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Nari takes care of San

Nari loved her boys, more than anything. She appreciated everything they do for her and does whatever she can to repay them for it. Hongjoong was always there to scold the others for teasing her too much and always showing her how she was just as much a part of their family as anyone else. Seonghwa made sure to always see a smile on her face, even when there were tears pouring down her face. Yunho never failed to make her laugh, even when he was feeling down. Mingi was always there to cuddle her when she was feeling lonely and make sure she didn't isolate herself when she wasn't feeling okay mentally. San, loves her like no other, and is always there for her no matter what, having her back and supporting her. Wooyoung is always making sure she feels beautiful, even if he has to tell her that a million times a day. Yeosang, even though they argued far too much for anyone's liking, was always by her side when she was feeling hurt and wouldn't leave it until she was feeling better. Jongho was always there to help Nari when he felt like she was being picked on or treated unfairly; she may be his noona but he is in no way, shape or form going to let her feel like she is less than amazing.

Nari needed them to know that she was there for them just as much as they were for her. She didn't care what time of day it was, where it was or who it was; she was always going to have their back. They welcomed her into their family, their group, their friendship and she would raise all hell to anyone who tried to rip them apart. Just like they were the first people to defend her, she would be the first to defend them, even if that meant she had to get physical. Sure, debuting was her dream, her goal to become one of the best rappers in the world, but keeping her family together, letting them know they were never alone is her life goal. It didn't matter if a year from now they had to disband, it didn't matter if 20 years from now they were too old to keep going; she had made it her ultimate life goal to never leave their side and always be a constant in their life.

When Nari first met San, she thought he was adorable. Sure, he hadn't really grown into his face or body yet, his body was still changing but she never once thought he wasn't good-looking or cute. However, she knew that his looks and body was something that he struggled with constantly, even before ATEEZ first debuted as 8 members. Nari had promised to herself that she would always be there to support San and hype him up when he entered into his self-doubt phases. She never wanted him to feel less than himself or think of himself as less than what he was truly worth. She did her best, all the time, even when he wasn't in those moments, to try and make him see the love that he was so deserving of.

San had entered back into one of those phases. They were getting ready to start their first mini world tour as a group of 9. Nari was nervous enough as it would be the first time since her debut stage with ATEEZ that she would be performing for the fans. She knew San was back in his self-doubting phase. He was staring at himself in the mirror longer than needed, sometimes even refusing to even look in the mirror. She had seen him whispering off to the side with Yeosang earlier, who had clapped him on the back and she heard soft assurances coming out of his mouth. Something that she didn't know Yeosang was capable of as her and him had yet to really bond. She had noticed Wooyoung paying more attention than normal to San as well, constantly complimenting him on things.

She was coming out from behind the curtain that was set up for the members to change behind and noticed that Wooyoung was giving San a side hug as they both looked in the mirror. He said something that Nari didn't catch and San laughed a little. Wooyoung walked away, patting him on the shoulder. Nari was hesitant at first; she was still getting to know the boys and she didn't want to overstep her boundaries, but she didn't want San to feel alone. She quietly walked up behind him, wrapping her small arms around his waist and resting her forehead on his back. He jumped slightly at the sudden show of affection, but a soft smile made it's way over his features as he laid a hand over hers.

Nari came out from behind him, but kept her arm wrapped around his waist. "You look amazing," she commented, staring at San through their reflections. Her dark eyes locked in on his, not wavering in any way. San sighed, averting his gaze back to the floor, absentmindedly placing his hand over her small one and rubbing circles with his thumb. "Thanks, Nar." He said quietly and she huffed, rolling her eyes. "Bend down." She said, placing her hands on her hips. San raised an eyebrow as Nari rolled her eyes again, tapping her fingers against her hip. "I'm too short to reach your face so bend down." San laughed, but complied, bending down to match her height.

Her small hands immediately came to his cheeks, locking his head in one position: staring into the mirror. She could tell he was uncomfortable by the way he squirmed in her surprisingly strong grasp and how his eyes looked everywhere but in front of him. "Look at the mirror, San." She said, tone stern yet gentle. He sighed, looking straight ahead. Nari smiled softly, removing one of her hands and squishing her cheek against his. "You're hot, okay? And cute. You're stage outfit looks absolutely incredible on you. I want you to go out there and own it like I know you can. Trust me; some fans might end up pregnant just from the hip thrusts." She joked and San let out a loud laugh, wrapping his arm around Nari's shoulders. "You're ridiculous." He said in between breaths and Nari giggled.

But San was feeling a little better. Yeosang and Wooyoung all day had been complimenting him on how his outfit looked good and how he didn't even need the stage makeup to look good. If Nari was saying it now too, they must be right. He wasn't feeling 100% confident, but he was feeling a little better about himself. And he did what Nari said; he got up on stage and performed his heart out, owning it. Of course no one got pregnant, but the screams from the fans every time there was a hip thrust or body roll brought his confidence up over 100%.

At the end of the performance, all sweaty, sticky and gross, everyone made their way back to the dressing room and Nari ran up, jumping on to San's back. "You were sexy, San-ie" she said, kissing his cheek. He smiled, adjusting his hold and running back to the dressing room. He damn sure was.

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