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Nari and Yeosang fluff

Nari and Yeosang peeked their heads around the corner of the hotel wall. "We're clear, let's go!" Nari and Yeosang quickly ran down the stairs and out the back door. She wasn't sure how she had roped Yeosang into her shenanigans, but she was happy he was coming with her.

"Hongjoong hyung and Seonghwa hyung are gonna be pissed," he muttered as he pulled his hood up. Nari scoffed and rolled her eyes, linking her arm with his and pulling him along. "You could have said no." He didn't say anything and the two made the short trip across the street to the beach.

It was late in the night and the fact that they hadn't told anyone they wanted to take a little rendezvous across the street at the ocean. It wasn't far and they weren't planning on walking around the streets of LA without a translator. Nari just couldn't sleep and had decided to slip out to clear her head.

It was only coincidence that Yeosang happened to be leaving Wooyoung's room. He wasn't about to let Nari go parading around town by herself, even if it was just across the street so, he went with her. Plus, he liked the beach.

The two took their shoes off as the sand met their toes and trudged closer to the water. Nari plopped down, taking in a deep breath and feeling the light sea breeze on her cheeks. Yeosang plopped down beside her and the two stared at the gently rolling waves in silence.

"So, what made you have the bright idea of sneaking out of the hotel to come sit and watch nothing?" He was teasing, but if he was being honest, he was also a little worried. Worried that maybe her nightmares had come back or that something had happened. She only shrugged and hugged her knees to her chest.

"I have to do my VLOG tomorrow and I have no idea what to do." Yeosang snorted and smiled a little. "Just do it with me. We can share. I don't know what to do either." Nari smiled at him and hummed in agreement. At least the two of them could just sit awkwardly in front of the camera instead of by herself.

"But that's not the reason you came out here," he murmured and she sighed, leaning her head against his shoulder. "How do you even know?" He chuckled and lightly smack her calf. "We've lived together for like four years now, Nar. I think I'd be insulted if I didn't know when something was wrong."

She shrugged again. "Nothing's really wrong, honest. I just couldn't sleep and wanted some fresh air. Traveling to other countries always messes up my sleep. Probably just nervous because I know absolutely nothing."

"You and the rest of us, dummy." She lightly bumped his shoulder and glared at him. "You know what I mean." They fell into a comfortable silence again before Yeosang spoke up. "Are the nightmares back? I know it gets a little worse when we're sort of close to your old stomping grounds."

She smiled gently at him and shook her head. "No nightmares, Yeo. Don't worry. I really just couldn't sleep. I felt a little stuffy and wanted to get out. That's all." He hummed in response and shuffled a little closer. It wasn't new to any of them that Nari would have days or nights where her head just wasn't as positive as it usually was.

Usually, she would do just what she's doing now—go for a walk and sit at the beach. Though Yeosang wasn't well-versed in cheering her up, he knew it was enough for him to just sit there with her silently. While the others would try to do things to distract her, Yeosang understood that sometimes you just needed to sit with it and work through it yourself.

He wouldn't let her do that alone though; unless she asked.

"I wish it was warmer at night so I could throw you in the water," she mumbled next to him, "YAH!" He shouted and she laughed, throwing her head back. "Kidding, sort of. I just like to mess with you."

"And I you but I wouldn't throw you in the water with your clothes on." She gave him a deadpanned look. "You have before." Yeosang only shrugged. "Well, you know, just gotta keep you on your toes."

Nari chuckled and laid her head back on his shoulder. "Thanks for sitting with me," she said quietly and Yeosang smiled gently, looping his arm through hers. "I think we get along best when we just sit." That caused a giggle from Nari as she shook her head. "Whatever you say, Yeo."

They sat there a few more minutes, just enjoying the outside air before Yeosang tugged her up to her feet. "I'm tired and it's cold and we are royally screwed if someone notices we disappeared." Nari kept their arms linked and started pulling him back towards the hotel.

"Okay Mr. Goody-Two=Shoes, let's go back and get some sleep before mom and dad wake up." He narrowed his eyes as she winked at him. They had just made it back to their floor and were about to round the corner towards their rooms when Nari stopped, her eyes going wide.

Standing in front of her door and Yeosang's door was Hongjoong and Seonghwa. Neither of the two looked exceptionally thrilled. "I am so blaming this all on you," Yeosang hissed in her ear. She glared at him. "Not a chance. You came willingly."

The two slowly made their way down the hall, the two older members shifting to glare at them as they timidly stepped closer to their rooms. "We are more than royally screwed," Yeosang hissed. Nari let out an uneasy smile. Yeosang was right.

They were about to be grounded for the rest of their lives.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2022 ⏰

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