The Trip

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Nari and Seonghwa get caught in a compromising position

A/N: Requested by @milliehatake; I hope you like it!

Seonghwa smirked as he watched Nari. Her glasses had slid down the bridge of her nose, practically falling off. Her pen scribbled mercilessly across the lined paper of her notebook. Her tongue stuck out of her mouth in concentration as her eyes wildly scanned over the written words. She shook her head, grumbling to herself and furiously scratching something out before replacing it with something else. Seonghwa chuckled quietly; Nari working and being in the zone was something that him and all the others member loved to watch.

She got lost in her own little world, completely oblivious to her surroundings. Seonghwa glanced at the clock briefly, calculating that Nari had been hard at work for at least the past 5 hours, but he knew she was probably up all night working. He walked over, stopping in front of her but she didn't even notice. He shook his head, a slight smirk playing on his face as he grabbed her notebook, pulling it out of her hands. "Yah!" She yelled, glaring up at him. "I need that back, oppa!" She said, reaching for her book. Seonghwa shook his head, holding it up so she couldn't reach it.

"It's time to take a break." He said simply and she rolled her eyes. "I don't need a break. C'mon! I'm almost done, I swear." He shook his head, placing the book behind his back. "We need to do some grocery shopping, let's go." She sighed, standing up and pushing her glasses up on her nose. He was probably right; a small break would hopefully reduce the number of scratch outs on her poor notebook. "Fine. But I'm going like this. I'm not changing." Seonghwa looked down at her pink hoodie and black leggings, her fluffy pink slippers snuggly fit to her feet. "Not even your shoes?" He asked and she sighed. "I guess I should change my shoes."

A few moments later they were walking down the street towards the store, Nari enjoying the sunlight. She linked her arm with Seonghwa's, sighing happily. "Told you some fresh air would do you good." She smirked, shaking her head. "Let's go! I have work to do!" She started skipping ahead, Seonghwa hurriedly rushing behind her. "Nar, your knee! Be care—" it was too late. She had stepped on a dip in the cement and felt herself falling forward. Seonghwa was quick, grabbing her and pulling her close. Nari laughed; it looked like a totally K-drama moment.

She was slightly dipped in Seonghwa's arms, his wrapped protectively around her and him gazing worriedly into her eyes. "Are you okay?! Why are you laughing?!" She laughed louder, Seonghwa standing her straight up and taking her hand. "Oh god, can you imagine if anyone got a picture of that?! The scandal." Seonghwa groaned, pinching the bridge of his nose and dragging her behind him. "I swear to god, Kim Nari. You manage to almost give me a heart attack every day you're alive." She giggled, jogging to his side so she didn't have to be dragged anymore.

They returned home an hour later, dumping the bags in the kitchen and putting them away. "Thanks for taking me with; I feel more refreshed." Nari said and Seonghwa smiled in response. Yeosang walked into the kitchen, a wide smirk on his face. "What?" Nari said and Yeosang smirked wider. "Hyung, I didn't know you were so great with the ladies." Seonghwa raised his eyebrow, "excuse me?" Yeosang chuckled, wiggling his eyebrows. "I guess it's not in our contract that it can't happen." Nari narrowed her eyes, crossing her arms. "What are you even talking about you preying mantis?" She said and Seonghwa rolled his eyes. "Don't start. We've had such a good day."

"PARK SEONGHWA!" Nari jumped at Hongjoong's voice, Seonghwa groaning and rubbing his temples. "What?" He snapped, narrowing his eyes at an angry Hongjoong. "You too!" He pointed towards Nari and her mouth fell open. "Why can't you stay out of a dating scandal for more than a week!?" He snapped, tossing his phone on the counter and Nari and Seonghwa looked at the picture. Nari burst into laughter, clutching her stomach. "I told you that if someone got a picture it'd be great!" She was wiping tears away as Seonghwa looked on in horror. "This isn't true! Me and Nari?! She's like my child! She only tripped! Are people really this stupid?!" Nari laughed harder and Hongjoong groaned. "Manager is coming over to talk about this. I swear, we can't just have a peaceful day."

"This isn't funny, Nari-ah." Seonghwa said but Nari laughed harder. "This is golden, oppa!" Seonghwa groaned, not wanting to take part in her antics anymore. "I'm going to wait for manager." He said going to walk out of the kitchen before San ran through, slamming into him. The both fell to the floor with an 'oof' and San glared daggers at Seonghwa. "Hyung! SHE'S JUST A CHILD! HOW COULD YOU?!" Seonghwa groaned, laying back against the cool floor. "I don't have the energy for this today." Nari continued to laugh, clutching the counter for support. "Nari-ah!" She looked up at San, tears in her eyes from laughing and snorted at an angry looking San.

"Why don't you ever get in a dating rumor with me?!" He whined and Nari let out her laughter again. "Don't worry, San-ie. I'm making my way around. Slow and steady wins the race." She winked and San blushed. "This still isn't okay." Nari laughed, hearing their manager walk in and started to move towards the living room. "Don't worry, San." She said, ruffling his hair. "You'Remy favorite dirty secret. Don't get your panties in a twist." San pouted, crossing his arms but his face was beet red. "I'm not getting panties in a twist." He mumbled and Nari chuckled, pulling Seonghwa up.

"C'mon, lover, manager needs to know all the details of our forever love." She winked, skipping out of the kitchen and too the living room. Seonghwa groaned and San rolled his eyes.

"Forever love my ass. I'm the favorite secret."

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