First Christmas

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ATEEZ's first Christmas

Nari smiled happily at the tree lighting up the dark room. She had woken up earlier than everyone else and was just admiring the decorations. Though there was a small amount of gifts under the tree, she was still grateful. She was missing her parents more than usual today, given the holidays. She was also a little upset because she would have loved to visit her grandparents but she knew that they wouldn't want her there. She sighed, contently, and tucked her cold hands under her knees. She heard the patter of someone's feet and Seonghwa walked in the room.

"Why are you sitting in the dark and creepily staring at the tree?" He looked at her quizzically and Nari laughed. "Just admiring everything and how truly grateful I am to be here this year." She absentmindedly rubbed her hand over her stomach where her scar was. Seonghwa took notice of this and sat next to her, grabbing the throw blanket and throwing it over them. "I'm so glad you're here too, Nar. It wouldn't be the same without you." She kissed his cheek, snuggling into his side. "When do you think the oth-"

"EVERYONE WAKE UP! NOW! PRESENTS! CHRISTMAS! WAKE UP YOU LAZY CREATURES!" Nari and Seonghwa started laughing at Mingi's voice echoing around the dorm. "I guess that answers your question." Seonghwa said in between breaths and Nari nodded, calming down. Not even 2 seconds later, Mingi, San, Yunho and Wooyoung sprinted into the living room, skidding to a stop. "You are all literally children." Yeosang said, casually walking into the living room and plopping himself next to Nari, leaning on her and closing his eyes. "Get up you preying mantis! We're going to open gifts." Nari said, shrugging her shoulder and knocking his head off. He groaned, glaring at her. "Getting more than 3 hours of sleep would have been a great Christmas present but San just had to stay up all night watching movies." San shrugged, smiling sheepishly and sitting in front of Nari. "I was getting in the Christmas spirit."

Hongjoong was dragged into the room by Mingi and he did not look happy. "I swear to god. Everyday you wake me up by doing something obnoxious. I'm going to hit you one day. Just let me sleep. I have to raise you all during the day and it makes me tired." He groaned, falling to the floor with a thud and covering his eyes with his arm. Mingi rolled his eyes. "So dramatic. You know you love seeing my face first thing everyday!" He cupped his hands and placed them under his chin. Hongjoong blindly tried to kick him, but missed. Finally, Jongho wandered in, still half asleep and rubbing his eyes. "C'mere baby," Nari cooed, pushing Yeosang aside and pulling Jongho next to her.

"Why does he get to sleep and not me?" Yeosang said. "He is baby. You are annoying." Nari smiled and Yeosang narrowed his eyes. "Okay okay. Let's get this over with so I can go back to sleep." Hongjoong said, going to grab the first present. "Yeosang, this is for you, from everyone." Nari watched almost as excited as Yeosang looked. He ripped the wrapping paper off and jumped in joy. They had all pitched in to get him a new drone, one he had been eyeing for months now. "You didn't have to do this. This is great! Thank you so much!" He went to run out of the room, wanting to use it right away but Hongjoong grabbed his ankle, almost tripping him, "Sit down and let everyone else open presents or I'm taking it back." Yeosang grumbled, falling to the floor next to him.

Yunho opened his gift, jumping for joy. "A new gaming system?! You are all the best friends anyone could ask for!" He stared lovingly at the console. "If you love it so much, why don't you go marry it, hyung?" Jongho sleepily said. Nari giggled as Yunho threw a pillow at him. "NEXT!" Hongjoong said, handing San his. It was a collection of limited edition plushies that the members had scrambled to find over the weeks. They ended up getting the last ones. "OH MY GOD! THIS IS SO GREAT! SHIBER WILL BE SO HAPPY!" He wrapped his arms around all of the dolls and squeezed. Nari leaned forward, kissing the top of his head. "Anything for you, San-oppa." She said and San blushed, looking up to meet her brown eyes.

