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ATEEZ meets Oneus

A/N: This is request from Tumblr.  I've been ill the past few days and have been writing to keep my occupied.  Requests are open; please send requests to keep me sane while I'm confined to my bedroom.  Also follow me on Tumblr!

Nari was excitedly waiting to meet Oneus. They were to appear on Weekly Idol with them in a few moments and the producer wanted them to at least introduce themselves beforehand. Her leg was bouncing up and down as she sat as patiently as she could while she waited. Jongho sat next to her, placing his hand on her knee to stop the bouncing. "Noona, you're making me anxious just looking at you." Nari snorted, pushing his hand off and resuming her bouncing. "I'm just excited to meet new people. All I have are you 8 and it gets boring."

"Yah! You don't mean that." Mingi said, frowning. Nari giggled, shrugging her shoulders. After what seemed like ages, their manager finally came to get them to go meet Oneus. They walked to the set, Nari flinging her braids back and forth. Finally, 6 people came into view. Hongjoong went and introduced himself, leading the others to do the same. Nari walked up, introducing herself to all the members. She noticed one of them, Ravn, was staring at her intently. She offered her hand and he took it, his large one wrapping around her small one. "Hello! I'm Kim Nari. Nice to meet you." She flashed a bright smile and didn't miss the faint blush that arose on his cheeks.

"I'm Ravn." He said quietly with a shy smile. Nari took the time to take in his brown eyes and how perfectly his black hair fell across his face. She admired his toned body, her handshake lingering a little too long. "What's your real name?" She winked and he blushed again. "Kim Y-Youngjo." Nari giggled at his nervousness before San came out of no where and started talking with him. She didn't miss the sharp look in his eyes and how San's smile didn't really reach his eyes. She rolled her eyes, skipping back towards the others, ready to get the episode started.

Finally, the show started. Nari giggled at how everyone introduced themselves and then came her turn. She stepped forward, a big smile on her face. "I'm ATEEZ's lily, Nari!" She cupped her hands and placed her chin in them. The boys laughed and San noticed how Ravn's eyes were eyeing Nari's up and down. He kept the smile on his face but moved closer to Nari, hiding her small frame the boys wandering eyes. They played a few games and Nari was excited when the dancing portion came. She was cheering on Seonghwa who seemed to know every single song.

Nari jumped up in excitement when EXO's Love Shot came on. She ran up to the front, starting to dance the movements. Wooyoung joined her and ATEEZ cheered them on. She didn't notice Ravn had come up beside her with Hwanwoong beside him. She was so absorbed into the performance she didn't notice when Ravn's brown orbs would quickly glance at her, blushing slightly. Seonghwa and San noticed, Seonghwa jumping up and running up to Nari and pulling her back before San had a chance to move his big toe. "You're too young to dance to this kind of song, Nar." He said. She pouted, scrunching up her nose. "Oppa! It's part of the game." The hosts laughed and Ravn blushed again slightly, going back to his seat. San and Hongjoong couldn't help but to narrow their eyes at the Oneus member.

Finally, it came to the last segment of the show. "Our only issue is there is 9 of you and only 6 of them." The host said, gesturing to both groups. "Someone will need to join Oneus for this to make it as fair as possible." Ravn raised his hand, "we can take Nari. She seems the most motivated." Nari happily skipped over, flinging her braids behind her shoulders. She stood right next to Ravn, linking her arms with his. "I'm Kim Nari of Oneus! Thank you for giving me this opportunity." The members of Oneus laughed along with her, Ravn's cheeks a furious shade of red. Seonghwa, San and Hongjoong had their eyes narrowed.

Wooyoung was smirking at Nari, knowing that she was too dense to realize the little crush that Ravn had developed on her. He also found it highly amusing to see his three members flustered and not being able to stop it. Especially San. He walked up, wrapping an arm around San's shoulders. "We need to revise the chant!" He yelled and Yunho laughed, stepping up. "8 makes one team!" They all shouted. "Yah!" Nari yelled, narrowing her eyes. Oneus laughed, coming together to do their revised introduction. San was ready to rip Nari away from them but Wooyoung tightened his grip. "Calm down, it's just a show." He whispered and San plastered the fakest smile he could.

