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Nari comes home from the hospital and everyone is babying her

Nari pulled the mask up on her face higher and pulled the brim of Hongjoong's hat down lower. There was paparazzi everywhere by the entrance of the hospital and she groaned. She knew that KQ had already released a statement about her injury, but that didn't mean the first thing she wanted was pictures of her without a bath all over the internet. Yunho chuckled, quickly pushing her out the doors and too the van that was waiting. He helped her in and slid in next to her, closing the door. He reached over, buckling Nari's seatbelt for her. "My knee is broke, not the rest of me, oppa." She said quietly and Yunho smiled, pulling the hat off her head and ruffling her hair. "It's okay to let us take care of you sometimes, ya know?" Nari shrugged her shoulders, glaring at Yunho and putting the hat back on. "By the way, you need a bath. I can cook burgers with how greasy your hair is." Nari glared at him, hitting him in the arm.

When they arrived back at the dorm, Wooyoung and Jongho were waiting outside. They helped her into her wheelchair and Jongho happily pushed her. When they entered the dorm the rest of ATEEZ shouted a little surprise and Nari smiled. It wasn't much, but they had a little banner and a few balloons that said welcome home. "I got you cheesecake, 'cause I know you don't like regular cake." Seonghwa said and Nari smiled. "Can someone get me the crutches?" San handed them to her and Jongho moved around to help her up. She leaned on him while she adjusted herself and hobbled her way to the couch, sitting down. "Put your knee up, Nar." Hongjoong said, grabbing a pillow and propping her leg on it. She nodded in thanks. Mingi brought her a piece of the cheesecake and attempted to feed it to her but she smacked his hand away.

"Can we please make it known now that my knee is broken, not the rest of me? I can feed myself on my own, thank you very much." She snatched the plate out of Mingi's hand and ignored the fork, just picking it up with her hand and eating. "You're an animal, Kim Nari." He said, getting up to get his own piece. Nari and Mingi and Yunho cuddled on the couch, both boys being extremely careful about her leg, watching TV. Yeosang joined them towards the end of the show they were watching and sat down, laying Nari's head on his lap. "How're you feeling?" He asked and Nari raised her eyebrow, not taking her eyes off the screen. "You're actually worried about me?" She teased, "public service announcement everyone! Yeosang-oppa is not a robot. He has feelings!" Mingi and Yunho snickered as Yeosang pinched her cheek. "Yah!" She swatted his hand away and glared at him. "Seriously." He said and Nari sighed.

"I'm fine, oppa. Really. It hurts a little, but not too bad. The doctor gave me pain meds if it gets bad, I just have to go pick up the prescription." Her eyes went back to the TV screen and Yeosang sighed in content, running his fingers through her knotted hair. "I'm already on it, don't worry." Hongjoong said, throwing his coat on and walking out the door. Nari smiled, grateful for that help. She really didn't want to hobble her way to the store on crutches even though she knew none of the boys would ever let her. "I hate to ruin this wonderful bonding time, but Nari, you stink. And I could use the grease in your hair as hand lotion. You need a bath." Yeosang said, and Nari stuck her tongue out at him but moved to get up. She swung her leg over and winced a little, grabbing her crutches. "Do you need help?" Yunho asked but wasn't really paying attention, entrapped by the show on the TV. Nari smiled, not bothering to answer and made her way to the bathroom.

Jongho had followed her in, worried she might snag her crutch on the floor. "Do you need help, noona?' He asked quietly and Nari groaned. She loved her boys, immensely, but she was not on her death bed and hated being catered too. She turned around; eyes narrowed. "I think I can manage going to the bathroom on my own, Jong." Her tone was harsher than she intended, and she instantly felt guilty when a flash of hurt crossed Jongho's face. "Excuse me for trying to help. It's not like you're broken or in pain or anything." Before Nari could say anything Jongho stormed out of the bathroom, slamming the door shut behind him. Nari sighed, sinking on top of the toilet. She managed to get the bath filled and her clothes off, wrapping her robe. Her issue was she wasn't able to get in the bath without help.

She groaned. 'So much for needing to be independent." She hopped over to the door, cracking it open. "Jongho!" There was no response and Nari was prepared for that. "Jongho, please come here. Please." Nari was begging and she never begs. Jongho appeared a few seconds later, but his features tense. "What?" He snapped, stopping in front of her. Nari was far too exhausted for the younger's attitude, even though she knew she deserved it. She grabbed his arm, pulling him and slamming the door. "Noona! What the actual hell are you doing?!" He said, catching the counter to steady himself. "Language, Jong. I need help." She pointed to the tub and Jongho raised his eyebrows, crossing his arms and smirking. "You mean you can't go to the bathroom without help? Gee. What a coincidence." Nari narrowed her eyes. "Are you going to help me or not?" Jongho smirked. "I can't even get an apology for your unnecessary attitude a few minutes ago?"

Nari huffed, closing her eyes and then plastering a smile on her face. "Oh, my dear, Jongho. Please, please help me into the bath. I'm so sorry for yelling at you for your generosity." Jongho laughed, wrapping his arm around her. "I wish I would've recorded that." Nari smacked his shoulder, but he helped her into the tub. As he was leaving and Nari had settled under the bubbles, she called out "I'll need help getting out too when I'm done. Please." Jongho turned around in the doorway, smirking. "That'll cost you some cookies." Nari glared at him as he slammed the door again.

"None of these hooligans ever just want to help. They always want something." She settled into her bubbles, trying to figure a way out of the tub without cookie making being involved.

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