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An unexpected person invites Nari for the holidays

The Chuseok holiday was right around the corner and Nari was busy planning out what she was going to be doing. Shen had already said goodbye to the other members. They had all went on their way to see their families for a few days before promotions picked back up.

Nari was used to spending holidays alone. Sure, more times than not, one of the members would take her home with them because they didn't want her to be alone. However, Nari hadn't been invited this time around. She wasn't upset or hurt by it. She knew having an extra mouth to feed along with family members coming from out of town was rough.

She was usually able to keep herself occupied. She was currently laying in her bed, waiting for Harin to respond if they could plan something. She was the only person she knew that wouldn't be going to see their family. Harin had responded a few moments later but she was going to Soobin's for the holiday.

Nari sighed, mentally making a note of k-dramas she needed to catch up on the next few days and some chores she could do around the dorm. She was perfectly content with lounging in sweatpants for the next few days and ignoring her diet for some greasy take-out food. Their manager wouldn't mind.

There was a light knock at the door and Nari peeked her head up, furrowing her brows when she saw Yeosang casually leaning in the doorway. "I thought you were leaving?" She asked, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed. "Soon. What are you going to be doing here all alone?"

She shrugged, "Watch TV. Do some cleaning. Stay in my sweatpants and eat junk food." Yeosang snorted and rolled his eyes. "Sounds like the perfect things to do on your time off." She hopped onto the wooden floor and shrugged again. "It's not like I have any family to go to. And Harin-ah is going with Soobin to his family. I don't mind, really. It doesn't bother me anymore like it did when I was younger."

Yeosang chewed his bottom lip. He hated when she said things like that. That she was used to being alone or that it didn't bother her anymore that she didn't have blood family. Nari always told the boys they were her family and in moments like these, Yeosang knew just how true that rang for her. They truly were all she had.

She brushed past him, ruffling his hair. He scowled and she giggled, rolling her eyes playfully. "So sensitive," she teased. The perfect start to this alone time was coffee and lots of it. Seonghwa wasn't here to limit her daily caffeine intake. Yeosang followed behind her and shook his head as she reached for a mug.

"Haven't you already had like four today?" She clicked her tongue, grabbing the half-filled pot and pouring it into the ceramic. "This makes six."

"Kim Nari! That's too much!" She frowned at him and took a long, loud sip, glaring at him over the edge of the mug. "When are you leaving again? I don't need two Seonghwa's in my life." He narrowed his eyes and sighed again. "Well I can't leave until you're ready!" She cocked an eyebrow, confused.

"Ready for what? I'm already ready for my time alone!" She held her arms out, looking down to her sweatpants and one of San's shirts she had confiscated from his closet. Yeosang smirked and crossed his arms over his chest. "If that's how you want to see my mom, be my guest. Though I thought you liked to dress up for her." Nari still looked confused and Yeosang ran his hand over his face.

"Go change and pack a bag, babo! Youi really think I'm going to just leave you here alone?! My dad is almost here so, you have like ten minutes." Nari's mouth formed an 'o' shape and then a large smile spread across her face. "I'll be ready in five!" She sprinted her way out of the kitchen and to her room, not before stopping to place wet kiss on his cheek. Of course, true to Yeosang's fashion, he gagged and wiped it away.

True to her word, Nari was changed and barreling towards the door with a suitcase in tow behind her. Thankfully, Yeosang was able to jump out of the way just before she crashed into him. She abruptly stopped, slipping her shoes on. She looked over at Yeosang who was glaring at her. She huffed and blew her hair out of her face. "What now? You're always so grumpy."

Yeosang rolled his eyes and grabbed her suitcase. "This is why you're only allowed one cup of coffee a day."

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