Close Call

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Nari gets sick

Nari took a deep breath, allowing the staff to dab the sweat rolling down her face. She hadn't been feeling well since this morning and she shook it off as getting a cold. She didn't want to sit out for the show and didn't feel like it was a big deal, so she didn't say anything to anyone. "Noona, are you okay? You look pale." Jongho asked, worriedly looking at Nari. She smiled, shaking her head. "I'm fine, Jong." He didn't press the matter but made sure that he would keep an extra eye out on her the rest of the time.

The concert, thankfully, finished without a hitch. As the members were waiting to get into the car and go back to the hotel, Nari felt her knees give out and she fell over on the ground. Yeosang was the first by her side. "Nari, what's wrong?" He asked, helping her up. "Nothing, nothing. Just overworked myself a little." She said but Yeosang didn't miss how she was basically pushing all her weight onto him. He didn't dare let go. As they made their way to the car, Nari stumbled a few more times, earning worried looks from her members.

When they got back to the hotel, Nari collapsed into her bed. Her head was pounding and her nose was getting stuffy. She coughed a few times and Yunho, who she had lucked into sharing a room with, came out of the shower with just some joggers on. "Are you sick?" Nari nodded, "I think it's just a cold. I'll be alright. Just need to sleep." Yunho nodded, but she didn't miss the worried look he gave her. "Get settled and don't push yourself, I'll shut the lights off once I'm finished. I'm going over to Mingi and Hongjoong's room for a while." Nari nodded and buried herself under the covers.

Nari woke up, drenched in sweat. She felt 100 times worse than a few hours ago. She couldn't breathe through her nose and every time she went to sniff or breathe; she was stuck in a coughing fit. Her head was pounding even more, and she winced when the light from her phone met her eyes. She quickly dialed Yunho's number and he answered after one ring. "What are you doing awake, sicko?" His teasing voice made her giggle which sent her immediately into another coughing fit. "Nari, are you okay?" Her stomach was now hurting, a searing pain that she's felt only once before in her life. She coughed and felt something spray onto her hand. She briefly flashed her phone and saw red splatter on her hand. "Oppa, somethings wrong."

The call ended before she could say anything else and two seconds later Yunho, Mingi and Hongjoong were all in Nari's room, flicking the lights on. She groaned, covering her eyes. "Sorry, love. We just need them on for a minute." Nari went to say something then another coughing fit started. Mingi ran over with some tissue and Nari covered her mouth. Hongjoong's eyes went big as she pulled the tissue away and sniffed. She groaned, laying down and cover her face with her hands. "My head is fucking pounding and my stomach feels like it's being ripped out from the inside."

"Nari there's blood. You're coughing up blood." Nari groaned again, clutching her stomach. "I don't feel good." She whispered as Hongjoong ran out of the room to get their manager. Yunho and Mingi sat on the bed. "I know, little dove. Just hang on. Hongjoong's getting manager and we'll take you to the hospital." Yunho said, rubbing her arm. She coughed again, this time tasting the blood in her mouth. Everything after that was a blur to Nari. She was in so much pain that she wasn't able to focus on anything. She felt herself being lifted and put on a stretcher; she could briefly see the lights of an emergency vehicle.

Nari woke up to a soft beeping sound and the smell of harsh chemicals. Her head still hurt, but not as bad. "Ugh, what happened?" She said, sitting up but there was a sharp pain in her stomach and she fell back, whimpering. San was by her side in an instant, gripping her hand. "Oh god, you're okay. You're okay." She groaned, pushing him away. "Of course I'm okay, you pabo. What happened?" San sighed, "let me go get everyone else first."

A few moments later all of ATEEZ was in her room and showering her with affection. "Can someone please just tell me what happened?" Hongjoong's face appeared in front of her and she listened quietly, "you had an ulcer that broke or something. That's why your stomach was hurting. And you have a cold. They had to do minor surgery to remove the ulcer but they said it was fine and you'll be okay in a week or two." Nari's eyes went big. "I can't perform?!" Yunho and Mingi laughed. "Of course that's all you're worried about. Just rest, you idiot." Yeosang said, leaning his head back.

"Don't worry, we already set it all up, Nar. You can't dance or anything for a week or two, but you'll be able to sit on stage in a chair. At least you can still rap and see ATINY." Seonghwa said and she smiled and thanked him. He knew she was going to complain and throw a fit if she couldn't perform at all. "At least it's something. I'm sorry if I worried everyone. I really thought it was just a cold." Wooyoung smiled, shaking his head. "Just rest, Nar. We'll be back tomorrow and maybe they'll let you come back to the hotel tomorrow." She nodded, snuggling back down into the bed. "I'll stay with you! I don't want you to get lonely." Yunho said, hopping into the already too small bed.

"Yah! You walking bean stalk. Get off!" Nari said and Mingi busted into laughter. "Hey! I'm older than you. I'm just trying to make sure you don't get lonely!" Yunho pouted, crossing his arms. "Fine," Nari sighed, "but only for tonight and I will push you off if you hog the bed." She scooted over and Yunho happily climbed next to her, settling in comfortably. "Goodnight, love. We'll see you first thing tomorrow." Hongjoong said, kissing her forehead. Everyone else said goodnight and Nari snuggled comfortably into Yunho's side.

"Thank you for coming to help, oppa." She said softly and Yunho smiled. "I'm your knight in shining armor; I'll come whenever you call. Always." He held out his pinky finger and Nari giggled, linking hers with his. "Goodnight, oppa." She kissed his cheek, closing her eyes and listening to his steady heartbeat. "Goodnight, little dove."

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