Chapter 46: Was I her girlfriend?

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Two weeks passed very fast. I felt good being in Milan enjoying the life. To be honest, I felt perfect. Nothing to be concerned about at all.

Also I already had a lot of friends, I met up with my friend Bella, I got to know Zayn who also became one of my best friends. Oh and not to forget Roze and I.

She was like literally living in my apartment, whole of her clothes were in my apartment just like the rest so you could kinda say that we lived together.

Roze and I also had a different relationship for about the last 3 days. I couldn't say that I fell in love with her because of everything what happened. But she kissed me and I didn't pull away. I felt good when I was with her. She understood me and tried to help me when I had my downs.

I told her that I wanted to give us some time. But practically we were acting like a couple. We kissed a lot, cuddled a lot also talked a lot. But we weren't a couple you know? More like friends with benefits. There wasn't sex involved since I didn't want to go that fast.

„Babe I'll leave for work" Roze said as she ran towards me. I just replied with an ‚okay'.

„When will you be at home?"
„8 pm" she replied pecking my lips softly.

„I'll see you" I said before pecking her lips in response. With that smile, she left closing the door after her.

I took my phone scrolling trough some reels laughing at every of them. But soon enough my smile failed when I received a text message from someone I didn't expect.


courtney: hey
courtney: I hope you will reply bc I really wanna talk to u

me: hey I didn't expect this tbh
me: bout what do you wanna talk?

court: look I know I was a jerk when we met and everything
court: I really thought I was in love with u and you know
court: it's not like I wasn't but yk I realized a lot of things from then

me: I'm happy for u tho

court: I hope we could just meet up and make everything up AS FRIENDS!

me: uh I'd love to meet up with u
and make it up but I'm in Milan rn

court: oh so when will u be back?

me: uh to be exactly I don't even know
me: for now I'll stay here
me: but I've a plan

court: tell me

me: I asked vic and my brother to visit me
me: would u like to go with them? We'll go to Catania😌

court: I'd love to
court: so when?

me: This weekend, we'll stay there for five days

court: oh deffooo

me: so you're in?

court: I'll go pack my things bishhhh🥰🥰🥰

After continuing to text around with Courtney, I decided to stand up and go make some food. When I looked on the clock, it was 4 pm that meant four more hours until Roze gets home.

I wanted to surprise her with a cute dinner outside on the balcony.

I looked into the fridge to make sure to have all ingredients I needed for her favorite meal. She was italian so I made her favorite pasta.

But before I made dinner, I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, doing skin and body care and also blow dried my hair. Afterwards I put on a white top in combination with some blue jean shorts.

I was always that bitch who needed the most time in the bathroom so time passed very quickly.

„Fuck I need to fucking cook" I mumbled to myself as I checked the time.

While the pasta was cooking, I cut all the vegetables and roasted them gently.


Everything was ready and I served the plates outside next to two glasses of wine. It was our favorite one.

Just as I set everything the way I wanted it, I heard the door closing. With a bright smile I walked to the hall where I saw her taking off her shoes.

„Hey" I said walking towards her wrapping my arms around her shoulder.
„Hey babe, mhh it smells delicious what did you cook?" she replied pecking my lips a few times.

„Come with me" I took her hand and pulled her with me.

„I hope you'll like it, don't criticize my pasta or I'll take it away from you" I joked as we sat down.

„This is so cute babe, thank you so much" she smiled at me as she took the glass and tossed with me.

We started eating and talked about her work. The food was pretty good though, I could become a chef.

„So the point is that I told him I'll take a few days off because I'm going on a ‚big vacation' with my girlfriend" she uttered and I almost choked on the word ‚girlfriend'.

Was I her girlfriend?

„And what did you do the whole day?"
„Shay?" she added pulling me out of my thoughts.

„Uh—yeah, I-I just you know, sleeping and eating and so on. Nothing special." I stuttered with a chuckle.

When we finished, I went into the kitchen where I wanted to put the dishes into the dishwasher. But suddenly I felt two warm hands around my waist from behind.

„Won't you rather join me in the bedroom? I'm very tired and I could use a massage." Roze whispered into my ear making my breath hitch from time to time.

„That would be a great idea right?" she asked and without warning she added her lips to my neck sucking on my skin softly.

First it felt beautiful and right but as further as she went, as more it reminded me on her.

I felt how the string of my top was slowly pulled down.

I couldn't always think about her. I have to live my life but why was it that hard sometimes? Why was she always on my mind? Damn why am I still so in love with her?

„Are you okay with that babe?" Roze asked as she placed her hand on my ass grabbing it firmly.

I just nodded in response even though I didn't feel like it. Her touches weren't the same.

„Come on" she whispered pulling me with her straight into the bedroom.

Suddenly it rang on the door at which I was so happy. It literally saved me from doing something I'd regret immediately afterwards.

„Fucking shit" Roze cursed as she let go of me and opened the door.

I fixed myself as I started to walk to the door. When I faced the person, I looked in disbelief.


So guys :) whatcha say:)

Do you have some wishes?

1. your opinion towards Shay and Roze?
2. what do you think who's at the door?
3. opinions about Courtney? Will she do something stupid or do you think she will really make things good between her and Shay?

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