The Story Never Ends

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Nari and Seonghwa fluff

Nari stealthily made her way into the building where Seonghwa was right now. He was recording a cover song that he had been working on for a while and she wanted to be there to give him her full support. She knew he was nervous and that he would be freaking out if it didn't turn out perfectly. She had arrived to make sure that he stayed sane and didn't drive the staff crazy with a million retakes.

She heard the muffled sound of the music coming from down the hallway and she smirked, quietly and quickly making her way towards it. She opened the door as silently as she could, happy when no one noticed her presence. She stayed in the back, not wanting to bring any attention that another member was there. This was Seonghwa's day and she wasn't going to let anything ruin it.

She smiled as she watched him start again. His voice was calming and relaxing. She offered a proud smile, even though he couldn't see it. She approved of the look he went for. The leather jacket fitting his frame perfectly, the black skinny jeans showing off just how long his legs actually are. She wanted the silver chains on his neck; they sparkled when the light hit them and she wanted something that pretty.

If there was one thing Nari loved, it was watching her members lose themselves in their music. She could tell he was enjoying it, blocking everything around him and singing his heart out. She did notice that once he reached the mirror, he subtly let his bangs fall over his eyes and she frowned. It had been a while since he last let his bangs completely cover his eyes and while it was only covering it halfway, she knew what was in his head.

He finished and everyone clapped and cheered, Nari included. His eyes widened when he saw her and she stepped forward, wrapping her arms around his waist and looking up at him. "That was amazing, oppa!" She beamed and he chuckled, hugging her back. "I didn't know you were coming," he stated and she shrugged, winking at him. "I wanted to surprise you. And I figured you'd get bored without someone here."

He laughed, wrapping his arm around her shoulders as she led them to the dressing room. "I was quite bored." He teased and Nari giggled, grabbing one of the snacks. "How is recording on your own?" She asked and Seonghwa shrugged, taking a large gulp of his water. "I was really nervous when I first got here but once we started I completely forgot." She smiled, humming in approval. "Did you really think it was good?" He asked, biting his bottom lip.

She frowned, taking another bite of the apple. "I wouldn't lie to you, Hwa. If I thought it sucked I would've told you." He sighed, nodding his head. "You're right." She raised and eyebrow, sitting next to him and patting his arm. "You didn't like it?" She asked and she shrugged, not saying anything. "Use your words, Hwa. I'm not a mind reader." She teased lightly, tapping his temple with her finger.

"It was—good. But I think it could be better." She thought for a moment before nodding. "So, do another take. That was your first one, no?" She asked and he shook his head. "That was the third or fourth. I don't want to annoy the staff." She rolled her eyes, grabbing his wrist and tugging him up. "Annoy the staff or not, I'm not leaving until you have the perfect take." She walked them out of the door and back on to the set, marching up to the director and talking with him.

Seonghwa shook his head, chuckling a little as Nari made her way back towards him with a bright smile. "They're gonna touch some things up really quick and you'll be good to go again." Seonghwa smiled, patting her head. He was grateful she had come; he was feeling a little lonely and he had been criticizing his movements. He just wanted it to be perfect for ATINY and to show everyone that he could do it. "BACK ON SET!" The directors voice bellowed and Seonghwa made his way back.

Nari grabbed his wrist, stopping him and turning him around. He raised and eyebrow as she smiled lightly up at him. "Pretend it's just you and me in the practice room. I thought the last take was perfect, but I'm going to stay here and be your water boy until you're happy with it." He chuckled kissing her cheek. "Thanks, baby." She nodded and he went to leave again when she stopped him again, stepping in front of him.

"Nar, I need to get back or they're—oh!" She had reached up, moving his hair out of his face. "ATINY likes your face and your eyes, oppa. Don't hide them." He smiled and promised he wouldn't. As he went to leave again, she smacked his butt lightly and he turned to glare at her only to find her giggling and running away like a preschooler. He shook his head, walking back on to the set and starting again.

Nari sat back, watching with a proud smile on her face. This take was even better than the last one. She gave him a little thumbs up when he glanced at her briefly and he smiled a little, turning fast as to not mess up the scene. She placed her hand over her mouth to stifle her chuckle, never taking her eyes off of him.

That was the last take they had to do for the day.

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