Leader For A Reason Pt. 2

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Hongjoong surprises Nari

"Maybe we shouldn't do this. I'm making a big deal out of nothing," Nari said, gripping Hongjoong's arm to keep him from opening the door to their manager. Hongjoong shook her off and shook his head. "You're not making a big deal. I already told you I would have told you." She let out a breath and nodded.

She hated having to bring on her issues to other people, especially the company. It wasn't that she didn't think the company wouldn't support her or have her back, but she didn't think this was a big enough deal for them to take seriously. She was feeling nervous as Hongjoong opened the door.

"Manager-nim!" He called out, making the man jump a little by the sudden intrusion. "Hongjoong, Nari! I didn't know you two were here today. It's supposed to be a day off. We're super busy the next few days."

"We need to talk about something," Hongjoong said, sitting down and pulling Nari to sit down with him. "That's what I'm here for. What's going on?" He stared at the two while Hongjoong stared at Nari. She gulped, "t-there's been some hate online. More than usual. And yesterday when we were at Mnet, a few employees made some comments."

The manager looked over to Hongjoong who sighed and went into more detail. "This needs to be addressed and handled and she isn't wearing that stage outfit anymore." Their manager cleared his throat, choosing his words carefully. "I understand your frustration. I'll talk to the company. But for the outfit, that's not really a decision you can make. It was chosen for the concept."

Hongjoong scoffed, crossing his arms. Nari could tell he was already seconds away from exploding. "It's fine, it's fine," she said, waving her hands, "just let us know what the company says." She went to stand up and leave but Hongjoong kept talking. "No, it's not fine." His voice was cold and hard.

"I don't care about the concept or whatever. She's not wearing it again. Find something else. Isn't that what the stylists are for?" Nari nudged him, trying to shut him up and make him leave. She knew this was a bad idea and should have never even said anything in the first place. "And quite frankly," Hongjoong stood up, a glare on his face.

"I care more about my members than the company. So, until we hear what actions their taking and see the new outfit, there is no schedules tomorrow." With that, he spun around and walked out, pushing Nari along with him. She was in shock a little bit. She never expected Hongjoong to say something like that. Especially threatening not to show up to schedules until the problem was dealt with.

"Why did you say that?!" She huffed and Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "Why wouldn't I?"

"You could get in trouble!" She yelled, more out of worry that she had just gotten him in trouble for being dramatic. He stopped and took a deep breath, turning to face her. "I meant it. I care more about you all than the company. You're my family. I'd do the same thing for any of the other members. You eight are my first priority."

Nari felt her eye burn slightly and Hongjoong cleared his throat and grabbed her hand. The tips of his ears were red. "I'm hungry. Let's go eat and I'm sure we'll have heard from manager by the time we're done." He pulled her along and she smiled at him. He wasn't overly affectionate or emotional like Wooyoung or San. It was rare moments when she would see him flustered by his own softness.

She squeezed his hand, falling into step with him. "Thank you," she murmured but didn't get a response. He only gave her hand a squeeze and paid for their lunch. He was right; by the time they had finished eating KQ had posted a statement about legal action for malicious comments and Nari's new stage outfit was ready by dinner time.

"I was kind of hoping we weren't going to have do the schedules tomorrow," Hongjoong said with a scowl and Nari laughed, slipping her shoes back on. "Very leader-like of you," she teased and he rolled his eyes, yawning. "I played leader earlier and it drained me. Now I'm tired and lazy." She shook her head at him with a smile, linking their arms together and starting the walk back to the dorm.

"I always knew we picked you as the leader for a reason," she said and Hongjoong hummed in response. "Of course, you did. Who'd be better than me?" Nari pretended to think about it before answering. "Jongho. He'd be leader and body guard. We'd never have to worry." Hongjoong glared at her as she giggled. "I'm going to remember that," he muttered.

She laughed, resting her head on his shoulder. "Wouldn't expect anything less from our leader."

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