Reactions: When Nari Panics

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Hongjoong: He is just as frantic and panicky as Nari is. He has never experienced a panic attack himself or with anyone else he is close with, so he is completely clueless as how to help. He will quickly try and look up how to help someone in a panic attack on the internet but would be so worried he wouldn't be able to really register the words in his head. He will do his best to stay calm and help Nari control her breathing, but he won't be much for skin ship in this situation as he isn't sure if it would make it worse or not. He won't leave her side until she is back to normal.

Seonghwa: He would be by her side in an instant. He would place her ear on his chest and have her concentrate on his chest and listen to his calm heart rate. He would breathe as well and have her mimic him when she can. He would run his fingers through her hair, softly reminding her that she's okay and it will pass soon. He'll gently sing songs into her ear which always helps to calm her down. He is very patient and gentle with her, never leaving her side until she is able to breath normally and stand up.

Yunho: He would become upset when he sees Nari panicking. He loves to make her laugh or smile so he would sit on the floor across from her and make silly faces and tickle her. He would do random dances and tell bad jokes until she either joins in or is clutching her sides from laughing so hard and can't remember why she was panicking in the first place. His sole mission is to cheer her up and calm her down by any means necessary.

Yeosang: As awkward as when she cries. He is not used to seeing Nari so upset, let alone in such a bad state she can barely control her own breathing. He is more likely to call Seonghwa or San over to help calm her down rather than doing it himself because he has no clue what to do. However, he will bring her water and cold towels to help in any way he can. He'll make sure that she knows he won't ever abandoned her or judge her for being in that state.

San: He knows to stay calm and collected and he can freak out later about it. He'll be similar to Seonghwa; wrapping Nari in his arms and having her listen to his calm, steady breaths and mimic them. He'll also sing her songs softly and maybe throw in some aegyo when she's feeling a little better just to make her smile. He'll kiss her forehead and coach her through the attack; making sure she knows how great she's doing and how proud he is of her for getting through it.

Mingi: Being the main mood maker for everyone, he is the first to start acting crazy just to cheer up. Of course, he'll be in her face, wiping tears and pinching her cheeks. He does his best to try and distract her from how she's feeling in hopes that it will help the panic subside. While him just being crazy and touchy doesn't normally work, Nari is extremely grateful that he does his best to help the best way he knows how.

Wooyoung: Wooyoung will not stand for his noona feeling any type of way besides happy. When she's panicking, he is another one that will slightly panic with her. He is not an expert in how to help and if none of his hyung's are around to help at the moment, he'll sit right next to her and grab her hand. He'll rub small circles in her palm or on the back of her hand to help calm her down and let her know that she is not alone in this moment.

Jongho: Another awkward bean in this type of situation. Like when she's upset, Jongho will be more focused on trying to figure out the cause of her panic and get rid of it (if it's physical) before actually attempting to comfort her. He is completely and utterly clueless in how to comfort her. He'll sit down next to her and awkwardly sling his arm around her shoulders. He is not the best at hiding his panic and worry so he does his best to make sure one of his hyung's is there to help while he just sits there so she knows he is there.

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