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San and Nari talk

Nari was leaning against the wall currently with sweat rolling down her face. They had just finished their last music show performance for Thanxx promotions. She had landed funny on her bad knee and it was causing her an immense amount of pain at the moment. Seonghwa had tried to stay behind to help her, but she had done a good job assuring him that she was fine and just needed a moment.

Little did she know Seonghwa was currently bouncing back and forth between his feet staring at the door to their dressing room, waiting for her to walk in. He had a bag of ice ready and had asked their manager to bring crutches in just in case. He knew she was downplaying how much it was hurting at the moment because he had seen the way she landed. It was subtle to the crowd and everyone else, but he was right next to her and saw how her leg had rolled a little.

"Hyung, where's Nari?" Wooyoung asked as he wiped his makeup off and Seonghwa worriedly looked towards the door again. He didn't want to worry everyone else so he bit his lip and shrugged. "Said she needed a minute, probably in the bathroom." Wooyoung hummed but San had his ears trained on the conversation. They also seemed to tune in when Nari was mentioned. He didn't believe Seonghwa for a second.

He had watched him keep stealing worried glances at the door, anxiously bouncing and moving around. Plus, their manager hadn't exactly hid the crutches out of their sight so, he knew she was in some pain. Plus, he had seen Seonghwa trying to hid the bag of ice under his bag. He rolled his eyes but worry was starting to course through him. "I'm running to the restroom!" He shouted before quickly making his way out of the room.

He headed back towards where they exited the stage earlier and let out a sigh of relief when he saw Nari only a hallway down. However, it had been well over 20 minutes since they ended their stage and she was just making it this far. She was leaning against the wall and he could see her wince in pain. He looked down, squinting his eyes and spotting her knee. His eyes went wide a bit. She was quite a ways down but even from the other end of the hallway he could see how swollen it was.

His feet acted before his thoughts did and he quickly found himself next to her, wrapping an arm around her waist and pulling her off the wall, taking on most of her weight. "What are yo—San." She breathed and he offered her a small smile. "Why didn't you ask for help, babo?" He said, lightly hitting her head with his. She scrunched her nose. "I'm fine."

He rolled his eyes, scoffing as he slowly started walking down the hallway with her. "Hardly. Your knee is the size of a watermelon." She frowned, looking down. "I've been avoiding looking at it." He let out a light chuckle. "C'mon. Seonghwa-hyung tried to hide the bag of ice. Let's go put it on it." She nodded, letting him lead the way and pretty much drag her there.

Her heart was beating erratically in her chest and she couldn't bring herself to look at San, let alone glance at him. They hadn't been this close since they broke up—physically. This is the most they had spoken to each other in a month. She was missing him terribly, not just as her lover, but as her friend. She bit her lip, trying to ward off the lump she felt in her throat.

"We're here." He said as he pushed the door open. Nari exhaled in relief as he put her down on a chair and pulled another one up. He gently lifted her leg, trying not to move it too much as he placed it on the other chair and gently placed the ice bag over it. "Where is everyone else?" San shrugged, pulling up another chair and sitting down close to her. "Probably getting some food. I can leave if you're uncomfortable."

He went to stand but Nari quickly reached her hand out, grabbing his wrist. "No! I mean—no. You can stay. I'm not uncomfortable." He smiled weakly and nodded, sitting back down. She bit her cheek at how awkward it was right now, but she didn't know what to say to break the ice. She had many things she wanted to say, but it wasn't the right time or setting for those things.

"I feel like a part of me is missing." She clapped her hands over her mouth, staring wide eyed at San who was also, clearly, surprised. She really hadn't meant to say that out loud. It was a thought she'd had in her head for a while now, but she never thought she'd speak it. At least, not to San. "W-what do you m-mean?" He stuttered out, gulping. She sighed, hanging her head down and running her hands across it.

"I miss you. Not just as my—well, you know. But I miss you as my friend. I feel like a part of me is missing and I can't fix this. And God, San, if I could fix this I desperately would. But I can't and I'm going crazy." She pulled one of her buns out of her head, needing to mask the trembling in her hands. San was quiet for a moment, but hesitantly reached over and laced their fingers together. Nari let him.

"I—I know what you mean, love. I do. I'm sorry I haven't been a good friend lately. It just—hurts. To see you. And I've been really trying to work on myself and love myself so, I've been a little closed off. To everyone." She squeezed his hand, missing the way it seemed like they just fit perfectly together. "Can we go back? To being friends? And let the other stuff happen whenever it does?" She asked, nervous for his answer.

He smiled, giving her hand a gently squeeze. He was staring adoringly at her and she could feel her cheeks heat up as she averted her gaze to their hands. "I'd really like that, Nar. Trust me. But it might be awkward at first, ya know? But we'll work on—I'll work on it." She nodded, a smirk coming to her lips as she looked back at him. "I know something that might make it less awkward. Sort of." She winked and San raised a brow, finally relaxing back into his seat with an easy smile on his face. "What's that?"

"Go get me ice cream and feed me because I'm in pain and you love me." He looked at her, clearly annoyed by her statement before standing up and grumbling to himself. "Make it chocolate, please! With lots of sprinkles!" She sing-songed and he rolled his eyes, making his way to the studios cafeteria. "Well, took her no time into going back to old ways." He muttered to himself.

He did get chocolate ice cream, with lots of sprinkles.

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