Practice Injuries

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Nari and Wooyoung have a collision

Nari bent over, hands on her knees and breathing heavily. They'd been practicing for hours now and she was starting to get tired. She figured she must be coming down with a cold or something, usually she never gets this exhausted. The scar on her stomach was aching and she lightly brushed her hand over it. "That was great! We'll practice a few more times then go home and eat!" Hongjoong said. Nari looked up at him and smiled. This was all for him, today.

They were dancing to the song he wrote for them; the song he produced for them. She admired him so much for how hard he worked on this for the group and how hard he was working right now to make it perfect. She wiped the sweat off her head, getting back into position. The music started and her body automatically started moving. Her and Wooyoung were placed next to each other for most of the choreography. She loved it, getting to body roll and move her hips. It was the perfect concept for her.

As they were moving positions, Wooyoung and Nari collided into each other with a smack and both fell to the ground, groaning. The scar on Nari's stomach was burning evening more, practically stinging. She groaned, placing her arms over her stomach. "Yah! Nari and Wooyoung!" Yunho yelled, running over between the two. He couldn't help but laugh. "How did you even manage to do that?!" Mingi was now joining in on the laughter as was everyone else. Wooyoung groaned, sitting up with the help of Yeosang. "I don't know, we just turned and BAM. My knee went right into her and her hand went right into my face." He swiveled his jaw and Yeosang laughed. "You're probably gonna have a bruise. Your cheek is all red."

Wooyoung looked in the mirrored wall and groaned, laying back down. "Noona!" He groaned. Nari laughed a little, but still hadn't sat up. "Get up, loser." San said, coming to help her up. "This is what happened when you two get way to into the sexy concept." He rolled his eyes as Nari giggled, grabbing his hand and being lifted. "Calm down, oppa. It was just a little bu-" as soon as she stood up, she fell to her knees, clutching her stomach. "Nari! What's wrong?!" Seonghwa said, running over and leaning down next to her. He noticed a red spot forming on her white t-shirt.

He laid her down and gently pulled her shirt up. She heard 8 different gasps and groaned. "Did it open again?" She asked, closing her eyes. "What do you mean again?!" Wooyoung yelled, coming to sit by her head. "How did my knee even do that?! It's not a knife!" He felt terrible; all they did was bump each other! "Calm down, Wooyoung." Nari said, grabbing his hand and squeezing gently. "I'm fine. Sometimes the scar opens up when I move around too much. I don't know why; I just need a band aid and I'll be fine." Everyone was staring at her in shock. "What? Have you never seen blood before?" She asked, sitting up and pushing herself to her feet. "I'll get it myself!" She skipped towards the door.

Wooyoung jumped up, following right behind her. "Nari! Are you crazy?! Sit down before it gets worse! I'll get it." She stuck her tongue out at him but sat down anyways. Wooyoung disappeared and returned a few minutes later, band aids and gauze in hand. "I literally just need a band aid. I am not dying." She rolled her eyes and Wooyoung glared at her along with Hongjoong. "Shut up. Lemme take care of you. I caused it anyways." She groaned, laying back on the ground. "You did not, Wooyoung! It just happens every so often. I'm literally fine." Hongjoong appeared in her field of site.

"That's not normal. You need to get it looked at." She rolled her eyes. "I already did! It just happens, the doctor said there was nothing to worry about." Hongjoong crossed his arms but sighed in defeat. "Are you sure you're okay?" He asked and Nari smiled wide and nodded. "Promise!" Wooyoung finished dressing her wound and she hopped up. "One more time?" She asked and Yunho started laughing again, throwing an arm around her and rubbing her head. "Yah! Stop, oppa! You'll mess it up!" He laughed, turning them to face the mirrored wall. "You already did that when you had a car accident with Wooyoung." He teased her, rubbing her again and she jumped on his back.

Hongjoong sighed again, pinching the bridge of his nose. "LET'S GO! PUT HER DOWN AND LET'S PRACTICE! CHILDREN!" Nari giggled, sliding off Yunho's back and returning to her starting position, sending a wink to Hongjoong who just rolled his eyes and started the music. "Hey! Wooyoung!" She whispered to the younger as they started dancing. "Hmm?" He said, looking at her from the side. "Don't ever get your license. You obviously don't know how to stay in your own lane."

"Yah! Kim Nari!" Wooyoung said, forgetting they were practicing and tackled her to the ground. She laughed, rolling around and still teasing him. Hongjoong sighed, slumping to the floor. "What am I going to do with these kids?" Seonghwa sat down next to him and laughed, "I think it's time to call it a day; before they really hurt each other." Hongjoong sighed but smiled looking at the two younger ones. "I guess so. Damn kids." He stood up and grabbed Wooyoung, throwing him off of Nari. "Get your stuff, let's go. You two are giving me a headache." Nari giggled, jumping up and ran to put her stuff in her bag.

They all walked outside, making the short trip back to their dorm. "Yunho, oppa!" Nari said, sprinting past Yeosang and Mingi. Yunho went to turn when he almost fell forward at the impact on his back. Thankfully, he wrapped his arms under her legs and lifted her a little. "Nari, one of these days I'm not going to catch you." She giggled, kissing his cheek. "You'll never let me fall." He sighed but agreed. Mingi and Yeosang ran up next to them, Yeosang hanging on for dear life to Mingi's neck. "Last one back has to pay for dinner!" Mingi yelled and took off sprinting.

"That's not fair!" Nari yelled and then squealed as Yunho started sprinting behind them. Hongjoong groaned, turning to Seonghwa. "How the hell am I supposed to tame them? They practiced for over 12 hours today and they still have all this energy!" Seonghwa laughed, watching how Wooyoung and San had now also joined the race. Jongho had sprinted ahead, claiming he is the only one who can judge fairly on who wins the race. "That's why you're the leader, Joongie. I don't have to deal with it." He clapped him on the back, arriving in the dorm and hearing the rest of the members all arguing. Hongjoong groaned again.

"Oppa! Tell them that we won! We came in first!" Nari yelled, looking at Hongjoong and glaring at San, Wooyoung and Jongho. "No way! Hyung we were first! Mingi tripped and we got the lead!" Wooyoung yelled. "You made me bleed!" Nari yelled and Wooyoung yelled back. Seonghwa laughed and looked at Hongjoong who looked ready to murder the entire room. "Oppa!"


Hongjoong sighed, then an evil glint appeared in his eyes. "I revoke my position as leader for the rest of the night. Seonghwa is your new leader until tomorrow. Goodnight!" He sprinted down the hallway, collapsing into his bunk. "Yah! Hongjoong!" He heard Seonghwa yell then 7 other voices started arguing again. He laughed. Sometimes being the leader was cool.

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