Reactions: Nari In A Scandal

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ATEEZ reactions to Nari having a scandal

A/N: requested by @hastagllCosmogyral; I hope this is what you were looking for!

Hongjoong: Hoongjoong would struggle between his wanting to support Nari and bet here for her and also needing to support and maintain ATEEZ's image. Depending on the scandal, he would do his best to damage control the situation. He wouldn't hesitate to bring it to Nari's attention and would talk with her about it. There would be a lot of scolding, exactly like when her and Yunho had their dating scandal before she was announced as an official member. However, he would not take kindly to anyone slandering Nari's name and he would make sure that their company shuts down any slew of negativity about them and especially her. He would only speak to her about it once, scold her a little and then work together with her on how to address it.

Seonghwa: Seonghwa would also struggle between he groups image and Nari's but ultimately, he would choose Nari. He knows that Hongjoong can handle the negative press about the group and work with he company and he'd rather him do that than try to seesaw between the group and a member. He would comfort her if it upset her and help her to come up with a game plan as how to handle it. He would constantly be reassuring her that she doesn't need to worry, they'll handle it and that they all love her no matter what. He would personally shut down any negative comments about her, not afraid to tell off a so-called fan or reporter.

Yunho: A scandal involving any of his members is when you would see him the most serious he's ever been. Gone is the happy, loveable, retriever puppy that fans know so well. I feel like he would be the one to scold Nari the most but only for the sole fact that he is trying to understand how she could have let it happen and why she wasn't more careful. This does not mean he wouldn't bet her for her and comfort her if she needed it; he's had his fair share of negative comments directed towards him so, he knows how much it can get to someone. However, he would need a few days to really take in all the information before being able to properly help her and support her.

Yeosang: Yeosang would be angry. Mostly at the fact that people could spin words and lies so much that it had come to a scandal involving his member. He would also be angry at Nari for not being more careful or watching her actions. He wouldn't be one to really comfort her; he'd be more likely to tell her how this can affect her and the group's career and lives. He would do his best to help Hongjoong with damage control, but he still wouldn't be take kindly to seeing negative comments or articles slandering Nari's name. He would personally report comments and articles that were pure hatred towards her without anyone knowing. He wouldn't love her any less, but he will lecture her on proper attitude and behaviors when she's in public to prevent something like this from happening again. It's his own way of being there for her.

San: San would be more disappointed than angry. Sometimes he gets so blinded by his adoration for Nari that he forgets she's human too. He wouldn't care what the other members think, what the company thinks or what fans think. He would be by her side through the whole thing, holding her hand when she needs it, telling someone off when necessary (including other members) and just being a comfort for her when it all gets to be too much. He'd make sure she was never left alone for a second because he wasn't going to allow her to get in her head and tear herself down. He wouldn't talk to her about it until it had passed, and he was sure it wouldn't affect her as much. His main priority would be keeping her as happy and relaxed as possible until it blew over.

Mingi: Mingi wouldn't really know what to do; he'd be more upset that this could happen to any of them for any little thing. He would try not to focus on it too much and like San would do whatever he could to just keep Nari happy and relaxed throughout the whole thing. He would also try to keep it hidden from her as much as he could, not wanting it to upset her. If it was his choice, he wouldn't tell her about it at all and just do whatever he could to avoid her seeing it, but with Hongjoong as their leader, he knows that's impossible. Him and San would be the most comfort for Nari, always doing what he can to keep her smiling and not worrying about it. Secretly without her knowing he would be telling people off when they made nasty comments about her, friend or not.

Wooyoung: Wooyoung wouldn't worry about it too much. He knows that their company and Hongjoong would handle it. He doesn't read the articles or the comments, just going about their days as if it was any other day. He doesn't bring it up to Nari at all, only talking about it when she brings it up to him. Even then, he tends to shrug his shoulders and tell her to just let it roll off her back and not worry about it. He keeps things as normal as possible; his way of offering comfort for Nari. She loves that he can keep things normal and that she doesn't have to worry if he's whispering about it behind her back to the other members. If she's ever involved in a scandal, Wooyoung is the person she spends the most of her time with until it blows over simply because he acts like nothing has even happened.

Jongho: Like Wooyoung, he wouldn't worry too much; at least outwardly. Inside he would be a mess of anger and frustration. He knows there's not much he can do to help, allowing his hyung's to take over and handle the situation. He would do his best to comfort Nari in any way she needed, but he wouldn't really know what to do. Nari has always been strong and independent in his eyes and when he see's her vulnerable and almost broken, he doesn't know how he can help piece that back together. He'd be the first of the group to possibly actually hit someone for making a negative comment about her. She's his noona and no matter what she's done or hasn't done, he is not going to let some hater break her down.

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