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Jongho and Nari fluff

"Noona! C'mon! It's not going to be open forever!" Nari scoffed at Jongho as she peeked her head out of her room. She had been going to the gym with him for a few weeks now to work off some stress. Plus, she wanted to stay in shape and look healthy. It was great for working on her knee as well. However, she was sadly disappointed to find out that Jongho wasn't the ideal gym buddy.

He was nice and showed her how to work the machines, but he tended to forget that she didn't want to get ripped, she just wanted some light workouts to keep her toned and in shape. Jongho however turned into the hulk when they were at the gym. He tended to push her a little more than she wanted to or complain when she didn't do the same amount of reps. Or constantly trying to increase the weights.

"Don't get your panties in a twist, I'm coming now!" She said, sticking out her tongue and he rolled his eyes, crossing his arms mumbling something about how she was lucky she was older than him and a girl. She narrowed her eyes as she came down the hallway. "Girl or not, I'd still kick your ass." He chuckled, nodding and patting the top of her head. "Sure, noona. Whatever you say."

They made their way to the gym and Nari went off in her own little corner, hoping to be unnoticed by their maknae with unnatural strength. She groaned as she saw him drop his bag next to hers. "C'mon. We're going to do arms and legs today." He went over to a machine and she sighed, tying her hair up. "Sounds like a blast." She muttered, making her way to the machine next to him.

"Jong, can we remember that I am a girl with an injury?" She batted her eyelashes and flashed him a sweet smile. He only scoffed at her, shaking his head. "What happened to girls are stronger than boys? And plus, your injury is your knee, not your shoulder. Now, let's go." She groaned and started the work out, but went at her own pace. She didn't need to be exhausted, just enough to work up a sweat and feel a little burn.

"C'mon, noona. I'm on my second rep and you're barely done with the first." She shrugged, only moving slower. "I'm pacing myself, Jong. I don't want to sweat too much. What if there's photographers when we leave? I can't look puffy and sweaty for pictures." He only rolled his eyes, giving up and walking away to continue on his own. It's how it usually went; Nari would annoy him enough to make him give up and leave and she'd continue on her own, doing what she wanted. She'd only learnt to start annoying him quicker now.

"I feel wonderful!" Nari said, spreading her arms and rolling her neck. They had finished and after a quick shower to make sure she didn't stink, her and Jongho were headed back to the dorm. "Because you barely did anything. You sat there and ate cookies while curling a 10 pound weight." Jongho chided and she smacked his arm. "I needed a break!" He only let out a sarcastic laugh and she scrunched her nose.

"Wanna take a detour with me?" She asked suddenly and Jongho raised an eyebrow. "Sure. But, where?" She only nodded for him to follow her and he did, curious to see where they were going. They walked to the train station and Nari sat down, patiently waiting for it to arrive. Jongho sat next to her, even more confused. "When you said detour I didn't know we were going over all of Korea." She rolled her eyes.

"You're so dramatic, we're just going to Daegu." He chuckled, shaking his head and moving closer to her. He knew she got distracted easily and he wasn't the tallest. The last thing he needed to do was call Hongjoong and tell him he lost Nari at the damn train station. "Did you tell Hongjoong about this? Or manager?" She shook her head, patting his leg. "It wouldn't be a detour if I told anyone now, right? C'mon! Trains here!"

They rode the train for about two hours before Nari stepped off. Jongho stretched his limbs and grabbed on to her bag before she took off. "You do not get lost, understand? I am not telling any of the hyung's that I lost you on an impromptu trip." She giggled and linked their arms together. "I guess just this one time I can stay close." She winked and he smiled, tightening the hold he had on her arm, not believing for a second that she wouldn't just bolt.

He was surprised when she walked through an entrance to a cemetery. He suddenly became nervous and faltered in his movements, causing Nari to jerk back. She looked over her shoulder, confused as to why his feet were all of sudden becoming anchors. "W-why are we here?" He stuttered out. Nari smiled, pulling him forward, gently. "To use the ouija board in my backpack and talk to demons." She deadpanned and he narrowed his eyes at her. "Har, har." She started walking again. "To meet my parents, babo."

She said it naturally, with no hint of hesitance and it caused Jongho to hesitate. He stopped again, pulling back. "D=don't you want San or m=maybe Hongjoong or Seonghwa to m-meet them first?" He didn't understand why he was so nervous to meet people that couldn't judge him. But Nari had always been closed off about her parents, never really liked to talk about them. But right now, she was ready to bring Jongho to meet them, to their graves. "I want all of you to meet them eventually, but you're here with me now so, you get first dibs!"

She pulled him forward to the graves of her parents. She knelt down, brushing some dirt of the tombstones and smiling. "Eomma, appa, this is Jongho. He's the maknae of my group that I told you about last time. Be nice, he's shy for some reason." She stood up and linked her arm again with Jongho's. "Meet my parents! Sorry, they can't say much. But they're great listeners." He looked down at the tombstones and tightened his arm around hers. He knew how much this had to break her heart.

"I'm gonna take a breather for a minute—I'm fine, promise. We should get going though. We'll be back late." She walked away and Jongho gave her space, feeling awkward standing in the middle of a cemetery. However, he found himself kneeling down and offering her parents a prayer. He sat there for a minute until he heard a twig snap behind him and Nari appeared. "Thanks for coming, Jong. It means a lot to me." She said quietly and he smiled, giving her hand a squeeze and standing up.

"Thank you for bringing me. It was actually nice—in an odd way." She let out a small laugh and linked their arms together again. "C'mon, we'll stop at my favorite ice cream shop before we head back." He nodded, letting her lead the way. He turned back towards her parents graves, offering a promise in his head before turning back around and listening to Nari ramble on about her childhood she spent in Daegu.

I promise we'll keep her happy.

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