Sneaking Out

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Wooyoung aids Nari in her shenanigans

"Wooyoung-ie!" Nari sighed. She flopped onto his bed, rolling over on top of him and knocking his book out of his hand. He rolled his eyes, shoving her off of him. "I'm not doing it, Kim Nari." She let out an exasperated sigh. "I'll do all your chores for the next month!" She tried some aegyo, jutting her lip out into a pout and squishing her cheeks and talking like a baby. "Please help your noona, Wooyoun-ie. She's desperate." He groaned, running his hands over his face. "Nari. Seonghwa-hyung and Hongjoong-hyung would kill me if they found out." She rolled on top of him again, whining. "Not if they don't find out, Woo. Besides, you're the only one who'd be willing to help me on this and you know that."

Wooyoung groaned again but wrapped his arms around Nari, looking at her wide brown eyes staring at him with so much hope. He couldn't say no to that and she knew it. "Two months." She quirked an eyebrow, but she is in no place to bargain with him if she wants him to help her. "Fine. Two months. All your chores without complaint." Wooyoung hummed, looking up at the ceiling. "How are we even getting you out of here with a bum knee?" Nari frowned, sitting up and bending her knee slightly. The physical therapy had been paying off, she was able to move it here and there and walk on it for a short period of time, but he was right. There was no way she'd make it out of the dorm with a bum knee. "Say you're taking me to my appointment." She suggested and Wooyoung sat up, looking at her like she had three heads.

"Let me tell you how that won't work in any way possible." She huffed, crossing her arms across her chest and leaning against the headboard and pouting. "First, Seonghwa-hyung always goes with you to your appointments. He doesn't let anyone else. He knows when they all are." Nari rolled her eyes, but stayed silent. "Second, I never would go with you and everyone knows that. It's boring." She narrowed her eyes at him, having the urge to kick him but refrained. She needs his help after all. "Lastly, even if that did work, where am I supposed to go after? I can't just come right back." Nari groaned, leaning her head back and closing her eyes. This was going to be harder than she thought.

"Okay. Here. I'll say that the doctor called and switched the appointment to today because he isn't able to tomorrow. You tell Seonghwa that you'll drop me off because you're going to hang out with Yeonjun. Then you can go do whatever. Come with me for all I care. Please, Woo. I'm begging you." He sighed, but gave in. "You must really like him, huh?" A light blush arose on her cheeks and she averted her eyes to the sheets. "We're just friends, that's all. But you know how protective the others get." Wooyoung smirked, knowing better but didn't push it. "Fine, fine. Let's go do this." She gave him a bone crushing hug as he helped her stand up and limp her way to the living room. She took a deep breath and Wooyoung pushed her back a little. She glared at him but spoke anyways.

"Seonghwa-oppa," she said and Seonghwa looked towards her. "Should you really be walking around this much this soon?" She rolled her eyes, but smiled. "I'm fine, oppa. But, uhm, Dr. Kang called and he needs to switch my appointment to today." Seonghwa nodded his head, starting to stand up. "Let me just change my clothes and we can go." She looked over her shoulder at Wooyoung who sighed and stepped forward. "Don't worry about it, hyung. I'm going to hang out with Yeonjun today anyways before our schedule. I can drop her off and then pick her up. It's on the way." He shrugged his shoulders and Nari was a little shocked at how sweetly the lie spilled from his lips. Seonghwa narrowed his eyes, but sat back down. "Be careful, Woo. Make sure she gets in and don't' let her walk the whole way." Nari limped over and kissed his cheek. "You can come with me next time, just relax for now." Seonghwa grunted in response and Nari and Wooyoung made their way out of the dorm.

"I can't believe that actually worked. And that you lie to easily," Nari said, glancing at Wooyoung. He shrugged. "Anything for you, princess. Get on my back, you're not walking all the way to the coffee shop." She didn't argue, latching herself on as Wooyoung made the short walk to the coffee shop. Once they reached there, Wooyoung helped her inside and smirked as her eyes lit up when she saw the person she had come to see. "Ravn!" The dark-haired boy smiled brightly, coming up and linking her arm to his, helping her to the table. He said a brief greeting to Wooyoung. "Don't do anything I wouldn't do!" Wooyoung wiggled his eyebrows and Nari and Ravn's cheeks turned red. "You can leave now." Nari said sternly and Wooyoung laughed, telling her he'd be back in an hour so they could back to the dorm.

