NTCOM: Yunho

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Nari takes care of Yunho

Nari loved her boys, more than anything. She appreciated everything they do for her and does whatever she can to repay them for it. Hongjoong was always there to scold the others for teasing her too much and always showing her how she was just as much a part of their family as anyone else. Seonghwa made sure to always see a smile on her face, even when there were tears pouring down her face. Yunho never failed to make her laugh, even when he was feeling down. Mingi was always there to cuddle her when she was feeling lonely and make sure she didn't isolate herself when she wasn't feeling okay mentally. San, loves her like no other, and is always there for her no matter what, having her back and supporting her. Wooyoung is always making sure she feels beautiful, even if he has to tell her that a million times a day. Yeosang, even though they argued far too much for anyone's liking, was always by her side when she was feeling hurt and wouldn't leave it until she was feeling better. Jongho was always there to help Nari when he felt like she was being picked on or treated unfairly; she may be his noona but he is in no way, shape or form going to let her feel like she is less than amazing.

Nari needed them to know that she was there for them just as much as they were for her. She didn't care what time of day it was, where it was or who it was; she was always going to have their back. They welcomed her into their family, their group, their friendship and she would raise all hell to anyone who tried to rip them apart. Just like they were the first people to defend her, she would be the first to defend them, even if that meant she had to get physical. Sure, debuting was her dream, her goal to become one of the best rappers in the world, but keeping her family together, letting them know they were never alone is her life goal. It didn't matter if a year from now they had to disband, it didn't matter if 20 years from now they were too old to keep going; she had made it her ultimate life goal to never leave their side and always be a constant in their life.

Yunho had seemed down lately. He wasn't his usual, cheery, bubbly self. Sure, he would still play part of mood-maker and do things to make Nari and the others laugh, but she noticed that he had been hiding himself away more. When they would do interviews or performances, he would stay near the back or position himself behind someone else. While it was hard to hide himself given how tall he is, he still always seemed to make sure he was as inconspicuous as possible. When Nari or Hongjoong would encourage him to answer a question during interviews, he always found a way to deflect it to another member. When they did Vlives, he was always off to the side; still in the frame but not bringing much attention to himself at let others take the limelight.

Nari was quite sick of it, to be honest. She missed her loud and fun member. She missed messing around with him during interviews, jumping on his back while waiting to go on stage and playing around on stage. She was fed up and was not going to allow Yunho to hide from the limelight that he so much deserved. She stomped towards the practice room, ignoring the looks from other employees walking down the hallway. She reached the room, not bothering to knock and slammed the door open, eyes narrowed at a dancing Yunho. He jumped slightly at the sound, looking over with wide eyes at a clearly annoyed Nari. He immediately ran up to her, grabbing her chin and looking in her dark eyes. "What happened? What's wrong?" She jerked her head out of his gentle grasp and felt a pain of guilt as hurt crossed his face but pushed it away. "You. You're what's wrong."

He raised an eyebrow and cocked his head to the side. "I'm sorry, I'm not following." He said, now narrowing his eyes at her. He was in no mood to deal with her temper tantrum over something he didn't do. "You're hiding." She said simply and Yunho was clearly still not understanding. "I'm right here so I don't know what you mean by hiding." He sighed, turning away from her and going to replay the music. His patience was wearing thin. "I don't have time for your temper tantrum." Nari huffed, stomping up behind him and taking his phone, shoving it in her pocket. "You're hiding yourself from the world." She said and Yunho shot his eyes to her, starting to know what she was getting at. "Exactly. And I'm tired of it. I want my Yunho back. My oppa." She said, crossing her arms.

Yunho sighed, leaning against the stack of mats on the wall and running a hand over his tired face. "I'm sorry, Nar. I'll do better." He said quietly and she scoffed, stomping her foot. "Don't give me that empty sorry." Yunho snapped his gaze to her, becoming increasingly annoyed at her attitude. Nari was doing it on purpose, knowing the only way he was going to actually listen to her and take her seriously was if she was stern. "Kim Nari. Watch how you talk to me." He said, voice laced with annoyance. She didn't care and she wasn't letting up. "Tell me why." He sighed again, groaning and sliding down to the floor. Nari followed him with her eyes, but didn't let up on her attitude, tapping her foot impatiently. He sighed again, patting the floor next to him for her to sit and she did, scooting closer.

"I was just browsing stuff about us on the internet," he said and Nari sighed, knowing where this was going. Everyone had seen it lately; websites, news sites, even some ATINY, ranking members on their popularity. She wasn't too high up on the totem pole either, but she knew Yunho and Jongho were the bottom two. "I don't care about being the most popular member. But I just saw a lot of people saying that it was because I'm annoying and too loud and in their face." Nari softened her features, grabbing Yunho's hand and intertwining their fingers. She squeezed a little, causing him to look at her with sad eyes. Her heart broke a little. "I don't care what the world says. I don't care what your mom says. I like you the way you are; loudness and all. It makes me happy and cheerful. And no one else in the group is like that so, I am alone. I need my puppy back." She said, patting the top of his head with her free hand. He chuckled, playing with her fingers and softly bumping his head on hers. "I'm telling my mom you don't care what she says," he teased with a bright smile and Nari jumped up with wide eyes. "NO! I didn't mean that!"

Yunho laughed, standing up and looking down at her. "I know, pabo. Don't worry." She smiled, jumping on his back and he caught her, barely. "How many times have I told you that you need to tell me or I'm going to drop you." He feigned annoyance, but Nari could see the big smile on his face. They went home and Yunho was almost back to his normal self and she could see the worry that the others were holding leave their face as they fondly welcomed back their Yunho in their own ways. Nari snuck away to her room, turning on Vlive and made a broadcast.

When Yunho woke up the next morning, his phone was flooded with notifications from ATINY's everywhere about how much they adored him and his playful, puppy side. He smiled brightly at the numerous fans that called him their bias and hoped that he would never change. He wondered to himself what brought this influx of positivity and when he saw a notification that there was a new video on Vlive, his eyes widened as Nari's face popped up on the already ended broadcast, scolding ATINY about their words and rankings and how they should love and support all 9 of them equally or they could leave the fandom.

He got up, walking quickly to Nari's shared room with Hongjoong and Seonghwa and opened the door. He smiled at the younger hunched over on the desk, phone still open on the Vlive app, peacefully sleeping. He smiled, gently picking her up and placing her in Hongjoong's bunk. "Mm, oppa?" She said sleepily and he chuckled. "Go to sleep, dove. We don't have to leave yet." She hummed in response, snuggling deeper under the comforter. Yunho tucked a stray hair behind her ear and softly kissed her temple. "I know you always wanted a puppy, and I'm here to be the substitute.  I'm here to stay, I won't run away again."  Nari laughed lightly, half asleep.  "Good.  Or else I'll have get you a leash and I don't think tabloids are going to take that lightly if I'm walking around with you all collared up."  He laughed, loudly.  "I love you, Kim Nari."

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