Little Skin

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Seonghwa struggles with how much skin is being shown this comeback

Nari raised her arms as the stylist finished pinning her stage costume. They had a fitting today for all the different outfits and even Nari could admit that she felt a little exposed this time around.

Her skirts were a little shorter, shorts coming up a little higher on her thighs. Almost all of her tops were crop tops. Except for one, which she wasn't sure of yet, that was just a little fancy half-red, half-black brassier with a diamond hanging in the center of it. Of course, she was wearing a cropped jacket over it, but it still felt like a little much.

However, she couldn't argue with what the company thought would be best and she knew being a girl in an all boy group she had to work a little harder and gaining fans. Even if that meant she had to show a little more skin. She didn't like it, but what could she do? This was her job now.

"You can step out and show them," the stylist beamed at her and he eyes went wide for a moment. "You want me to go out there, wearing this?" She pointed at herself and the stylist nodded her head. She just so happened to be getting the fitting done for the little brassier. There was no way the boys were going to approve this. Hell, she didn't even want to approve this.

She gulped and nodded her head. "Okay." She timidly stepped out from behind the curtain. She had the cropped jacket on over the brassier, but the shorts rested at the edge of her hips. She had her trainers on underneath, as always, but that didn't mean the shortness of them made her feel anymore comfortable. Thankfully she didn't have to wear the heels or she was sure she would like a grade A escort.

"Ta-da!" She said half-heartedly as she stepped out. She all of the boys mouths drop open. "Y-you look great noona," Wooyoung said with flushed cheeks, averting his eyes. Nari felt her heart sink a little. Wooyoung was the epitome of sexual in their group and if even he couldn't see her in this, what would the public think?

She met San's eyes and his were just wide as he looked her up and down. She didn't know if that was a good or a bad thing. She felt herself becoming more and more uncomfortable the longer the silence dragged on. Then Seonghwa jumped up, wrapping his jacket around her. She was grateful he was so tall that it almost reached her knees. She felt better bundled up and away from prying eyes.

"I think we need to talk to the company about this," he muttered to himself. No one agreed or disagreed with him. "I think she looks great!" One of the stylists chirped. "She's got the perfect body for this type of outfit. She'll have the fans falling at her feet!" While Nari knew she was just trying to make her feel a little better about the outfit, she still felt uncomfortable.

Seonghwa shook his head as Nari scurried away to change. "First San and then Yeosang and Wooyoung and this is too much skin for one comeback!" Hongjoong snorted at him and rolled his eyes. "Weren't you the one showing your abs the whole time last time?" He raised a brow and Seonghwa shook his head. "That was different!"

"Nari and San can barely even be considered clothed!" Yunho chuckled and patted Seonghwa on the back. "Sorry, hyung. We're all growing up. That means we like to be naked more often." Seonghwa choked on his spit as Yeosang snickered beside him. "Hongjoong, we have to talk to the company." Hongjoong sighed and shrugged his shoulders.

"I already tried. Plus, it's too late now to change it all. We start promotions in less than a week." Seonghwa groaned as Nari came back out, fully clothed in her sweats and hoodie. "I want food, let's go." She said and the others dutifully followed her. They'd been here for hours already and they were hungry.

As she was preparing her ramen in the lounge, San came up beside her, knocking his hips into hers. She smiled at him and continued making her food. "You okay?" He asked and she shrugged. "Does it look bad? The outfit? Even I think that it's a bit. . .much." San chuckled at her and kissed her temple. "While I would much rather prefer you wear that in the privacy of when we're in the bedroom, I think you do look good in it." Nari felt her cheeks heat up in a blush.

"Not in front of my salad!" Yeosang whined and Nari whipped her head around to glare at him. He enjoyed teasing them too much for his own good. Nari pulled San next to her and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek.

"Eat your salad now, jerk!"

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