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Nari shows off some new tricks

Nari stretched her arms out as she waited for Hongjoong to que up the music. Him and her had planned on doing a Vlive today for ATINY and they hadn't quite yet figured out a concept. "Why don't we just let ATINY pick things for us to do?" She suggested, tying her newly dyed blonde hair up into bun. Hongjoong shrugged, tying the tie on his sweatpants. "Okay."

They started the live, waiting for ATINY to come on. "Hello, ATINY!" Hongjoong said with a bright smile and Nari waved, offering a wink. "They really like your hair," he said with a laugh and she dramatically flicked her ponytail. "I like it too! It's different." Hongjoong explained that they wanted the fans to pick what they should do. "Dance covers seems to be the big winner," she said and Hongjoong smiled. "Then that's what we'll do! What song should we do first?"

"I want to do that one!" Nari pointed to the comment and Hongjoong raised his eyebrows. "I know that one but—I can't do those flips." Nari shrugged, asking him to que up the music. Girls Girls Girls by GOT7 started playing. Nari knew the dance; her and Byeol had grown closer and she was in awe at how she had learned to do all the crazy flips. She had been practicing for a few weeks now and she was nowhere near perfect but she thought maybe if she was good enough, it could be incorporated into their next comeback.

The boys didn't know; she purposely hadn't told them in fear that they would start to baby her. She knew Hongjoong and Seonghwa would scold her, telling her that her knee wasn't ready for that stuff or just constantly remind her about her knee injury. San and Yunho would worry constantly, probably babying her more than the rest. Jongho would quite literally probably carry her out of the room and then lock her up until she got it out of her system. Mingi and Wooyoung would probably be the only two that would hype her up and want her to show them and she doubted Yeosang could care less as long as she was having fun.

She danced as Hongjoong watched and she felt herself get a little nervous as the time for the flip neared closer. When it came, Hongjoong was expecting her to freestyle something but when he saw her start flipping and twirling in the air his mouth dropped open. She was still a little wobbly and uncertain when she landed, but she landed with a large smile on her face. She ran over and cut off the music, Hongjoong still staring at her with his mouth wide open.

She was catching her breath, watching the comments fly up the screen at an alarming rate. "How did you—are you—why did—when?" Hongjoong couldn't formulate a sentence and Nari laughed at him, opting not to give him an explanation right now. They did a few more dances, together and answered some question before ending the Vlive. Hongjoong wiped some sweat from his forehead.

"When did you learn to do that?" He asked and Nari shrugged, trying not to make it a big deal. "I just taught myself." Hongjoong shook his head, still in disbelief. "By yourself? Alone? You taught yourself that?" He wasn't buying it and Nari sighed. "I've been talking to Byeol-sunbae a lot more recently and she's been giving me pointers. And so have Mark-sunbae and Jackson-sunbae." Hongjoong's eyes went wide with even more disbelief.

"I wasn't aware you were that close." She shrugged again, tightening her ponytail and ignoring the dull throb in her knee. The one thing she did need to do after every flipping practice was ice her knee after; it was still getting used to the added movements. "We're not that close. But close enough I guess. I haven't hung out with them or anything. They're just nice. And I thought it was cool." Hongjoong just stared at her and Nari couldn't tell if it was in awe or if he thought that she was just messing with him.

"It is cool!" He said and Nari laughed, shaking her head. "Thanks, I can teach you sometime. When I get better." Hongjoong shook his head. "That's not my thing. Maybe San. He's basically made of jelly." Nari laughed again, agreeing with him. "But wait," she held her breath. She knew this part was coming. "What about your knee? What if you land wrong again? Is it even strong enough for all this? It's already swelling!" She looked down and frowned. It had swollen enough to be noticeable and it was starting to hurt a bit more.

"It's alright, oppa. I know not to push it. And I'm careful. I promise." He looked at her for a moment before sighing. "Just, let me at least be there next time? Just in case." She thought about it for a moment. He wasn't telling her no. She nodded. "That's fine. I 'd like that. But keep it a secret for now! Please." She begged and he nodded ecstatically. "It's our secret for now. But I want you to show everyone. Eventually. I think it's awesome. But I need you to be careful." She nodded, hugging him.

"Promise." She kissed his cheek and grabbed her stuff, waiting for him at the door. "Food? My treat?" She said and he chuckled, coming out behind her. "Since when does Kim Nari treat us?" He teased and she rolled her eyes, kicking his butt.

"Keep it up and I'll make sure you're the one doing all the flips next time."

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