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ATEEZ officially meets BTS and Nari see's Seulki in a questionable position

Nari clapped and cheered, she loved award shows. It was nice to be able to meet other idol groups, especially ones that she was a fan of. They had just finished watching BTS perform and receive and award. Her and the rest of ATEEZ were ushered backstage to get ready for their performance. Nari had stepped out to use the restroom. She washed her hands and winked at herself in the mirror, "girl, there is no one hotter than you." She giggled, drying her hands off and started making her way back to get her outfit on.

What Nari didn't expect was to get lost. She had no idea how many hallways and turns they could fit into what seemed like a tiny building. She groaned after making another wrong turn, cursing herself for not bringing her phone. She wasn't paying attention, trying to find some kind of sign as to tell her where she was when she tripped over her own foot and in front of two other people. Nari groaned, rubbing her knees and looked up at the frozen pair. "Seulki sunbaenim? And, oh my god. Oh my god I'm so sorry!" She leapt up, bowing and apologizing profusely. She was not expected to catch her elder making out with Hyungwon in secret.

Her face flushed red as Seulki let out a heart laugh. "Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. We should've been more careful or ya know, control ourselves?" Hyungwon laughed nervously, kissing Seulki on the cheek and quickly making his way back to wherever he came from. Seulki reached and adjusted Nari's shirt. "Are your knees okay? You fell pretty hard." She offered a bright smile and Nari just nodded, unable to formulate words. She was a fan of BTS, who wasn't? But she really looked up to Seulki. Seulki was one of the reasons she felt that she could do what she does; being a female in an all boy group.

Not to mention she thought that Seulki was beautiful. And standing in front of her right now, even though her skin is flushed form embarrassment, Nari couldn't help but stare in amazement. Seulki waved her hand in front of her face, "are you okay? Do you need a doctor?" Nari shook her head, snapping out of her fangirling. "No, n-no. Sorry; I just look up to you so much and you're here. In front of me and ah - sorry. I'm fangirling a little." Nari covered her now beet red face and Seulki laughed. "Well, I'm Choi Seulki from BTS! And you are?" Nari uncovered her face and smiled, "Kim Nari, from ATEEZ."

"I've heard of you! I heard your group is really strong with their vocals and performance. I've watched a few videos. Come with me! You have to meet everyone else! Oh wait, you probably are about to perform. I'll bring everyone to you! C'mon!" Seulki grabbed Nari's hand, dragging her along. "I really enjoyed your performance, you're one of the reasons I joined ATEEZ. You proved that a female can do exactly what a male can when it comes to idol groups." Seulki smiled shyly, looking away. "I didn't really do anything. I just accepted and offer and now I have 7 children running me wild." Nari laughed, agreeing with her.

Seulki bid her goodbye for now, promising that she would make everyone stop by after ATEEZ performed. Nari happily jumped into their changing room and put on her outfit, the bright smile never leaving her face. "What has you so chipper?" Yunho asked, bumping his shoulder on hers. "I met Seulki!" She beamed and started clapping and jumping up and down. Yunho laughed and Wooyoung ran up to her. "Met her?! How?! Where?! I thought you were just going to the bathroom!" Nari laughed and Hongjoong calmed everyone down. "She said she's going to bring everyone to meet us after, so do good! Fighting!"

They performed better than they ever have, and Nari chalked that up to they were about to meet one of their favorite groups and one of the most successful internationally. All the boys and her looked up to BTS in different ways and aspired to be like them. After the performance, they were washing up in their room when a knock on their door came and in entered Seulki with the rest of BTS behind her. Nari jumped forward and Seulki ran towards her. "Nari! This is everyone, everyone Nari!" Seulki said, dragging her away and BTS rolled their eyes. BTS and ATEEZ introduced themselves since it seemed their female members were incapable of that. Everyone had fallen into comfortable conversation, and Nari was listening to Namjoon talk about their last concert overseas.

She felt someone tap her shoulder and turned around to find Seulki. "Nari can I borrow you for a moment?" Nari nodded, excusing herself and following the lavender haired girl to a quiet corner. "Is everything okay, sunbaenim?" Seulki nodded, waving her hand. "Please, just call me Seulki or S. I don't need formality." Nari nodded, happy that Seulki felt comfortable enough to allow her to drop the honorifics. Seulki bit her pink lip, looking at the floor and fiddling with her fingers. "I just want to ask that what you saw earlier, can you not tell anyone? We haven't even told our groups yet and we're not sure where it's going. We just want our privacy right now."

Nari nodded, smiling lightly. "What did I even see?" Seulki laughed and Wooyoung had come over and wrapped an arm around Nari's waist. "What did you see?" Seulki's face went red and she looked down, biting her lip. "Nothing, Wooyoung. Seulki was just asking if I had seen a certain coffee shop on our way here because she wanted to try it out; we heard it was good." Seulki looked up, shocked at how smoothly the little white lie flowed from Nari's mouth. "Yes, and I was wondering if Nari would like to accompany me there sometime soon?" Nari's eyes went big and she jumped up and down, clapping her hands.

"I'd love too!"

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