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Nari isn't feeling well

Nari sneezed again and groaned as she blew her nose. She had woken up not being able to breathe through her nostrils, a pounding headache and feeling hot and cold at the same time. She had groaned, not wanting to get a cold right now. She felt disgusting but wasn't able to muster up the energy to shower.

Seonghwa had given her strict orders to stay in bed or on the couch, nothing else until they got home later. He had made her soup and left it on the stove for her, but she couldn't even find energy to get up and get that. A coughing attack took over her and she groaned again, slumping back on the couch. Mingi had made sure to cocoon her in blankets before they left.

At the time, it was nice because she was shivering despite her body feeling warm. But now she was sweating and wanted them off. She somehow managed to shake them off and then felt her stomach growl. She honestly didn't feel that hungry, but she knew she needed to eat so she wouldn't pass out. She stood up, squinting her eyes at the flash of pain in her head.

Nari really got sick; her immune system was one thing she prided herself on. Unfortunately for her, it wasn't the best when she did get sick either. Because she wasn't a sickly person, she hadn't experienced much germs for her immune system to fight off. So, when she was sick, it hit her about ten times harder than it would anyone else. She trudged her way to the kitchen, gripping the edge of the counter as she felt a wave a dizziness wash over her.

She squeezed her eyes shut, waiting for it to pass. She coughed again, sniffling and grabbing the mask in her pocket. She didn't want to cough all over the soup in case anyone else wanted some. She didn't know how, but she managed to lift the pot and bring it to the stove, standing there and waiting for it to heat up. She felt another wave of dizziness come and she gripped the counter until her knuckles were white. Maybe she should have just waited.

"I really don't think Seonghwa hyung is gonna like that you're out of bed." She jumped at the voice, spinning around and leaning against the counter as it made the dizziness worse. She put her hand to head, groaning. "San," she said through a cough. He frowned, coming towards her and turning the stove off. "You're burning up, Nar. When's the last time you took your temperature?"

She shrugged, leaning on to him. She felt far to weak to keep standing anymore. He tensed a little, but easily carried her weight back to the couch. "Seonghwa took it this morning." She said and San sighed. "It seems like it's gotten worse. Stay here, I'll heat up your soup and get you some medicine." She attempted to nod but was half-asleep already. San couldn't help but smile fondly at her before walking away. He had to take care of their sick baby.

When he came back twenty minutes later with a bowl of hot soup and some cold medicine, he couldn't help but chuckle. Nari was graciously laying over the couch, half of the oversized sweatshirt she had had ridden up, letting some of her stomach show. One of her arms was thrown across her head while the other was thrown off the side of the couch. One of her feet was sticking out the very edge of the blanket.

San put the food down and gently shook her awake, not before catching a glint from the light. He bit his lip. When did she get her belly button pierced? "Yah! Nari-ah!" He said, shaking her. She groaned, sitting up and wiping her nose with the sleeve of her hoodie. San grimaced, wondering how she was even still considered a girl.

"You look absolutely stunning," he deadpanned, and she rolled her eyes, grabbing the soup and slurping it. "YAH! Why did you tell me it was so hot?!" She said, fanning her tongue and San huffed, sitting down next to her. "It's soup, babo. It's not supposed to be cold." She weakly elbowed him before eating a little more. "Here, take some medicine." San said, holding the cherry flavored liquid up to her.

She scrunched her nose and shook her head. "I'd rather be sick. That stuff is nasty." She coughed again, followed by a few sneezes and more sniffling and nose blowing before she sighed and held her hand out. "Just give me it." San grinned smugly, measuring it out for her and making sure she drank all of it. She shivered again after drinking it and San wasn't sure if she was just being dramatic or if she was cold again.

She laid her head on his lap. He absentmindedly ran his fingers through her knotted hair, gently working out the knots. She sighed, closing her eyes and feeling more content than she had all day. "Thank you, San-ie," she murmured and he smiled down at her. "I have a question," he asked and she hummed. "What are you gonna do when Seonghwa hyung or Hongjoong hyung find out about your belly button piercing?"

She sat up, swaying a little and San reached out to keep her from falling off the couch. "How did—were you looking at me while I changed, Choi San?!" She exclaimed and he laughed, shaking his head and pulling her back down on his lap. "No, stupid. When you were modeling in your sleep before you ate, your hoodie rode up and I saw it. It's cute. I like it." He winked and she felt her cheeks flush and she knew that wasn't because of the fever.

"I'll tell them before the next comeback because I want to wear a crop top." San raised an eyebrow and she smiled. "Oppa, can you cuddle with me? Pleasepleaseplease." She said, wrapping her arms around his waist. San felt his cheeks flush, forgetting how needy she was when she was sick. He sighed, picking her up and brining her back to his bed, dropping her in it and laying down next to her.

"I'm not that contagious, San-ie," she teased, turning towards him. He was laying next to her but had moved as far away as he could. "I want to cuddle, not just lay next to you." She whined and he sighed, biting his bottom lip before holding his arm out. She let out a happy sigh and nuzzled into his side, quickly falling asleep. San laid there, eyes trained on the ceiling. He truly didn't want this moment to end, but he also needed it to. It was too much for him. His heart still longed for her, but they had yet to talk about all that.

He sighed, turning to look at her and moved a stray stand of hair behind her ear. He kissed the top of her forehead, before making himself more comfortable. As unexpected as this was, it was nice.

Really nice.

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