"I'm grateful Wooyoung isn't as, uhm-" Ravn searched for the right words and Nari smiled, placing her small hand on top of his. "Annoying?" She finished and Ravn laughed. "They just care about you is all." Nari rolled her eyes but agreed with him. "How is your knee? Any news on when you can start dancing again?" She sighed, shaking her head. "Doc said maybe a few more weeks, but I still can't walk on it for a long period of time. I just want to dance again. It's boring just sitting there." She pouted and Ravn smiled at her, "cute." Nari blushed, tucking a piece of her red hair behind her ear. The chatted some more and lost track of time until Wooyoung came to escort Nari back to the dorm. "Did you play tonsil hockey?" He asked and Nari hit the back of his head. "Yah! What kind of girl do you think I am, Jung Wooyoung?" He glared at her from over his shoulder.

When they entered the dorm, there was a very looking trio sitting on the couch, staring at them. "Did you tell them?!" Nari whispered into Wooyoung's ear, quiet so the others couldn't hear them. She quickly shook his head, placing her down and averting his gaze to the floor. "Wooyoung. Nari." Hongjoong said, voice laced with anger. "Oppa?" She said, smiling sweetly. "Where were you?" Seonghwa asked, calmer than usual and it worried Nari. "I w-was at my a-appointment and Woo was w-with Yeonjun." She stuttered, playing with the hem of her shirt. "YOU LIAR!" San yelled, jumping up and it caused Nari and Wooyoung to jump. "Seonghwa-hyung called your doctor to let him know when you were leaving so he could come get you and your doctor said that your appointment isn't until tomorrow!" Wooyoung groaned, glaring at Nari. "I told you this was going to happen."

"And you!" Seonghwa finally stood up, striding over to the two. "You helped her lie to me! You lied to my face, Woo! What was so important you couldn't even tell us?!" Nari sighed, feeling guilty for getting Wooyoung caught up in her mess. "I wanted to go see Ravn and you're all too protective that I had to sneak out. And guilted Wooyoung into helping me." San tensed up at Ravn's name and Hongjoong was on his feet and standing next to San. "Kim Nari!" She cringed at the harshness in his tone. "You had Wooyoung help sneak you out to meet a boy?!" She nodded her head sheepishly. Hongjoong pinched the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes and exhaling.

"Grounded." Wooyoung and Nari shot their heads up with wide eyes. "Neither of you are to go anywhere unless it's related to work or your appointments, Nari. And someone needs to be with you." He directed the last part towards Nari who knew better than to argue with him right now. "Go to your rooms and don't come out until we're leaving for our schedule." Nari and Wooyoung sheepishly made their way to their rooms and she didn't notice San slip in behind her. "Nari-ah," he said softly and she looked at him. "Do you like Ravn?" He asked and she blushed, turning her gaze to the floor. "I don't know. I feel happy when I see him, but I feel happy when I see any of you, too. I just think he's nice and I like getting to know him. But you're all too protective and annoying so I have to sneak." San slumped his shoulders, shaking his head and sitting on Hongjoong's bed.

"Kim Nari. You're not in high school. And we can't have a scandal, we're still new and trying to make a name for ourselves." Nari rolled her eyes, sitting next to him. "Right. So I can't have friends. I'll take note of that." San groaned, grabbing her cheeks in his hands and turning her head to look at him. "That's not what I meant and you know it, Nari-ah." She sighed, humming in acknowledgment. The pair laid back on the bed, Nari resting her head on San's shoulder. "So how many months of chores do you have to do for Wooyoung?" San smirked and Nari groaned, completely forgetting about their deal. "Two." San laughed, tightening his hold on her. "Pabo. Woo has all the terrible chores. Good luck."

He sat up, pulling her up off the bed with him as she groaned. "Will you help me, San-ie?" She said, fluttering her eyelashes. San laughed loudly, linking their arms. "Not even in your dreams, sister. You made this bed now you're gonna lay in it. C'mon, we don't want to be late." Nari groaned again, but limped next to San. "I thought you loved me, oppa."

San laughed again. "Not enough to wash our underwear."

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