Coffee Date

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Nari takes Ravn up on his coffee offer and the boys are not happy

A/N: Ya'll wanted more Nari and Ravn and jealous ATEEZ so here it is!

Nari smiled at her reflection in the mirror. She had put on her best outfit; black ripped skinny jeans that hugged her curves just right. Her red blouse was low-cut, but enough to let someone imagine about what was underneath. She had curled her red hair to perfection and pinned it in the back in a half ponytail. Ravn had called her the previous night asking if she wanted to go for coffee today and she happily agreed. She had purposely not told any of the boys because she knew they would overreact, or one would go with her "just to be safe." She smiled as she finished the last of her makeup and skipping into the living room.

"What are you all dolled up for?" Yeosang asked, eyeing her suspiciously. This caused Seonghwa, Yunho and Mingi to peek their heads out from the kitchen. "You're wearing a lot of makeup. You never wear makeup." Wooyoung commented. Nari shrugged, pulling on her pink coat and matching boots. "Just going out with a friend for a little bit." Nari jumped at Hongjoong's voice. "What friend?" She spun around, placing her hands over her chest for a dramatic effect. "Oppa! Where did you even come from?" Hongjoong ignored her, repeating his question. At this point everyone was now in the small hallway, demanding answers.

"I'm going to be late! I'll be back in a few hours. God. If I knew it would be this hard to hang out with a friend I would've climbed out the window." She grabbed her purse and slipped out the door, sprinting down the stairs. She sighed in relief when she made it outside and saw no one had followed her. "Can't do anything with those boys." She murmured to herself, making the short walk to the coffee shop.

Back at the dorm

"We need to follow her. She was acting suspicious." San said, eyes still staring at the front door as if Nari was going to walk back through it. "Already one step ahead of you," Yeosang said, handing out everyone's jackets. "If she sees us she's going to be pissed, hyung." Jongho said to Seonghwa. "Well, then she should know not to be so secretive. Don't worry, she won't see us. We'll be inconspicuous." Yeosang snorted, "yes. 8 grown men walking into a coffee shop is so inconspicuous. Not to mention Yunho's bright red jacket." Yunho shrugged, smiling sheepishly. "It was on sale."

At the coffee shop

Nari smiled as she walked up to the table Ravn was already occupying. "Hello!" She smiled brightly and Ravn stood up, hugging her small frame. "Hey," he pulled her chair out as she sat down. "Thanks! Did you order yet?" He smiled slightly, taking the seat across from her. "I just ordered a pitcher of coffee and we can add anything you want." He started emptying creamers and sugar out of his pockets and Nari laughed. "One, we can go get those things for free at the counter; you didn't have to hoard them. And two, a whole pitcher? How long do you think I have?" She was teasing and Ravn smiled, blushing slightly but he wasn't sure if it was out of embarrassment or Nari's teasing. "W-well, I mean, I figured if you could make time for coffee you could make a little extra time for me." He winked and smirked at Nari's faint blush. "I guess I could cancel some things on my very busy schedule to spend some time with the oh so famous Ravn of Oneus." She winked back and tossed her hair over her shoulder and Ravn was sure his face was bright red.

One of the staff brought out the pitcher of coffee, quirking an eyebrow at the piles of sugar and creamers. "He just brought it over because he didn't want me to have to get up and down. Isn't he the sweetest?" Nari placed her small hand on Ravn's forearm and he was 100% positive there was no way his skin color was going to return to normal the rest of the time they were here. The waitress shrugged but offered them a small smile. Nari giggled, emptying almost half the sugar into her black coffee and mixing it. "No cream?" Ravn asked, raising an eyebrow. "Nah. I just like lots of sugar."

"Must be why you're so sweet." Nari blushed furiously but let out a giggle.

A few tables away, the rest of ATEEZ were sitting, half glaring at the couple and half gushing over them. "Don't they look so good together?" Yunho said, clapping his hands excitedly. "Did you see the way he pulled the chair out for her? Such a gentleman." Mingi chimed in. "And the way he's absolutely putting up with her obvious teasing has to give him some brownie points." Wooyoung added. Seonghwa glared at the trio. "He's too old for her." Yeosang, for once, agreed. San hadn't said a word, but his lips were in a tight line and his dark eyes seemed to get darker as he watched the pair. "We need to stop th-DID SHE JUST TOUCH HIS ARM?!" Hongjoong yelled and Jongho clapped a hand over his mouth. "Hyung, shut up! She's going to notice us."

"I can't do this. This is my child, my baby. She is way too young for this." Seonghwa stood up but Yunho pulled him right back down. "Hyung! They're cute! Let them be. It's just puppy love anyways." Mingi agreed. "I should take pointers from her. I don't think Ravn's stopped blushing since she got here." Wooyoung said, watching Nari with pride in his eyes. However, when Nari laughed at something Ravn said and placed her hand back on his arm Hongjoong had enough and stood up. "We're done, they're done. I'm going over there.  This is not a thing.  She's a child for gods sake." He slipped away before Jongho could grab him. As he approached the table and Jongho saw her eyes wander to them he sunk down in his seat. "Oh god. We're dead. She's gonna kill us."

Nari wore a tight smile as Hongjoong interrupted her conversation. "Kim Nari." She looked at him with narrowed eyes, but his glare never left Ravn. "Oppa, what are you doing here?" Her eyes looked past him, and she was ready to throw shoes at the 7 others at the table in the corner. "You've got to be kidding me." Ravn greeted Hongjoong with a bright smile. "It's good to see you again!" Hongjoong answered politely but short. "Kim Nari. We have a meeting at the company. We need to go or we'll be late." She wanted nothing more than to strangle her leader right then and there. She turned to Ravn with a sweet smile, "I guess our time is up for now. But hopefully there will be a next time?" Ravn blushed again but said he would love to another time. "We'll see, we're pretty busy the next few weeks.  It may be a while." Hongjoong said making sure to imply that never again would they let this happen.  Nari was about to kick him. She said her goodbye and walked out of the coffee shop, glaring at the 7 people in front of her but started walking.

"It's the silent treatment. Oh god. We're dead. We're so dead. Whose idea was this?" Jongho was panicking. Nari never got mad at him; he was her baby. She stopped midway, causing the boys to pause. "When we get home, you all have 20 seconds to hide or grab something to protect yourself with." She turned around and started walking again. "Nope! I'm running, let's go!" Yunho took off with Jongho and Mingi right on his heels.

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