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Yunho and Mingi take Nari out when she's having a bad day

Nari sighed, laying in her bunk and staring at the ceiling. She was struggling today but didn't really know why. It was probably the nightmares she had last night; they were a little more brutal than usual. She heard whispering coming from behind her bedroom door and chuckled. "I'm not gonna bite if you come in, ya know?" She called out, sitting up in her bed. The door opened slowly and Mingi and Yunho hesitantly walked in. Nari laughed, hard, clutching her stomach and rolling around on her bunk, getting tangled in the blankets.

"Oh god, we're too late. She's gone absolutely psycho." Yunho said, watching Nari with wide eyes. Mingi nodded, his eyes just as big. "We've lost her. We're going to have to send her to the crazy house." Nari sat up, calming herself down and wiping some tears from her eyes from laughing so hard. "You both look like scared children walking in here. It was too funny." Yunho frowned, turning around and walking out. "Oppa! I was joking! Kind of." Mingi laughed this time. "Everything okay? You've been in bed all morning and we were just worried." He scratched the back of his neck, and Nari smiled softly.

"I'm fine, oppa. It was just a bad night, is all. I didn't get much sleep." Mingi frowned. He hated when Nari had nightmares, especially when she didn't cry out like she usually did. She already practiced her heart out for almost 20 hours a day, let alone taking care of all of them by cooking and helping Seonghwa clean. He knew she was tired and it upset him when her sleep, the little time she could have to herself whether conscious or not, couldn't even give her some peace. Yunho walked back in the room, throwing what seemed like a mound of clothes at Nari's face.

"Yah! Oppa! What is that for?!" She yelled, placing the clothes on her bed and glaring at the taller member. "For laughing at us. Now put them out, we're going out." He said and Nari did as she was told, shooing them out of the room so she could change. She threw her hair up in a loose ponytail, and happily threw the leggings on she had and the oversized sweatshirt from Yunho. She was comfy and happy and decided she wasn't even going to put makeup on. Her skin was flawless anyways. She walked out of the room and Yunho threw her gym shoes down the hall towards her. "WHAT IF YOU HIT ME, PABO!" She screamed and Mingi laughed along with Yunho. "I don't know, you'd probably hit me back. Or Jongho would break my arm."

Jongho poked his head around the corner, "hurt her, you die." And he went back doing whatever he was doing. Nari laughed, slipping her shoes on. She was already feeling a little better just being out of bed. They walked out of the dorm and into the warm sun. Nari was glad that it hadn't started to get to cold yet. "Where are we going?" She asked and Yunho and Mingi raised their eyebrows, sharing a look. "It's a surprise!" Nari groaned, glaring between the two. "I hate surprises." Mingi shrugged, walking ahead of her, "I don't' care."

Her brown eyes lit up as they reached a small park; the one she usually goes to when she's upset and wants to be alone. She squealed like a 5-year-old, running towards the swings and Mingi and Yunho laughed. "I knew it would cheer her up." Yunho said. "SOMEONE PUSH ME, DAMMIT!" She yelled and Mingi laughed, running towards her and pushing her. They spent a few hours at the park, playing tag, monkey on the woodchips, and all three grown adults trying to slide down the little slide. Obviously, that didn't end well. Currently, Nari and Mingi were on the seesaw while Yunho was doing his best to balance in the middle of it.

He fell off, butt landing on the woodchips and he groaned, laying down. "I'm hungry." Nari laughed, getting off the seesaw which caused Mingi to fling towards the ground and he yelled out in annoyance. "Let's go eat! I want tteokbokki and ice cream! Oo, and beef and chicken! And-" Nari was cut off by Mingi covering her mouth with his hand. "Chill out, child of the corn. We'll go get all that stuff." Nari licked his hand and Mingi wiped it across her face. Yunho laughed, ushering the two out of the park and towards their favorite restaurant.

They ate happily and left the restaurant with happy smiles and full stomachs. Yunho graciously treated everyone to ice cream and they sat on the bench, back at the park, eating it. "Thank you both so much!" Nari said in between mouthfuls. "What for?" Yunho asked, grabbing a napkin and wiping the corner of her mouth. "For today. It was nice being a kid again." She beamed, eating more of her ice cream. Both boys smiled happily, looking at Nari adoringly. They finished their ice cream and just sat, watching the sun go down. A little wind blew and Nari shivered a little.

"C'mon, time to go home before Hongjoong and Seonghwa think we ran off with you." Mingi said, kneeling in front of Nari and she happily attached herself to his back. As they walked home, they made small talk and eventually Nari was hanging limp from Mingi's back. "I hope she sleeps okay tonight," Mingi said with a frown. Yunho nodded, looking at Mingi. "We could always just make a fort in the living room and sleep there. She's usually okay if someone if with her." Mingi nodded animatedly, adjusting the sleeping girl on his back.

When they returned, they were scolded by Seonghwa and Hongjoong for staying out all day and not informing anyone that they were alive. Yunho rolled his eyes but rounded everyone up to help set up a fort in the living room. Mingi gently placed Nari in the poorly made fort and him and Yunho climbed in next to her on either side. "I can't believe I stayed up to help with this childish idea and none of us can even enjoy it because you two giant gorillas." Yeosang said, rolling his eyes and walking towards his room. Mingi and Yunho laughed but immediately shut up when Nari groaned in her sleep. "Whoops," Mingi whispered.

They both kissed her head, settling down and falling asleep. Definitely acting like children for a day was something all three of them needed.

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