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Yunho and Nari fluff

Nari was home alone. She was having a rough day. Nightmares had littered her slumber the night before and she didn't sleep much. Hongjoong could tell from the moment she had dragged herself in the kitchen in the morning she wasn't going to retain any information today. And even if he didn't know her that well, the dark circles under her eyes would have told him.

"Stay home today, Nar. Rest." He said and for once, she didn't fight him on it. Smiling gratefully and kissing his cheek, making her way back to her bed and snuggling under the covers. San entered a few minutes later, leaning down and kissing her forehead. She smiled through half-lidded eyes. "Please call one of us if you need anything." He said quietly and she hummed, squeezing his hand. "Promise."

He squeezed her hand, kissing her knuckles. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. San frowned, tucking a stand of hair behind her ear. "Don't be sorry, babo. Just relax. I love you." She smiled, whispering a quiet 'I love you' and he left, softly closing the door. She heard the door open a few seconds later but she was too tired to open her eyes anymore.

She felt someone sit at the side of her bed, running their fingers through her hair. "San, I already told you I'd call if I need anything." She groaned but honestly, she didn't want the hand to stop running through her hair. It was calming. She heard a chuckle and she smiled, realizing her mistake. "Sorry, oppa." She said and Seonghwa smiled.

"I can stay home today if you need me to, Nar." He said, worry in his voice. She shook her head the best she could but she could feel a migraine coming on. "I'm fine, really. I promise, you'll be the first I call if I go crazy." She teased and she sighed, shaking his head and kissing her temple. "I'm holding you to that. I'll bring you food home and there's some ramen in the cabinet if you get hungry."

"Thank you." She said, smiling. Seonghwa left and Nari was finally left in peace. She fell asleep right away but as she had hoped for a peaceful sleep, it was not granted. Nightmares still littered her sleep and she tossed and turned, not actually getting the rest she needed. She woke up, drenched in sweat and breathing heavily.

She was shaking, trembling and her breathing was heavy. She could feel the panic in her chest rising and the way her heart seemed like it would beat out of her rib cage. She closed her eyes, trying to clear her head. It didn't work. All she saw was flashbacks of that day. Her breathing became more ragged and she started to feel lightheaded. She looked around frantically for her phone, picking up and ready to click on someone's number, anyone's.

She didn't make it that far though. She faintly heard a light knock at her door and then Yunho was somehow standing in front of her, a bowl of ramen in his hands. "I had some time so I came back to make sure you ate—Nari! What's wrong?!" He placed the bowl on the desk, rushing over to her. She couldn't form words, just staring at him with pleading eyes to make it stop.

Yunho panicked himself a bit; this was not his expertise. He was good at making her laugh and have fun. San and Seonghwa were the experts at calming her down. But they weren't here right now. She sat down, holding her shoulders with his hands and locking his brown orbs on hers. He didn't want to bombard her with contact, but he wanted her to feel that he was there.

"Hey, dove. I'm here. You're okay, it was just a bad dream. Can you breathe with me?" He asked, hopeful. She tried, he could see she was trying to mimic the steady rise and fall of his chest but it was to no avail. He released his hold on her, quickly racking his brain for how he could help. So, he did what he knew he could best; dance.

But it wasn't just any dancing. He turned on the trashiest song he could find, letting it play through the speakers of his phone. He started twerking around the bedroom, singing loudly and off key. He made up his own lyrics, dancing as if he was being tossed dollar bills all around. And finally, after what seemed like hours (even though it was just a few minutes) he heard a strained giggle from Nari.

He stopped and looked at her, relief flooding his face when she saw that she was no longer trembling. Her breathing was still heavy, but she was able to take in big gulps of air. Another song came on and Yunho started dancing and within the next few minutes Nari was in a fit of giggles. He smiled in relief and sat down on the bed, leaning against the head board and wrapping his arms around her.

"I honestly didn't think that was going to work." He said, rubbing circles on her arm. "I thought you were going to pass out and then I was gonna have to call Seonghwa-hyung and tell him you died." He exaggerated and Nari let out a small laugh, feeling more exhausted than she did before. "It was the best. We should just make trashy covers. The fans would love it." She teased.

Yunho laughed, shaking his head. "Hongjoong and Seonghwa would die." Nari nodded, but shrugged her shoulders. "Mingi would do it with us. He likes to be trashy too." Yunho laughed louder and Nari smiled. His laugh was contagious and she couldn't be more grateful for it right now. "How about you sleep?" Yunho suggested.

Nari sighed. "I want too, but uhm. I don't want to have nightmares again." Yunho frowned, trying to come up with a solution. "I can stay here. I'm tired anyways." He said with a grin and Nari shook her head. "You'll get in trouble! Hongjoong is going to scold you." She chastised and Yunho shushed her, pushing her onto the pillows.

"It'll be fine. You need sleep and I'm tired so let's sleep." He laid down, covering them with the blanket and she sighed, too exhausted to fight him. Besides, if he wanted Hongjoong to yell, that was on him. She had permission to sleep today. Pretty quickly Nari heard soft snores coming from the gentle giant and she smiled, falling into a peaceful sleep.

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