Lovers Quarrel

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San and Nari have a small fight

"Thank you, ATINY! We'll hope to meet you soon!" ATEEZ had just finished up their online concert. Nari had added in a small flip that she had been learning the past few weeks, with Hongjoong's permission. The boys were all shocked.

"That was amazing! I didn't know you could do that!" Yunho said as they walked back to change. Nari shrugged, playing it off. "There's lots of things you don't know about me," she winked and Yunho chuckled, wrapping his arm around her shoulder.

"Where did you learn that?" Wooyoung asked. Nari chuckled. She was happy that she was able to surprise everyone. "Byeol's been teaching me." Yeosang and Jongho looked at her with wide eyes. "Byeol? From GOT7?" She nodded, not seeing the big deal and Yeosang snorted.

"I'm surprised she'd want to be friends with you. You're quite irritating." She rolled her eyes, smacking the back of his head as he laughed. "Mark-sunbae and Jackson-sunbae have been helping too." She said and she missed the way San narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Both of them were helping you?" He asked, sitting down next to her and helping her take out her braids. She leaned into his touch. They'd been so busy lately that her and San had barely gotten any alone time. Not that they really ever got alone time normally, but they hadn't had the opportunity to just cuddle on the couch or get food together.

She nodded, patting his knee. "Yep. Mark's been teaching me as of late. Byeol's been busy." San narrowed his eyes. "Just you and him?" He asked, trying not to sound jealous but Wooyoung smirked, knowing better. Nari didn't catch on. "Yeah. The past week and half it's just been me and him."


San stopped playing with her hair and she sat up, looking at him with a raised brow. "What's wrong?" Before San could answer her phone dinged and she looked at it, laughing at whatever message it was. "I wanna know what's so funny!" Mingi said, leaning over her shoulder. He laughed too.

"He seems funny. You're so lucky you get to hang out with them." San raised a brow and Nari showed him the message. Mark had texted her some lame joke about her flip. "You have his number?" She frowned at his lack of enthusiasm, setting her phone back down.

"Well, yeah. In case he can't make it one day or something." San hummed, staring at her phone. "What's wrong with you?" She asked and he shrugged, shaking his head. "It's nothing. But if he's not there, you don't go?" She nodded.

"For right now at least. Byeol hasn't been able to come help lately so, if he's not there there's no one to teach me." San grunted again, standing up and going to grab the makeup wipes. "Could you grab me some too, San-ie?" Nari asked. "You have two legs."

She narrowed her eyes at his tone of voice. How he just went from being content and happy to what seemed like to her pissed off right now, she didn't know. "Excuse me?" He shrugged, wiping his face with the cloth. "You have two legs. You can grab your own." She stood up, stomping over and grabbing a wipe.

"Awh! The first lovers quarrel," Yeosang teased but immediately shut up when San glared at him. "San-ah," Wooyoung slung his arm across his shoulders. "Don't be jealous. She's learning cool new things! Maybe you can ask if they can teach us?" Wooyoung looked to Nari, hoping that he could alleviate the building tension.

"I can ask. I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. At least not with Mark. San seems to have a stick up his ass about it though." She snorted and Wooyoung groaned. That didn't go as he planned. San slipped out from Wooyoung's hold, glaring at her. "I don't have a stick up my ass."

Nari snorted, continuing to wipe the makeup off her face, not bothering to spare him a glance. If he wanted to be mean, she was going to be too. "Could've fooled me." Wooyoung looked over to Seonghwa and Hongjoong as they walked back from changing and Seonghwa immediately noticed the look of helplessness on his face.

"What's wrong?" He asked, stepping beside San. Nari turned around, crossing her arms and sitting down in the chair. "San's being an ass." Seonghwa narrowed his eyes. "Nari-ah. Don't say that." She shrugged, looking indifferent but her anger was budding and it was only a matter of time before she blew up.

"Nari's been training with Mark. From GOT7. On her own. And he has her number. They talk." San said, still glaring at his girlfriend who was returning it with just as much intensity. "Well, they're friends, San-ah. She can have friends." San didn't say anything and Nari stuck her tongue out.

"He's right, oppa," she spit out the last word and San clenched his jaw. "I can have friends. You're friends with other idols. Why can't I be?" San shoved his hands in his pockets. "You seem to have a lot of friends. Especially as of late." She stood up, cheeks heating up in anger before Hongjoong stepped in.

"That's enough of this. We're not doing this here." Nari snorted, walking back to change out of her stage outfit. "There's nothing to do. Tell San to calm down." San growled, Seonghwa and Wooyoung both standing in front of him. "Why don't you just run off to Mark then since you're such good friends?"

He was seething in anger and Nari turned around, looking him dead in the eye. If he wanted to act like a child, fine. But she was not going to let him stand there and berate her friendships or make her feel bad for being social. "Maybe. I. Fucking. Will."

She stormed off to change and San didn't even bother, storming out of the green room with Yunho hot on his heels. Wooyoung sighed, slumping down in the chair. "They're both like a volcano. They just blow up." Yeosang snorted. "That's the understatement of the year."

Hongjoong pinched the bridge of his nose, already feeling exhausted and Seonghwa patted his shoulder. "Just let them cool off. They'll be fine in no time. Don't worry too much." Hongjoong sighed, clapping his hands. "Everyone go get changed. It's time to go." Everyone listened for once, surprisingly without argument.

"Manager-nim," Hongjoong said, turning to their manager and he looked up. "Can you order us some food? We're going to have a lovely family dinner tonight."

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