Here We Go Again

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Hongjoong is less than amused

San held his breath as they waited for the door open. Then he raised an eyebrow, looking at Nari and confused. "Isn't this your room too?" She nodded, not looking at him and just staring at the white wooden door that had yet to be opened. "Then why are you, uhm, knocking?" He asked.

Nari blinked a few times, her mouth forming a little 'o' shape. "That's. . .that's a great question." She knew why. She didn't want to talk to Hongjoong about this. The first time he was very adamant that Nari was just using San. That they're relationship would tear the group apart or she would hurt him.

It hadn't destroyed the group per say. Had it caused a lot of drama and maybe some tension? Nari could admit that yes, it did. It wasn't butterflies and rainbows and there was probably a lot more fighting than the good times. The members probably didn't like hearing the other things they would do too when they had thought everyone was asleep. Now, they just didn't care who heard.

Nari was determined that this time was going to be different and she truly believed that San was going to make it different too. They were going to communicate more. They were going to actually talk like human beings when one of them made the other mad instead of throwing heated glares and snapping petty comments to one another. They were going to try.

Would Hongjoong see it that way? Probably not at first. The two knew that. He wouldn't believe it or support it until he saw proof that they were both actually trying. Both also knew that they didn't want to keep secrets this time around and just get it out in the open so everyone knew and was aware. Plus, trying to hide it from people you literally see almost everyday for all hours of the day got exhausting and quick.

"Then let's just go in." San stepped forward and opened the bedroom door, almost hitting Hongjoong in the face. Apparently he had heard Nari knocking over the noise of his headphones. He had stepped back just in time, thankfully, and glared at San. "Choi San, that better not have been an attempt to break my nose." He was teasing, partially.

San shook his head and sighed. They were already getting off on the wrong foot. Why did it feel like he was meeting her dad or something? Nari stepped in, clearing her throat. "Joong, Hongjoong oppa, Joong-ie oppa," she sing-songed and Hongjoong clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes narrowing. He looked back and forth between the two and then sighed, turning around and sitting back on his computer chair. "What do you two want?"

Nari gave him a sweet smile and sat down on the bed and San joined her. San felt oddly nervous for some reason and he wasn't sure why. Hongjoong definitely wasn't her dad but right now it felt like that's what this was. He was about to ask her figurative dad for permission to date her, again. He licked his lips as Hongjoong tapped his foot impatiently.

Hongjoong wasn't stupid or dumb. He knew the two had been hooking up and they weren't exactly secretive about it. Everyone knew, most of them had heard and only one had accidentally witnessed it. Hongjoong knew it would only be a matter of time before they were back in each other's arms. He had just hoped it would've been a lot later. He loved them both dearly, they were his family, his children. But they both still had a lot of growing up to do.

"We just wanted to tell you that we are—uhm—dating again?" Nari said, fiddling with her fingers and looking at her feet. "Why did that sounds like a question?" Hongjoong said. He knew they were both nervous that he would act how he did the first time, but he knew beforehand this time and he knew something like this was going to happen again. He wasn't caught off guard like he was before. He was prepared this time which meant he could tease them.

San looked at Nari out of the corner of his eye. "Why was it a question? Are we not dating?" Nari looked at him and narrowed her eyes. She took a deep breath and looked back at Hongjoong. "We are dating again. And we wanted to let you know." Hongjoong raised his eyebrows and turned back to his laptop. "I already knew that." Nari's eyes went big and San ran his fingers nervously through his hair.

"Y-you did?" San stuttered and Hongjoong let a small smirk fall upon his face. He swiveled back around in the chair to face the two. "You haven't exactly hidden it well. Or been quiet about it." He couldn't help but laugh as the two's cheeks heated a faint red. "I—we—sorry, hyung." San said quietly, averting his gaze to the floor. Hongjoong only shook his head and smiled, crossing his arms.

"I'm alright with it, but in all seriousness, I need to know that what happened last time won't happen again." He was serious and if it was going to just be the same—the two of them at each other's throats, Nari leaving, San holing away in his room, he couldn't let them date again. Not because he wanted to keep them apart, but he needed to do what was best for the team and what was best for his family. He didn't like seeing any of them hurt, physically or emotionally.

San nodded his head. "We talked and we're both going to try. To communicate more and act like adults and not teenagers in love." Hongjoong nodded in approval. "Then okay. But I need to see it to believe it." Nari smiled and nodded her head once. "We understand and we won't let you down, leader-nim!" She stood up at saluted him and he laughed, turning back to his computer.

As the two got up to leave, he called over his shoulder. "Ah, Nari and San?" They stopped and turned around, waiting expectantly. Things were going well right now and they didn't want to make him annoyed so they waited like diligent children for what he had to say.

"Next time put a sock on the door handle or something. I don't think Yunho wants to see you both naked again."

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