sure not to touch his hip. "You're our brother, oppa. Hurt or not. Let's figure this out, yeah?"

He smiled nodding his head. "Let's go."

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