How Merlin met the Winchester brother 3

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A|N I thought I have posted this part. Sorry for the mix up. Hope you will enjoy it ^^




This month went by quickly and well he had issues with each time his body grows. It was just that he was not used to being now his 4-year-old self. He could tell that his growing would hurt as much as his shrinking done, meaning that he had been whiny the entire night.

Even with Sammy trying to make him calm down but he couldn't. His mind feeling little right now. Leading for him to want his Daddy but he knew that this would never work. Maybe this was when he was grown to his 4 years old he called him Papa unintentional.

It made him panic and because of this he tried to run to the bathroom, but Dean had caught him before he could even move. He cuddled him to his chest and to his surprise trying to calm him down.

"Come on bud I am sure that Sammy won't mind you calling him Papa. Isn't it so Sam?"

"Of course, I do not mind, and do not call me Sammy my names Sam."

Both were soothing and relaxed slowly as wanting now his dummy, his plushy and staying in the protective hug of Dean. The mentioned male was not often doing this, and he right now was not wanting to have Sammy but Dean.

"I wanna stay with Dean a-and cuddle..." His voice soft and his sentences were sounding young. Not like a four-year-old but the age of 2 years old.

"Alrightio then. You think you can do potty or you still need a nappy?" Dean sounded as soft as ever and he could tell that the male was not used to giving affection that often.

"Nu wanna twy wifout nappy." He shyly replied and soon he was changed to new clothes. He knew that they bought a few clothes each age group. But they always wait for buying things as they had no idea what he would want to have.

Soon he was curled into the side, with him sucking his dummy, his plushy hugged and his soft dark blue blanket with cute animals which have silly faces on it. The tv was having some kind of kids show with bears and these bears have some stickers on their bellies.

This was what they done the entire time but occasionally Dean vanishes, and Sammy watches over. What he could guess was that they still tried to find the witch and he could just hope that it wouldn't end up going badly.




He knew that something would not go well. Sammy had gone out for them to get some food and he had not arrived back yet. Which was bad and his little side wanted his Papa. Don't get him wrong he enjoyed Dean's presence -who by now he sees as a big brother figure- but he's not his Papa.

It made him be fuzzy and a lot of tears were also falling. To the point where he fell asleep. As he woke up he realized that he was not where he was before. His gaze went around, and he realizes that he was at the backseat of a car.

His eyes narrowed, and he knew that there was something wrong. Both brothers were not here with him and he knew something was not right. It was this dread. The kind of dread he got before the death of Arthur.

Just thinking about that day made him feel the pain. Either way he knew he had to search for the two before it could be too late. He pulled the jacket closer as knowing that outside would be cold. His eyes shone golden as he unlocked the door and slipping outside.

As he was outside he could feel the magic that was familiar. Whoever this was had to be nearby. This was why he followed the feeling that he got. It was annoying as he was right now still four year old. But it was not stopping him from trying to get that witch.

What he was met with was a perplexing thing. A pile of clothes and some whimpers. His gaze went around and there was no one. With this he rushed over and the clothes where too familiar...Sammy's.

So, he crouched down as pushing the clothes away and well there was a toddler maybe around 2-year-old. His magic knew who this was and even when not his magic would know it was the clothes that made him know. With this he wrapped the toddler and pulling it close.

But now the question was left...Where was Dean?

He had to know that something hadn't been right and sometimes he just hated his gut. Now he wished to have at least someone who could help him. Merlin knew that he was not going to be able to do much and he was scared, tired, and cold.

His eyes squinted close and he wished deeply for someone to get to them. Dean was not here after all and having a toddler Sam was not something that he wanted. Merlin could just hope that his prayers would get to someone.

Even when he was not liking strangers but right now he wasn't caring. As he was in danger but more importantly Sam was.

"Uh, did you call me, kiddo?" The sudden soft tone of a stranger made his eyes snap open and in front of him was a male. The person looked human, but something was different about this male.

His magic was reaching out on this person and he had no idea why. Either way he could feel his relieve as he could tell that this person genuine was concerned for him.

"Ye-Yeah Papa got shwunk a-and Bwother De is somewhewe danger..." His eyes were wide and fearful intentional. Yes he might be scared but he had to act a bit more scared as he was a child right now for others.

"Okay, everything will just turn out alright. Do you think you can walk?" The voice was soothingly, and the expression was softer even.

"Mhm ba-but cannot cawwy Papa..."

"Do not worry, I will and make sure that you two will get to your brother."

This made him relieved and he nodded as giving the person a shy yet wary look. Even when he knew that this person was genuine wanting to help, he couldn't help but feel wary. His magic had not reacted this way since Arthur and this was confusing him. Whoever this was had to have something special about them.

Soon Papa was picked up and carried carefully on one arm and with the other he was holding hands. As they walked the stranger softly talked and introducing himself as Castiel. A strange name but he could feel that there was more behind this person. What it was he had no idea. They continued to move and soon another pile of clothes was found. This made him let out a gasp as knowing that this witch even got his brother.

"I knew it. Goddammit that effing witch." He muttered under his breath as cursing out. Entirely forgetting about the person who was next to him.

"Well, you do have a potty mouth there kiddo. Really not something that you should say."

"Dun care. Am in reality an adult and that damn witch had gotten me so yes I do think I can curse as much as I want to."

"Well, you got me there. So, who are the two?" There was a curiosity but also some mirth heard, and he puffed his cheeks out and letting out a heavy sigh.

"Winches'ew bwother. Ha-Helped me and took cawe of me the past uh...2 weeks..." He shrugged at the end but also an uncertainty was not there. These two ended up getting caught by that spell and now that he was four he might be able to do something, but it would not be easy.

The person gave him a wide stare and he felt his cheeks heat up. There was also instantly pure concern seen and also astonishment.

"This really can just happen to them." It was mused out by this person and it seemed that they must know each other.

"Well nut jus' tham I's too." He grinned shyly up, and it was clear that he found it also amusing. The stranger soon picked the second shrunken adult up with even more care.

It was clear that this stranger cared for Dean a lot more. The eyes looked adorningly yet with full concern on Dean and he now realized that the older brother was tinier. He looked around less than a year old and he could just guess how much Dean will not like this.

Even when he had liked it but wasn't meaning that the other would. Then they moved towards the car with the two shrunken adults still unconscious. 

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