Leader For A Reason

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Nari tells Hongjoong just how much the attention she's getting bothers her

Nari took a deep breath as she knocked on the studio door. She figured going to her leader about what she had overheard the other day was a smart choice. He would know what to do and while he would be pissed, he would still be able to think logical before going after anyone with flaming torches and pitchforks.

"Why'd you knock? You never knock," Hongjoong said as he opened the door. Nari only shrugged. "Maybe I wanted to be considerate today," she said as she stepped passed him into the dimly lit room. She squinted her eyes as they adjusted to the limited light. "How do you work in here? It's so damn dark. Damn vampire," she muttered under breath the last part but Hongjoong still heard. "Yah," he glared.

She sat down and sighed and Hongjoong sat down in his chair. Nari only ever knocked on anyone's door when she need to have a serious conversation. "Wanna tell me what's been up since yesterday?" He asked and she glanced at him. He only smiled, crossing his arms and leaning back in his chair. "I'm leader for a reason. I notice things." She rolled her eyes hating how true that was. It was like he had eight pairs of eyes. One for each of them.

"Promise not to get mad?" Hongjoong was already mad now. "Don't tell me you're pregnant. Oh, god. You are pregnant aren't you?! Didn't we talk to you two about this?! What are we going to tell the company?! I'm not ready to be an uncle yet!" Nari stood up and slapped her hand over his mouth. "While I appreciate that you think I would let you be an uncle to my figurative unborn child, I am not pregnant."

Hongjoong glared at her. "I'll be the favorite uncle," he mumbled and Nari shook her head at him. They were way off topic here. "Just promise, okay?" Hongjoong shook his head. "I can't promise. I get mad easily." She rolled her eyes but she knew he'd be mad even if he promised he wouldn't be. "Fine, fine."

"Yesterday, when I went to the bathroom. . .I overheard some of the staff. Talking. About me. In a not nice way but not not a nice way?" She said and Hongjoong narrowed his eyes, already clenching and unclenching his jaw. "A little more context if you would," he said and Nari sighed. She told him what she had heard and about her reading the not so nice comments on the social forums.

Hongjoong was more than livid. He wanted nothing more than to go back to the station and rip the tongues out of the staff who had the audacity to talk about any female like that. However, getting an assault charge was out of the question at the moment. They still had Kingdom to participate on.

"Did you tell manager about this?" He asked and Nari shook her head, chewing on her bottom lip. "I was just going to ignore. I know it'll go away eventually. But, it hurts? I'm sorry. I'm probably just being dramatic." She stood up and told him she was sorry for bothering him and went to leave. Hongjoong caught her wrist before she could walk out. "You're not bothering me," he said, bringing her back to the couch.

"You're also not being dramatic. It's not okay for anyone—male or female—to say that about someone. You don't have to apologize for having feelings, Nar. You're human, not a robot. Anyone overhearing that about them would be rightfully upset. I'm just surprised you didn't punch them yourself."

She chuckled a little at that. "Didn't want to bring more attention than necessary." Hongjoong hummed, racking his brain for the proper steps for them to take. The first start was talking to their manager and the company. The company could talk with the TV station and get the two males kicked out. As for the hate online, while the company could sue for defamination, the hate was still going to come. But it would be a start.

"I wouldn't have been at that," he said and Nari smiled at him, shaking her head. "Is that why you asked to use Yunho's coat instead of your own?" She nodded, chewing on her bottom lip again. "Stop that, it's gross," Hongjoong said while scrunching his nose up. Nari stopped and went to picking her nails. Hongjoong grabbed her hands in his. "Stop that too. The sound makes me cringe."

She only stared at him and he smiled at her. "I'm sorry this is happening, Nar. I wish there was more I could offer to help. All I can say right now is that we need to go talk to manager and the company. They can handle it after that. But we're here, okay?" She nodded, standing up and pulling him up with her. "Can we talk to them now before my brain convinces me I'm being dramatic and I don't want to anymore?"

"Yah," Hongjoong grabbed her by the shoulders and turned her around, "you're not being dramatic. Not in the slightest. And I would tell you." She chuckled at him, linking their arms together and letting him lead the search to find their manager. He would tell her. "Thank you," she said as they walked towards the elevator. Hongjoong only smiled, nudging her a little with his elbow.

"I said I was the leader for a reason."

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