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Hongjoong accompanies Nari to her lessons with Byeol

"If you want me to keep it a secret then I want to come," Hongjoong insisted. Nari groaned. He had been bugging her all morning to go with her today. She was supposed to be meeting Byeol again to learn more acrobatics. "Joong, this is my thing. Why do you have to come?"

"Moral support! And if you get hurt I'm already there." She rolled her eyes again. "I've been going for weeks now and haven't gotten hurt." Hongjoong crossed his arms over his chest, a small pout on his face. "Please let me come! I promise I won't bother you or distract you." Nari sighed, giving in. "I really think you're just using me for my new friends."

Hongjoong chuckled, ruffling her hair. "That's just a plus. I'm going to support you. But mainly for your new friends." She glared at him as he laughed, running off to change. They were both on the bus heading to the practice room. "I can't believe she can rent out a whole room." Hongjoong said and Nari chuckled.

"It's what happens when you're seasoned, oppa. You get rich." She winked as Hongjoong seemed to deliberate that in his head. "You think we'll ever get that good? You know, where we make tons of money." Nari leaned her head on his shoulder, smiling. "As long as you stay our leader, I'm certain of it."

They arrived at their destination, Nari walking in and greeting the lady at the front like they were old friends. Hongjoong bowed politely, offering a small smile. "They won't sell our information, Joong. Relax." Nari teased and he lightly pushed her. She snorted as she pushed open the door to their regular room.

Her eyes widened a little when she saw Mark there, already stretching but no sign of Byeol. "Mark! Hi!" She said cheerily and he offered a smile and a wave. "Hey! I hope it's fine that it's just me today. Byeol had to take care of some stuff." Nari nodded. "Is she alright?"

She saw Mark's face falter just a little before it was replaced with his warm smile. "She will be, yeah. Just the stress of our career, ya know? Who's this?" He nodded his head behind her shoulder and she turned around, almost doubling over in laughter at the starstruck look on Hongjoong's face.

"This is my leader, Hongjoong. Joong, this is Mark. Him and Jackson sometimes come to help too." Hongjoong bowed politely, offering a quiet hello and Mark bowed back. "Nice to meet you! I'm glad she told someone. I was worried she'd get hurt one day and then you'd have our heads." Hongjoong laughed, shaking his head.

"She decided to do some tumbling during one of our Vlives and I had to ask. Thanks for keeping her sane so far." Mark offered him a high five, claiming it wasn't as easy and that he didn't know how Hongjoong could control her. Nari rolled her eyes as they bonded over teasing her and stretched out. "You learning today, to?" Mark asked Hongjoong.

He furiously shook his head. "Not at all. Just here for support. And to take her home. I don't think I'll ever be that flexible." Mark laughed turning to Nari. "Ready, buttercup?" Hongjoong raised an eyebrow as Nari giggled and blushed a little. He cleared his throat. "I'll just—go sit over there." He walked to the corner, sitting down and keeping his eyes trained on the pair.

He watched in awe as Mark started flipping backwards with no support and barely a running start. He was grateful that he was able to thoroughly explain what to do to Nari, taking the role of teacher very seriously. At least if he wasn't here he knew she was in good hands.

"I'll spot you the first few times, just to be safe." Mark winked and Nari let out a little laugh, moving towards him. He held his arm out and Nari readied herself, jumping back. She closed her eyes as she hadn't jumped enough but Mark's arms wrapped around her waist, catching her before she could hit the floor. Hongjoong narrowed his eyes. Maybe she was in too good of hands.

"That was an okay start, but you really gotta push up. Especially if you're doing it without a running start. Try it again. I won't let you fall so, don't worry about that." Nari smiled, nodding her head and Hongjoong couldn't help but smile a little. The determination she always had in her eyes when she wanted to learn something was always something he admired.

The first few times were a little wobbly; she made it over but with the help of Mark's hands guiding her and keeping her from falling. Hongjoong had to bite his cheek to refrain from saying anything. He knew he was just helping, but any hands on her besides their's, especially another boy's was not something he took lightly too.

He was drawn out of calming himself down when he heard Nari cheer loudly. "I did it!" She jumped up on Mark's back, and he caught her under her legs, laughing as he skipped around in celebration. "That was great! Now try it without me helping." She jumped down and readied herself again. "You got this, Nar!" Hongjoong cheered and she winked at him before doing the backwards flip and landing almost perfectly.

"That was really good! Practice makes perfect. Byeol will be surprised when you see her next week. But we have a schedule so I gotta go. You did great though." Mark beamed, he was really proud of her. She thanked him, giving him a tight hug which he returned and Hongjoong didn't miss the way his cheeks turned rosy. "It was nice to meet you!" Mark said as he waved over his shoulder and Hongjoong just nodded, offering him a smile.

"Let's go, oppa." Nari said, grabbing her bag. Hongjoong noticed the slight limp and frowned, wrapping his arm around her waist. "Knee?" He asked and she nodded slightly. "It's getting better. I can go a lot longer now before it starts to hurt." He hummed, tightening his hold. "I'll buy your favorite ice cream and you can ice it when we get home." He kissed her temple and she smiled. "Sounds lovely."

As they sat on the bus, Nari laid her head on his shoulder again, pulling her mask up higher. "Thanks for coming today. It was nice to have you there." She murmured and Hongjoong smiled. "I'd love to go again. It was really cool to watch. But. . ." Nari picked her head up, raising a brow. "But?"

Hongjoong let out a sigh, rubbing the back of his neck. "Is he always that touchy?" Nari rolled her eyes, scoffing and laying her head back down.

"I'm not even going to entertain that question."

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