Falling Behind

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Nari is upset that ATEEZ didn't win rookie of they year and blames herself

Nari sighed, throwing her drink back and feeling the soothing burn of the alcohol down her throat. It warmed her whole body. Her and the boys were currently out; everyone celebrating their award show invite, even if they didn't win. However, Nari didn't feel much like celebrating. She was upset; she really thought they would win rookie of the year, but they didn't. She didn't understand how the rest of the members and staff could be so happy and carefree. Why wasn't anyone just as upset as she was?

She threw another drink back, her body starting to feel a little fuzzy. She knew she was drinking too much too fast and was well aware that she can in no way, shape or form handle her liquor. She didn't care at this moment though, she was upset and was so confused as why no one else at least seemed a little bummed out. She threw back another shot, feeling the burn on her throat and coughed a little, scrunching up her face. In her alcohol infused state, her brain started piecing together that they didn't win because of her.

She sat, there staring at her food and her thoughts racing. They didn't win because she was a girl, in an all boy group. She wasn't able to prove to everyone that she could keep up; that a girl could be placed in an all boy group and succeed. She was completely convinced at this moment in time that if she was never added to the group, her boys would have won. They would have a bright, shiny trophy sitting on the table and actually have something to celebrate. This caused her mind to turn to darker places and she stood up, abruptly, stumbling a little. She was really feeling all those drinks now but she needed air.

"Nari, what's wrong?" Seonghwa frowned, standing up and grabbing her arm to help steady her. He noticed how quiet she was but had lost count at how many drinks she had thrown back since they arrived. He didn't want to make everyone worry or cause a scene in the restaurant so he was waiting until they arrived back to the dorm to talk to her. However, she had just drawn all attention to her. Her cheeks were red from the alcohol and she wasn't making eye contact with anyone. She tugged her arm out of Seonghwa's grasp, everyone staring at her, confused as to what was wrong. "I'm fine, I just need some air." She said, her words slurring a bit.

"Let one of us come with you, noona. It's dark out." Jongho said, standing up and pulling his coat on. Nari smiled slights, reaching over and pinching his cheek. "I'm fine. I just need to step out for a minute. Alone." She turned around doing her best not to trip over her own feet. The world was spinning, and she was currently cursing herself for drinking too much. Seonghwa stared worriedly at her as she failed to walk in a straight line out the door. "I'm going out there." He said, grabbing his coat and throwing it on. "Call me if you need anything." Hongjoong said, pulling his phone out and putting in on the table.

Seonghwa quickly walked out the door, the cold breeze hitting his cheeks. He looked around, becoming anxious when he couldn't find Nari anywhere. Then he saw a little lump sitting on the cement, leaning up against the brick of the building, purposely avoiding the streetlights and building lights. Seonghwa sighed in relief and walked over to her, joining her on the ground. Nari sighed, leaning her head on his shoulder. "I said I wanted to be alone for a few minutes." She said, words slurring together. Seonghwa frowned, "it's absolutely freezing out here, it's dark, you're drunk, a girl and alone. Let alone how small you are."

Nari giggled a little. "A girl. That I am." She sounded ridiculously sarcastic and angry. Seonghwa frowned again, texting Hongjoong knowing that he wasn't going to be able to convince her come back in right away. A few minutes later Hongjoong was outside, sitting on the other side of Nari, staying silent. Seonghwa rested his head on hers. Hongjoong gently grabbed her hand, squeezing it. "Nari, if you don't talk to us we can't help." He said gently, rubbing circles into the back of her hand. It was silent for a while and eventually the others had become worried and were now gathered around the trio, waiting for their manager to pull up with the van.

Wooyoung and Jongho gave Seonghwa a look and she just shook his head. Nari was snoring silently on his shoulder but hadn't offered up any information as to what was bothering her. A few stray tears had fallen form her eyes when she fell asleep and Seonghwa gently wiped them away. Finally, the van pulled up and Seonghwa and Hongjoong lifted her up as gently as possible and helped drag her to the van. She groaned, grumbling her anger about being moved and how comfortable she was. Seonghwa smiled and sat her in the seat. She leaned her head against the window. Yeosang slid in next to her and she immediately moved her head to lay on his shoulder.

Yeosang scrunched up his nose. "You smell like a brewery, Nar." He teased and she attempted to roll her eyes. Yeosang laughed, patting her head and she let out a soft burp. "Very ladylike. Every man's ideal type." He teased again but didn't miss the way that her frown seemed to get deeper as he mentioned her being ladylike. He rolled his eyes, knowing she was only taking it personally because she can't handle her liquor. "I was just joking, you pabo." Nari scoffed, lifting her head up. "Fuck off, Yeosang."

The car went silent, Yeosang went silent but was shooting her a deadly glare. He was trying to calm down his anger, knowing she was just drunk. However, he was mostly shocked. Nari rarely ever swore and that's when he knew something was definitely wrong. The other members looked just as shocked as he did. "Watch your tongue, Nari. I get something's wrong but don't take it out on your members." Yunho said. Nari scoffed again, leaning her head against the window and closing her eyes.

When they arrived back at the dorm, Yeosang stalked out of the car and into the dorm. He was still pissed. Wooyoung sighed, following behind him in hopes to talk to him and calm him down. Seonghwa tried to help Nari out of the van but she angrily shook his grip off and staggered angrily towards the dorm. Once she walked in, she kicked her shoes off, stomping to her room and climbing into her bunk and laying down. She didn't want to talk to anyone, and she definitely didn't want the boys helping her. How could they still want to even have anything to do with her when she's the reason they didn't win? She threw the comforter over her, turning to face the wall and grateful that Hongjoong and Seonghwa didn't say anything as they came in and got ready for bed.

For the first time in a while, Nari silently cried herself to sleep, unsure of her future with ATEEZ.

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