NTCOM: Yeosang

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Nari takes care of Yeosang

Nari loved her boys, more than anything. She appreciated everything they do for her and does whatever she can to repay them for it. Hongjoong was always there to scold the others for teasing her too much and always showing her how she was just as much a part of their family as anyone else. Seonghwa made sure to always see a smile on her face, even when there were tears pouring down her face. Yunho never failed to make her laugh, even when he was feeling down. Mingi was always there to cuddle her when she was feeling lonely and make sure she didn't isolate herself when she wasn't feeling okay mentally. San, loves her like no other, and is always there for her no matter what, having her back and supporting her. Wooyoung is always making sure she feels beautiful, even if he has to tell her that a million times a day. Yeosang, even though they argued far too much for anyone's liking, was always by her side when she was feeling hurt and wouldn't leave it until she was feeling better. Jongho was always there to help Nari when he felt like she was being picked on or treated unfairly; she may be his noona but he is in no way, shape or form going to let her feel like she is less than amazing.

Nari needed them to know that she was there for them just as much as they were for her. She didn't care what time of day it was, where it was or who it was; she was always going to have their back. They welcomed her into their family, their group, their friendship and she would raise all hell to anyone who tried to rip them apart. Just like they were the first people to defend her, she would be the first to defend them, even if that meant she had to get physical. Sure, debuting was her dream, her goal to become one of the best rappers in the world, but keeping her family together, letting them know they were never alone is her life goal. It didn't matter if a year from now they had to disband, it didn't matter if 20 years from now they were too old to keep going; she had made it her ultimate life goal to never leave their side and always be a constant in their life.

Yeosang had been grumpier than normal lately. He was picking little fights with Nari about anything and everything, but not just her, with all the other members too. However, Nari had noticed that he was completely ignoring Wooyoung and was very short with San. He wouldn't even look at them. He would change his spot if he was ever placed next to one or both of them, he would avoid talking to them as much as possible when they were at the dorm. He stopped hanging out with them as much as he used too, holing himself away in his room most of the time. He only spoke to them when they asked him something and it was always a very short, to the point answer. Other than that, he was acting as if they barely existed. Wooyoung and San had both expressed to Nari how they didn't know what was wrong or what they did and when they would try to bring it up to him, he would just ignore them like they hadn't even said a word.

Hongjoong and Seonghwa had tried talking to Yeosang, explaining the importance of teamwork and if there was issues, they needed to work them out right away. Nari was tired of whatever temper tantrum Yeosang was throwing, because it was now starting to affect the group. But also because behind the anger he was outwardly showing, she knew he was hurting from something and masking it. Sure, they didn't always get along, but Yeosang was always there whenever Nari needed anything and she was going to do the same for him. She walked to his room, not bothering to knock and entered, loudly closing the door to announce her presence. "Yeosang-ie! I'm here!" She sing-songed and Yeosang groaned from his desk. "Your voice is so annoying." Nari scoffed, crossing her arms. "Your face isn't that much better." Yeosang rolled his eyes, turning back to his laptop screen. Nari scrunched her nose in annoyance, walking over and closing his laptop. "Yah! You brat! I was working on something!" She sat on the edge of the desk, examining her nails. "Whoops," she shrugged. Yeosang glared daggers at her. "What do you want, Nari?"

She smiled, clapping her hands together and turning to face him. "I would be so grateful for you to tell me what your temper tantrum is about this time." Yeosang scoffed, turning away and opening his laptop back up but Nari slammed her hand on it, refusing to let him to do so. "Get your greasy hand off my computer." He growled and Nari narrowed her eyes. "I'm serious, Kang Yeosang." He sighed, giving up and slumping down in his chair. "It's nothing, it's stupid. I shouldn't even be mad about it." Nari clicked her tongue and crossed her legs. "But you are so, it's obviously not stupid. Now speak." He sighed again, knowing there was no way she was leaving anytime soon if he just sat their silent. "Fine."

He told her how him and Wooyoung used to be super close; they had trained at BigHit together and when Yeosang moved to KQ, Wooyoung went with him. He explained that he was upset because Wooyoung and San had grown closer and he felt he was being left out and replaced. He knew that that wasn't what the two boys were intending to make him feel and he was glad that they were so close; he was close with other members too. But the friendship him and Wooyoung had shared seemed like it was fizzing out and it hurt him a little bit. He felt like he was being pushed off to the side by Wooyoung for him to go hang out with San. San blowing him off to go do something with Wooyoung. "So, in short, you're jealous?" Nari said and Yeosang groaned. "I told you it was stupid." She clicked her tongue again, ruffling his hair. "It's not stupid, oppa. It's valid. Why don't you go tell them what you told me?"

He shook his head. "I'll get over it." Nari narrowed her eyes. "You won't, pabo. It's been two weeks and you're acting like either of them exist unless you have to acknowledge their presence. They feel hurt because they don't know what they did and you won't talk to them." Yeosang sighed again, knowing Nari was right and he hated when she was right. "Fine. I'll talk to them." He walked out and Nari smiled, opening up his laptop and playing some random game. When it had reached about an hour after Yeosang had left, Nari closed the computer and went to go find him. She was worried that the trio may have killed each other. More so that Yeosang had killed Wooyoung and San. However, she was pleasantly surprised to see the trio intensely staring at some video game on the television, not aware that she had even walked in the room. They were laughing and joking with each other, just like old times.

Nari smiled to herself, turning around and making her way to the kitchen. "What's got you so happy?" Hongjoong asked, quirking his eyebrow at her. She sat down, placing her chin in her hand. "I'm the best matchmaker there is, did you know that oppa?" Hongjoong widened his eyes and opened his mouth to say something before shaking his head and deciding the better of it. "You know what? I don't even want to know." Nari giggled, watching from the corner of her eyes as the three boys happily played along, including each other in every tactic of their stupid video game.

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