Treasure Film: No One

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Nari feels less than ideal when she has no family to call

"We have to call our parents and tell them what we're grateful for." Hongjoong said and the others took in a deep breath, for some reason feeling shy and nervous. Nari looked down at her plate of food, pushing it around with her fork; she had suddenly lost her appetite. "I think we should do that tonight, since we're just staying in." The others nodded in agreement seemingly forgetting one of their members had no one to call. Nari didn't say much the rest of the meal, only speaking when spoken too. She would be lying if she said it didn't hurt that no one seemed to remember this was the one mission she couldn't do.

Nari quietly offered to wash up after dinner, urging the others to go call their families. No one questioned her or offered to help, they all scampered away to their own areas, pulling out their phones. She overheard some of the conversation between Hongjoong and his parents, but she couldn't sit there and listen too it. She walked outside to the roof, sitting down in a corner and hugging her knees to her chest, staring at the starry night sky. She enjoyed the warm breeze blowing over her face and took a deep breath in. At least she could enjoy the nature of where they were. It seemed to calm her, but before she knew it a steady stream of tears were rolling over her cheeks like waves. She made no attempt to wipe them, just letting them fall.

She didn't know how long she sat up there, staring into the dark abyss, crying until she heard her phone ring. She jumped a little, the noise startling her and furrowed her brow when she saw the caller ID said it was San. She answered it, trying to keep her voice as steady as possible. "Why are you calling me when we're literally in the same house?" She said and San didn't miss the way her voice trembled a bit and her shaky breathing. He frowned on the other end but didn't want to bring it up right now. "Well, we know you have no one to call so we called you!" Nari quirked an eyebrow, highly confused. "We?" She heard what sounded like a million voices over the speaker. She smiled slightly. "Hurry up and tell us why you're so so grateful for us! I'm tired." Yunho whined and Nari giggled a little.

"Mm, I don't think I'm grateful for anything." She teased and she heard someone scoff. "That's it. San-ah, hang up. We don't need this." San rolled his eyes, swatting Yeosang's hand away from the phone. Nari laughed and then started talking once she calmed down. "You're all always there for me, always, no matter what. Seonghwa-oppa and Hongjoong-oppa, you take care of me like I'm your sister. You always make sure that I'm included and you teach me new things. Mingi-oppa and Yunho-oppa, you always make me laugh or smile, even when I really don't want too. You always make sure to keep my heart feeling young. Yeosang-oppa, nothing. You don't do anything." Yeosang scoffed, and San whined at Nari. She giggled a little, continuing on.

"Yeosang-oppa, even though we argue a lot, you're always by my side when I'm hurt or feeling ill. You take care of me in your own way and you're actually a huge softie for those you care about." Yeosang puffed his chest up with pride and Mingi rolled his eyes, smacking the back of his head. Hongjoong gave the duo a death glare to shut up before he made them and they sheepishly looked down at their feet. "Wooyoung-ah, you're always by my side no matter what crazy thing I'm trying to do. You always hype me up and make sure I feel beautiful. Jongho-ah, you let me baby you and pinch your cheeks without complaint. And you'd beat anyone for me. Not mention I get a free fruit slicer." The others laughed and Jongho rolled his eyes but had a smile on his face.

San hung up and the others ran off to bed. He walked up to the roof and found Nari sitting there, looking out into the night sky. Her eyes were slightly red, but he's positive they were probably beet red when they first called. Her knees were tucked into her small frame. He silently sat down behind her, wrapping his arms around her torso and pulling her back into his chest. She sighed in content and he smiled slightly. "Are you okay?" She smiled, looking up at him and nodded. "I am now. Thank you. For calling me." He smiled brightly, dimples showing and eyes the same shape as the moon. "You never said what you're grateful for from me." He teased and Nari jumped up. "Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Let me do it right now. If it still counts?" She reached for hands, looking at him with wide eyes. He couldn't help but laugh. "Of course you can, pabo."

She stuck her tongue out at him, but continued, nestling back into his chest and he wrapped his arms around her protectively. "You're always there for me, like the others, but more than that. You can tell when I'm not feeling okay. You seem to know just what to do for me without me having to say anything. You seem to literally think about me when you all do anything and how it will affect me. You're just amazing and I'm so grateful for everything you do for me." San smiled brightly, tightening his hold around her and kissing the top of her head. "And I'll always do it for you, Nar." She smiled, happy and very comfy in his arms. "Let's sleep out here!" San said suddenly and Nari laughed, nodding along with him.

"Get Wooyoung and Yeosang, I know they wanted to do that at some point and they'll never let us live it down." San nodded, turning to run inside and grab the humans and blankets and pillows. Nari wrapped her small hand around his wrist, making him turn around. She went on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek. San was a little shocked for a moment, but did his best to cover it up. Nari smiled slightly at the blush rising on his cheeks. "Go get them, oppa." San saluted her, turning around and running inside.

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