Seonghwa opened his next, very excited to get a brand new vacuum cleaner for the dorm. "I really thought I was going to have to sweep the floors since ours broke. This is wonderful." Nari giggled again, shaking her head. He was the weirdest human being she has ever met, but she loved him nonetheless. He squealed happily at the coupons for different saunas and hot springs around Korea. "Who are you bringing with you?!" Hongjoong asked, making it more than obvious he was hoping it was him. "Mmm, maybe . . . Seonghwa-hyung!" Hongjoong glared, hitting Mingi on the top of his head. "None of you are grateful for anything I do." Mingi laughed, reassuring Hongjoong that he was more than happy to come.

Wooyoung and Jongho went next, Wooyoung in awe at the different clothes that the members had bought him. All of them had picked out something different. "These are great. I'll have a whole new wardrobe. New year, new me!" Yeosang rolled his eyes, just wanting to go play with his drone. Jongho was grateful for a gym membership. Sure, the company and their dorm building had a gym, but he liked going to the public ones in order to be alone and focus and not run into everyone he knows. Hongjoong opened his, taking back all his grumpiness that was hanging around him the whole morning when he saw the new producing software the members had eagerly searched around for. "You are all wonderful. You're so perfect." He, too, wanted to go install it and start using it but Nari snatched the disc out of his hands. "It's Christmas, oppa. No work. I'll give it back tomorrow." Hongjoong whined, "but Nari! I just want to play around with it. C'mon!" Nari shook her head and crossed her arms. "Not today, oppa."

"No presents for you then." Nari shrugged. "That's fine, I wasn't expected anything anyways." She was used to not getting gifts. Her grandparents never bothered to get her anything and her parents were dead. She didn't have friends besides her members and members from other groups. Yeosang stood up, throwing a pillow at her. "You really are dumb if you think we didn't get you anything." Nari glared at him but Seonghwa tightened his grip around her and Jongho groaned in annoyance when her shoulder moved and his head fell. She sat back, still glaring. "Here, open it." Hongjoong handed her the delicately wrapped gift. She tore of the paper and was staring at a photo album. She flipped through it, taking time to look at every picture. Her eyes filled with tears. "This. This is the best thing I could have asked for." Seonghwa kissed her temple, wiping a stray tear. "We wanted you to remember all this, whenever you have a bad day, or month, look at these and know that we're here."

The photo album was full of pictures from their year together. Tours, photo shoots, random ones from when they would go out, ones from waiting backstage. She was so happy and grateful. She hugged Seonghwa, tightly and got up and gave every other member their own personal Nari hug. "I'll start cooking breakfast." Seonghwa said, standing up and heading to the kitchen. "I'll help, hyung." Jongho lazily trailed behind him. Everyone else had gone back to sleep or to play with their new toys. Nari yawned, seeing that a few hours of sleep couldn't hurt. As she walked to her room, San peeked his head out of his door. "Nar, can you come here for a minute?" She nodded, smiling as she entered his room and laid on his bed. "I know we didn't do individual presents this year, but I did get you a little something. From me."

Nari raised her eyebrows. "San, I didn't get you anything just from me. Now I feel bad. Take it back." San laughed, pulling a small, neatly wrapped box out from his pocket. "I wanted to. Just open it." She wasn't going to say no. She opened it and opened it up, her mouth dropped open in shock. There was a rose gold necklace with a little heart locket that had a small diamond. She opened it up and almost cried. There was a picture, the only picture she took with her of her and her parents. She jumped up, hugging San. "This means so much more to me than you'll ever know. Help me put it on?" San smiled, holding his breath a little as she grabbed her hair and moved it away so he could clip it. He kissed the back of her head and then she pulled him down on the bed.

"Let's sleep, oppa. I'm tired." She snuggled close to him and he happily wrapped an arm around her, feeling sleepy himself.

"Merry Christmas, San. Love you."

"Merry Christmas, baby. Love you always." 

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