As both teams started throwing to break their ball, Nari crouched down, laughing. "Please don't hit me!" Seonghwa almost lunged when Ravn towered over her, protecting her. Hongjoong was doing his best to remain professional, but never let his eyes leave the pair. When ATEEZ finally broke theirs, Nari ran over, jumping on to Yunho's back. "YAY ATEEZ!" She yelled and Yunho ran around with her on his back. Filming ended and both groups were mingling and eating snacks provided by the station. Ravn came up to Nari, a small smile on his face. "You're really good at variety shows, ya know?" He said, averting his gaze to the floor. Nari smiled briefly at his obvious nervousness. "I just think they're fun! It's nice to do different things besides just dance and rap. Plus, I'm made for variety shows. Look at this face!" She pointed at her cheeks with a bright smile.

Ravnn laughed, moving a little closer. "I'd say you're a 10/10." He winked which caused Nari to blush, feeling flustered. She wasn't used to people openly flirting with her and she didn't know how to respond. She fiddled with the hem of her tank top, feeling a little nervous but smiled shyly, meeting his brown orbs. "Thank you!" She flipped one of her braids over her shoulder. "We should exchange numbers, you know, if you'd ever want to get dinner or coffee or something." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, looking up to meet Nari's golden brown eyes. Nari's eyes went wide a little, but she nodded and smiled, agreeing. They exchanged numbers before she felt someone wrap their arms around her, resting their chin on her shoulder.

"It's time to go, Nar. We have to go practice." She smiled and melted into Hongjoong's touch. She felt comfortable there. Hongjoong glared at Ravn, who refused to meet his eyes. "It was nice meeting you, again. Hopefully we can find the time for coffee!" Nari said happily and Ravn smiled, nodding. "Hopefully. We're pretty busy the next few weeks." Hongjoong said, narrowing his eyes and lips pressing into a thin line. Nari didn't miss how his grip tightened slightly around her. She twisted around, "let's go, oppa!" She bounced away and Seonghwa was immediately at her side, linking his arm with hers.

They walked out to the car, piling in. "I don't think you should hang out with him." Seonghwa said, nonchalantly. Nari quirked an eyebrow. "Who?"


"And why not?" She crossed her arms.

"He's too old, Nari."

"Not by much, oppa. I'm free to hang out with whoever I want. Besides, he was just being nice." San snorted on her other side and she turned to glare at him. "What was that for?" She asked and San rolled his eyes, not taking them off his phone. "You're so clueless, I swear." He muttered and Nari hit his arm. "Yah! That hurt!" He rubbed his arm, glaring at Nari. Yunho and Wooyoung were trying to suppress their laughter from the back of the car. "I am not clueless!" San rolled his eyes again. "He totally has a crush on you. I don't think his eyes looked at anything else besides you the minute you stepped out." Nari shrugged.

"I'm hot, I wouldn't look away from me either." Seonghwa piped in. "Kim Nari! God you're so shameless." He pinched the bridge of his nose and she turned around, sticking her tongue out. "One day I'm going to meet someone and start dating and none of you can do a thing about it!" She turned back around, pouting as Yunho and Wooyoung could no longer keep their laughter in. Yeosang, who was trying to sleep spoke up. "Yeah, San won't let that happen." San almost leaped over the seat to strangle him. "What do you-"

"NOTHING!" San and Hongjoong yelled at the same time. Now, Yunho, Mingi and Wooyoung were practically dying of laughter. Seonghwa patted Nari's head. "Nari, baby. You're too young to ever date. Just stay with us, you don't need anyone else." She rolled her eyes, sinking down into her seat. "I'm never going to live a normal life if I stay with you all." She muttered.

Hongjoong smiled, pecking her temple. "You're just realizing that after over a year?"

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