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ATEEZ are heading off for their world tour

Nari smiled behind her mask, though she didn't know why. It wasn't like the cameras were going to pick up if she wasn't smiling. She still smiled and waved though as she patiently waited for everyone to tumble out of the cars, squinting her eyes at the bright flashes. She wished they'd hurry—it was cold.

She was excited and nervous. Excited because they were finally going to be able to ATINY that lived in other countries. Also because they could finally travel. She was only nervous because there were a lot of fans at the airport despite the time and she hated flying. She wished teleportation would be invented already.

Finally, everyone was out and when their manager deemed enough pictures had been taken, they were being hurried towards the entrance of the airport by the staff. They had body guards and airport staff helping them move along as best as they could, but the fans were relentless.

Despite it not being the best time to be a group this large, Nari didn't like the way the path in front of them all seemed to get narrower and narrower. Then the bumping and jostling started, the random phones being shoved in her face as she walked by. She adjusted her hat to cover her face more, keeping her eyes on the ground so she wouldn't trip.

In front of her was Jongho and behind her was Yunho. They were both just standing on either side of her but as the path became narrower, they had moved into a single file line. She took in a deep breath, reaching her hand out to grab Jongho's backpack. The younger boy briefly looked over his shoulder and slowed down so she could keep up.

He reached his hand behind him, giving her free one a quick squeeze while he lead them through the crowd to the ticket gate. Yunho must have noticed her hands start to shake or Jongho slow down because she felt his hand lightly at the bottom of her back. She reached her free hand behind her and Yunho grabbed it firmly.

"Almost there," he murmured in her ear. She squeezed his hand as a thanks and kept her eyes on the ground. Yunho didn't lie, once they had reached the line for the ticket counter, the crowd was held back and it was easier to breath. Nari let go of Jongho's backpack but kept her hand in Yunho's. He didn't try to pull away.

Jongho stood right next to her on the other side. The two boys were her safe place right now and they had no qualms about doing that for her. Hongjoong came up, breathing a little hard and scanning around. "Where's Wooyoung?" He asked, not spotting the boy anywhere. Nari started to panic a little. What if he had fallen in the crowd? What if he was hurt?

"I'm here, hyung!" He chirped happily, stepping up behind Nari. She let out a sigh of relief. "I needed the restroom."

"You couldn't wait until we were past security?" Seonghwa mumbled and Wooyoung only shrugged with a wink. "When you gotta go, you gotta go. Not my fault." Hongjoong ushered them to get their passports and tickets checked and then their manager rushed them through the security checkpoints.

Finally away from the crowd of fans, Nari felt like she could let go of Yunho's hand. The boy frowned to tease her and she giggled, linking her fingers back with his. "My hand is cold anyways," she said and Yunho beamed at her. Once they sat down to wait to board their flight, Nari slumped into the seat and rested her head on San's shoulder.

"You okay?" He asked and she hummed in response. "Am now. Just sleepy." He didn't respond and then Nari sat up suddenly, eyeing them all. "What's wrong?" Hongjoong asked. "I need to know who I'm sitting by."

"We agreed it would be a surprise," Mingi whined out. "I need to know if I'm going to enjoy this flight or want to jump off of it," she compromised. "Fine, fine. On three everyone hold out their tickets and see who you're next too." Everyone did as Hongjoong said and Nari groaned.

"In between Wooyoung and Yeosang?!" She slid down in her seat, hat dropping lower on her face. "I'm definitely going to want to jump off." The two boys mocked offense at her words then were whispering between themselves and Nari knew it was just them planning on how to make this the worst plan ride of her life.

"Can you switch with me?" She turned to San and gave him her best puppy dog eyes. He only laughed and fixed her hat. "Not a chance, no matter how cute you act." She groaned again and Yunho chuckled, holding out his plane ticket. "I'll switch."

"Really?!" Nari sat up and went to reach for his ticket but he quickly pulled it back and laughed. "Five seconds to slow, now you're stuck where you are." She groaned as he teased her. "I literally hate you all."

"Until we get to the states, then you'll love us again," San said, patting her knee.

That's what you think, she thought.

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