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Nari is finally cleared to start performing again

Nari sat in the waiting room chair, bouncing her good knee up and down furiously. Seonghwa sighed, placing his hand on her knee and pressing down on it. "Stop before you break the other one, too." He said in a low voice and Nari scoffed. "I just need to know now." She said, pushing his hand off and standing up, getting ready to pace back and forth. Seonghwa groaned, grabbing her wrist and pulling her back down. "Just sit still, child. Jeez. He'll come out and let you know as soon as the x-ray comes back." Nari grumbled to herself, sinking down in her chair and crossing her arms over her chest. "What kind of idol are you? Sit up!" Seonghwa chided and Nari rolled her eyes but obeyed, nonetheless.

After what seemed like hours of waiting when in reality it was only a few minutes, Nari's doctor came out, calling her back. She practically leaped across the room from her chair and Seonghwa rolled his eyes. He placed his hand on the small of her back, silently pleading with her to just relax. He apologized to the doctor with a small smile for his members hyper activeness. They reached the room and Seonghwa practically had to force Nari to sit down. "Can I start dancing again? Today? Tomorrow? Anytime soon? What did the x-ray show? Can I see it?" Seonghwa slapped a hand over her mouth, narrowing his eyes. "Sorry, doctor, she's just getting cabin fever not being able to dance."

The doctor chuckled waving his hand. "It's fine. I'm sure she's eager to get back to working." Nari nodded her head and the doctor placed her x-rays on the light board. "You can officially start dancing again," Nari squealed in glee and Seonghwa shot her a glare which made her close her mouth right away. "Sorry," she said meekly. "But you still need to take it easy. It's going to be sore and you need to ice it every day after practice and after performances. It might swell because you haven't been able to use it for a while, but you have a clean bill of health." Nari jumped up, excitement taking over her body. "Oppa! Did you hear that?! I can dance and twirl and flip and jump-" the doctor cleared his throat, looking at her seriously.

"I'd advise to take it easy on the flipping portion. It's still tender and you don't want to cause more damage." Nari nodded, not really listening. She was too excited. She had been waiting for months to be able to dance on stage next to her boys again and to practice next to them instead of having to sit off to the side. She practically sprinted out of the doctor's office, Seonghwa quickly thanking the doctor and following behind her. Nari skipped down the sidewalk on the way back to the dorm. Badly singing some happy song to herself in English that Seonghwa couldn't quite understand. He was more worried by how much she was skipping.

"Nari, love. You need to calm down. You're going to break it all over again before we even get home." He said and Nari scoffed, the bright smile never leaving her face. "Oppa, just be happy that I'm all fixed now! I can dance again!" She twirled around, tripping over a dip in the sidewalk and Seonghwa immediately reached out, holding her steady. "You're really going to give me a heart attack one day soon, Kim Nari." She giggled, smiling even wider. When they reached the dorm, Seonghwa's anxiety finally went down. There was literally nothing she could do here that could damage her knee. Or so he hoped. "My brothers! My family! ATEEZ!" She yelled as they entered the dorm, and everyone made their way to out to see what all the yelling was about.

"Why's she so happy?" Yeosang asked. Nari smiled, throwing her leg out. "I can dance again! Doctors orders!" She said and Mingi and Yunho squealed with her. "It's about time! Oh my god. We need to start practicing right away and teach you the new choreographies and we-" Seonghwa clapped his hands together, cutting the boys off. "She still needs to take it easy. Nothing crazy." He said and Nari rolled her eyes. "Don't listen to him! I'm perfectly fine!" She said, doing a cartwheel. She didn't measure her distance though and tumbled into the side of the couch, muttering and oof as she fell to the ground. "Yah! Kim Nari!" Seonghwa and Hongjoong yelled in unison.

"I'm fine!" She sing-songed and the two males placed their hands on their chest to try and bring down their rapidly beating heart. "Keep it up, Nar and you're not only grounded but I'll make sure you have someone to carry you everywhere." Hongjoong said and she stuck her tongue out. "I promise to be careful. Scouts honor." Wooyoung laughed at the annoyed expressions on Hongjoong's and Seonghwa's faces. "At least I don't have to help you sneak out anymore," and groaned in pain as a smack was placed on the back of his head. He glared at San. "You shouldn't have helped her in the first place!" Nari rolled her eyes. "It was only once."

Nari was begging everyone and anyone to hurry up and finish getting ready so they could get to the practice room, racing Jongho their and losing miserably, but she was happy to be able to have full use of both her legs again. Now she was ready for their comeback and ready to show ATINY what she has been keeping inside of her and give the best stage she possibly could.

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