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Nari decorates the dorm

Nari clapped excitedly. She wanted to surprise her members by decorating their dorm in the spirit of the holidays. She had gone to the store earlier in the week, picking out tons of decorations and a fake little tree. They didn't have much space, so she tried not to get anything to large. She hooked up her phone to the Bluetooth speaker, tying her hair up and started getting to work. She had picked a color scheme, silver, white and blue. She didn't want to be traditional.

She set up the small tree, happy that there was finally something smaller than her. She expertly placed the silver garland around it, along with the lights. She strategically placed every single ornament all over it and adorned the top with a glittery star. She went around, stringing lights up around the windows and door frames. She placed the mistletoe in the archway leading to the kitchen. She continued to decorate, singing and dancing to the Christmas music playing through the speaker. She had it so loud she didn't hear the front door open.

The boys had come home from Christmas shopping, all exhausted from walking to store to store for hours. They ran to hide their bags from each other, not noticing the decorations littered around their home. Yeosang and Mingi paused by the kitchen and dropped their bags, clutching their stomachs as they fell to the floor laughing. "What is-oh god," Hongjoong said as he looked through the entryway, seeing Nari dancing in her pajamas and singing along to the song that was playing. She was spraying fake snow on to the window. Yunho shut off the music and Nari turned around, looking ready to rip someone's throat out. "Put that back on you pabo!" She yelled.

Yeosang and Mingi were wiping tears from their eyes. "Oh my god you should have seen yourself. That was the best thing about today." Yeosang said, leaning against the wall for support. Nari frowned, crossing her arms. "Did you even see what I did while you were all out goofing off?" She marched to the living area and the boys finally noticed the lights stringed up neatly around all the door frames. All their eyes lit up in awe as they saw the decorations neatly in place. "You did all this yourself? When did you even go buy all this stuff?" Seonghwa said, looking around with a big smile on his face. Nari shrugged, "I just wanted us to have a good first Christmas and that starts with decorations!" Hongjoong chuckled, moving to her side. "It looks great, Nar. I love it."

She pointed to the stockings she had laid out across the credenza that held their TV up. She had spent the week stitching everyone's names on to one of them. "I know we don't have much, but I just wanted to make it a little special." Yunho went to her side, enjoying the view of the decorations. "It's great, Nari! But now what are we going to put up?" He frowned and Nari laughed, jumping on to his back. "How about Seonghwa-oppa makes us some hot chocolate and we just watch Christmas movies!" Everyone agreed excitedly, and Seonghwa made his way to the kitchen, warming up the water.

Nari stood under the archway, talking animatedly with Seonghwa. She wanted him to take her out soon to get all her gifts for everyone. "Nari, we don't need anything. Besides, we all just got something small for everyone. All of us being together is all that really matters." She pouted, crossing her arms. "That's not how this works. Everyone needs a gift! Even if it's small. And I'm sure you all bought me something, so I need to as well." Seonghwa shook his head, pulling out 9 mugs from the cabinet. San joined Nari, standing in the archway. "I'll go shopping with you. I still have to find something for Hongjoong-hyung." Nari smiled, thanking him while shooting a look to Seonghwa. "At least someone loves me."

Seonghwa rolled his eyes, focusing on not spilling boiling water everywhere. Jongho came up behind San and Nari, laughing and pointing up. "What's so funn-oh. I forgot about that." Nari said, looking up towards the mistletoe she had hung up an hour earlier. "Hyung! You have to kiss her or you'll have bad luck for the rest of your life!" Jongho laughed and Mingi joined in, teasing an already blushing San. Wooyoung walked up, smirk on his face. "I'll do it!" He kissed her cheek and Nari jumped. "Yah! Stop!" San glared at Wooyoung, and pulled Nari towards him, planting a small kiss on her other cheek.

Nari blushed a crimson red. "Stop it you idiots!" Mingi and Jongho were rolling on the floor in laughter and Nari stomped away to the living room where Hongjoong, Yeosang and Yunho were setting up the movies. She plopped on the couch, next to Yeosang. "Why do you look like a tomato?" Yeosang asked, barely sparing her a glance. She hit his arm, rolling her eyes. "At least I don't look like a coconut." Yeosang glared at her, pinching her arm. Nari yelped, glaring right back at him.

Seonghwa walked in with 9 mugs of hot chocolate and settled on the other side of Nari. "Oppa, Yeosang is being mean." She whined, leaning her head on Seonghwa's shoulder. He rolled his eyes again. "You are all children. I cannot. You probably made fun of him first." Yeosang chuckled and Nari slapped Seonghwa's arm, almost making him spill his hot chocolate. "Kim Nari, so help me god if you make me spill this." She apologized, a smirk playing on her face.

"Everyone shut up. Grinch is starting." Jongho said, turning his undivided attention towards the TV. It was a great night for Nari, surrounded by all her Christmas decorations and more importantly, surrounded by her family.

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