Treasure Film: Deserted

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ATEEZ is left to fend for themselves in Australia

Nari was enjoying the interview they were currently doing. The host was extremely nice and had even learned a few Korean words just to be able to talk with them. The interview finished off perfectly with no problems and ATEEZ made their way out of the building to search for the car. As Nari stepped out with Hongjoong after thanking the producers again, she heard a mess of voices shouting behind her. "What's this?!"

"ATEEZ production?"

"Isn't that what they have for making movies?"

"Are we making a movie?!"

Nari rolled her eyes, pushing through the boys and staring at the label on the side of the car. To say she was excited was an understatement, but she tried to contain it. "This is going to be so fun!" Her and Mingi were currently jumping up and down. "Let's get in everyone. Put on your seatbelts. Make sure you buckle up." Their manager said and they all started piling into the gray van. Nari was squeezed in between Yunho and Mingi, but she didn't mind. She had two choices of shoulders to use as pillows. Their manager started calling out names and handing everyone their passports. Nari was confused; their manager always held on to their passports just to be safe so none of them could lose it. "I'll see you in L.A." Their manager said, stepping away from the car and waving as the door started sliding closed.

The car was again erupted into worried voices and confusion. Nari and Yunho were the only ones who sat calm and collected, not really caring. Nari spoke English enough to get by on her own and maybe now, without their manager around, they could all go sight see some more. "I'm going to be the one to lose my passport." Hongjoong said next to Mingi. Everyone laughed and Nari held her hand out. "I'll hang on to it, oppa. We can't go anywhere without our leader anyways." Hongjoong smiled gratefully and handed it over to her and she zipped it up in her bag with her own. The van came to a stop at read light when Yunho had a playful smirk on his face and started yelling for everyone's attention.

"Yah! Listen! This is the perfect time," he paused for a dramatic effect and everyone in the car was leaning closer towards him in anticipation. Did he know what was happening? "Let's run away!" Everyone laughed and Nari noticed the driver take a nervous glance in the review mirror. "Okay!" She said, unbuckling herself and standing up before Mingi pulled her down and buckled her back in. "You're gonna get hurt!" Nari giggled but settled back in comfortably. "I'm the director. Director Jeong." Everyone started teasing him and then Jongho called out that he was the president of M2. That caused an uproar of teasing and laughter from the boys and Nari frowned, leaning forward and placing her hand on his shoulder. "You can be whatever you wanna be, baby." Jongho smiled wider and straightened his shoulders. "At least someone has faith in me."

Hongjoong suggested that everyone should sleep while they can because they don't know what is going on or what they're going to be doing. Nari hummed happily, leaning her head on Yunho's shoulder and almost immediately falling asleep. It only seemed like she was asleep for 10 minutes when Mingi was gently shaking the two awake. They were now at a new house and Nari excitedly ran out of the car. Yunho was hot on her heels, excited to see the inside when they heard Hongjoong yelling from behind them. "Kim Nari! Jeong Yunho! Your bags!" He said and Nari and Yunho sheepishly walked up and grabbed their bags. "Thank you!" They said in unison and Hongjoong rolled his eyes. "Aren't you the one that's watching my passport?" He looked at Nari and she stuck her tongue out, running into the house.

It was beautiful to say the least and Nari was enjoying the sunlight coming through the window. The boys were excited, running around and seeing everything. Jongho yelled from upstairs and not even a second later everyone was running upstairs to see what all the commotion was. She was happy to see that she was paired with Yeosang and Jongho as roommates. That meant they would have the biggest room. Or so she thought. It was still quite small, but she wasn't complaining. But there was no way all three of them were going to fit on the bed. "I think you should sleep on the floor, cause you're a girl." Yeosang said teasingly and Nari rolled her eyes. "I think you have more padding." Yeosang narrowed his eyes and went to throw a pillow before Jongho grabbed it out of his hand. "We'll all be on the bed. We'll figure it out."

Nari, Mingi, Yunho and Yeosang all happily jumped on the trampoline outside before they heard Hongjoong yelling from inside. They quickly jumped off, Nari jumping on to Mingi's back and almost making him face plant on the ground. He happily ran them inside though, staring at the large box on Hongjoong's lap. "Open it already!" Nari said and Hongjoong rolled his eyes but complied. Her ripped open the letter, reading it out loud. "ATEEZ Treasure Film Production Contract," he read and everyone's eyes went big. Nari didn't even listen to him read the rest of it, quickly pulling out the pad of ink and pressing her thumb to it. "Hurry up and sign it before they take the house away!" She said. San laughed, but all the boys diligently placed their thumb print on the contract.

Jongho had a book. Each member had their own task they had to complete and the group had 8 tasks to complete together. Jongho went through and read out what everyone had to do. Mingi had to order medicine from the drug store, in English. Jongho had to go to the gym and arm wrestle someone. Wooyoung had to go visit his mom's friend, San had to go swimming with sea creatures, and Yeosang needed to go jogging and say hello to everyone who passed him. Nari was nervous about hers. She had to go bungee jumping off the same bridge that Seonghwa was going to have to climb up. "We only have 2 days to get this all done." Seonghwa said, eyes widening. "Can we even do that?"

Nari scoffed, looking at all her members. "We're ATEEZ. We can do anything. We're going to take over the world with our music and we're going to take over all these tasks for this entertainment show!" Yunho smiled, humming in agreement and soon everyone else was too. "Let's do our chant!" Hongjoong said, standing up. Everyone wrapped their arms around each other, standing up.

"9 makes one team! ATEEZ fighting!"

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