Chapter 66: Adeya.

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-a few days later-

So today I had my first rehearsal with Kehlani for her new video. We were in contact since the day we met up for dinner and I could pretty sure say that we became really close friends. I just love how spiritual this woman is.

Ariana and I were also doing fine we just couldn't find that much time for being together. The most time, she spent at the studio writing new song lyrics and all but I didn't take that as bad as someone other would. It's simply her work and it's like that. There will be a time where both of us are free again and we can go out, on dates and all shit. Despite of how much we had to work, we were still texting and FaceTiming a few times.


me: u in the studio babes

baby🤍: yes baby
baby🤍: don't know when I'm gonna finish still have a few hours
baby🤍: how's rehearsal:)

me: I just got here it'll start in 15 mins
me: should I get u when you're ready?

baby🤍: I'll let u know either I'll drive to you or you can come pick me up alright?

me: Okay babes, have a great day
me: i love you

baby🤍: i love u too babyyyy see u later

„God this girl smiling like shit" Kehlani walked inside the room laughing at me. She laid herself next to me taking out her phone.

„Do you have some plans for today?"
„I don't think so, Ariana will come home very late so I guess I'm free why? You thinking about taking me to one of the best restaurants in the whole world?" I answered laughing at my own joke.

„Kinda, we're gonna drive to mine and you'll meet my daughter, food is included. She'll made you some tea, some dirt-cakes, everything you want. 5 star chef." she responded and I just smiled.

„You're so crazy you know this?" I whispered into her ear and she just nodded her head.

„So you up to?"
„You know yeah, since I talked to Adeya on the phone, I always wanted to meet her. She's just so talented more then her own mom." I whispered the last time earning a lightly hit on the arm.

„You jealous so you start hitting me?"
„What if?" Lani questioned looking at me.

„What if we should shut up and go practice the dance Ms. Parrish" I answered as she sighed rolling back her eyes.

We stood up and walked over into the big room where everyone was already on their position.

The music started playing and I started to dance with Kehlani, feeling myself more then ever.

„Good Shay, and now I want your hands on her hips" John, the trainer told me.

I did as he said placing my hands on Lanis hips.

We were dancing fast and I could say that this was the best practice day we had for a while.

„You really got it Davis" Brandon told me.

Brandon is a background dance of kehlani so we got to know each other on the first day and it was just perfect.

He was this gay ass guy who doesn't need a boyfriend and is happy with his alcohol and side-dicks.

„Where's Grande" he asked me taking a sip of his water.
„She's in the studio writing lyrics and shit" I answered and he raised his eyebrows, „so you two really business women, wow, wow" I pinched his arm just to receive a loud groan from him.

„You're acting like I just killed you with a knife bro" he rolled back his eyes as I started to laugh so loud.


After we finished practicing, I drove with Kehlani to her home so I could meet her daughter. Adeya and I were talking to trough the phone when Kehlani used to call me if there's anything new included in the dance so we basically already know each other.

„Shay are you okay?" Lani asked as she kept driving 90 in a 50 zone. I glanced over to her and just nodded my head.

„Okay you lying bro, but you don't need to tell me" she uttered and I sighed.

„-You know sometimes it's just hard...the whole thing with me and Ariana and so on. I mean I totally understand that she's super busy and all but I guess there's always a little bit of time where we can see each other. I didn't see her for two weeks."

„Oh I understand you, but you know that times like these can happen and it'll be better soon. Do you at least talk to each other over the phone?"

„Yeah sometimes but that's just so superficial you know how I mean that? We could at least go out one day or we could spend the breaks together or something."

„You know you can tell me if you need one more day off Shay, that's totally fine" Lani told me and I smiled giggling in my hand.

„How can you be like that girl" I said as both of us started to laugh.


Five minutes later, we arrived her house. Just as we were about to enter, I already heard a giggle and a cute voice.

„Mommy" the little girl who ran towards us screamed embracing Kehlani in her arms.

„Hello my baby, how are you hm?" Lani asked her going trough her curly hair. Adeya just nodded her head looking up to me.

I kneeled a bit down just to get an embrace from her.


„Where's the little superstar" I asked her and she smiled at me. I took a big chocolate bar out of my bag and gave it to her.

„Don't tell your mommy about it okay?" I whispered a bit even though Kehlani was right next to me.

Adeya started to run away with the chocolate while Kehlani gave me a funny death stare.

„I told you...not the chocolate" she started but not before I cut her off.
„Confirm're just jealous that you didn't get one" I grinned as she crossed her arms.

„What if?"
„Then...." I said searching in my bag „I've one more with me" I said and that's when we both lost it and started to laugh our asses off.


I was sitting on the couch relaxing with Kehlani and her daughter after we had some Asian food.


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shaydavis thiiiisss😩🥺🥺💕💝💞💘💘🐙@kehlani

kehlani I toldya not to bring up the chocolate
shaydavis @kehlani I know 😇

courtneychipolone godddddd look at This babyyyyyy


Hey guys, sorry for not updating in such a long time but I'm really busy atm with school stuff and all shit. Anyways, I'll have days off in two weeks and I'll try to post as much as I can. Hope you like this book.

For any ideas, hmu!

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