Chapter 14: But what if I'm not happy?

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We arrived Arianas house. Njomza and I were still sitting in the car just talking to each other.

„Why do you have to be here?" she asked me curios.
„Her family invited us because they wanna meet the dancers" I responded and she hummed.

„Are you really okay with that? Being at hers?"
„I guess I'm not but I don't care, I came because I wanna meet her family since I'm gonna be with them almost a whole year" I replied and she smiled kissing my cheek.

„Okay let's go then" I stepped out the car and took her hand in mine.

We walked towards Arianas front door and knocked a few times on it before we heard footsteps coming closer.

„Hey guys" There he stood, looking ugly with his hair and his dicknose.

„Come all in" I thanked with a fake smile and he did the same.

Njomza didn't let go of my hand so she supported me really a lot.

We walked towards the dining room and I could already assume that we were the last one here. As we opened the door, everyone was sitting on the chairs talking to each other. I already saw Tiley and Cam and a few other dancers.

Then my eyes met Arianas who was sitting next to her mother I guess. They walked over to us and Ariana looked at me as if she didn't know what to do. She was asking herself if she should hug me or not.

I rolled my eyes and hugged her tightly afterwards her mother who introduced herself.

„You're so beautiful" Joan muttered and I blushed with a chuckle.
„Thank you so much Ms. Grande, you look also very good" I responded and she smiled.

„Call me Joan honey, hey Njomza" she went over to Njomza and gave her a firm hug.

Ariana was just staring at me as Njomza as I interlocked our hands again.

„H-here are free seats" Ariana uttered not even debating to look at me. We followed her and sat down.

Super, she was sitting next to us with her little dickhead boyfriend.

After everyone find their seats, she stood up and asked for attention.

„Thank you guys for coming here, I'm really glad. I hope you already introduced yourself to everyone. I'm glad we can spend time together and I hope we're having a good evening. I'm so excited for tour and that's everything. Enjoy your meals."

Everyone gave her an applause and we started eating. Njomza, Tiley, Taya and I were in a deep ass conversation as Joan and Nonna joined us.

„You're so beautiful, if I would be Ariana, I'd date you" Nonna uttered causing me to blush. I mean it was cute but it reminded me just more and more on her.

„Thanks for the compliment Ms-"
„-it's Nonna, just Nonna" she cut me off and I smiled.

We continued to talk to each other as Dalton asked for attention too.

„Uh hey guys- I just wanna thank you for coming. I wanna tell you that I'm very glad to meet you because you're really good people, also I wanna say that Ariana and I decided to move together after the tour, so please bring my girlfriend back and alive" he laughed at the last part but no one responded with laugh causing him to blush in embarrassment.

„I'll just go to the bathroom quick" I told Njomza after I left.

I used the bathroom and just as I wanted to go out, Ariana dragged me inside again turning me around and pressing me against the door.

„Talk to me now, I don't want this silence between us, you helped me so much Shay" she said as we looked at each other.

My hands were pressed against the door, I knew that I was stronger than her, but I just let her do what she wanted.

„What are you expecting from me Ariana?"
„I want you to talk to me again, to be my dancer partner again, please Shay. You're an important person to me, you know that" she replied and I chuckled.

„Ariana look, I don't hate you, I'm just super disappointed. We kissed, we cared about each other so much, I just thought that—you really-l-like me, I mean the way I like you. And I really like you. To see you with Dalton, it hurts. And if that's not enough he hurt you so much, he's a cheater, I was there for you and fought for you to move on, and now are you back with him? That's so dumb but it's you decision."

She stared at me. Our eyes were like locked.

„Why are you with Njomza? What happened between you?" I didn't respond. Should I tell her that we had sex?

„Shay tell me what happened between you two" she said grabbing my waist tighter.

„Did you guys have-"
„-Yes" I cut her off. I did regret it. I did it just to hurt her. But it wasn't worth it.

I felt her grip lighten, she looked down and I felt a single tear on my arm.

„Why are you crying now, we weren't even toge-"
„-We were not, but you're not the only one who felt like this Shay!" she cut me off leaving me speechless.

„Why are you then with him huh? He hurt you, he will do it again!" She started crying hard by now.

„Because I did a fucking big mistake okay? Because I didn't think you meant so much to me! Because I didn't know that I lo-"

„-Shay? Are you okay in there?" I heard Njomzas voice who cut her off.

„Uh-yeah, I'm alright, I'll be out in a few just, we're going home anyway, go to the car okay?"
„Okay babe" she replied.

„I'm-I'm sorry" Ariana stuttered and I sighed.
„just forget about it, you're happy, I'm happy both of us are" I uttered but to be honest, I wasn't happy.

Yes I liked Njomza, and even though I told her that I liked her like that I didn't mean it. Njomza was a cool girl, she was really cute and all, but she wasn't Ariana.

„But what if I'm not happy Shay?" she yelled and that's when I lost control over myself. I pressed her against the wall and cupped her cheek.

„Then do the fuck you want to make yourself happy" I yelled at her and she stared at me.
„Don't be unhappy, you don't deserve this fucking shit Ariana!" I yelled another time as we stared at each other.

She looked down to my lips as she came closer slowly. Our lips were inches apart as someone knocked at the door.

„Who's in there I need to use the toilet" Frankie muttered quietly so nobody could hear it except of us.

I let go off her and opened the door. I didn't even look back at Ariana. I sat in the car looking at njomza who looked somehow—pissed?

„You won't talk to me right?"
„In fact- if you tell me the truth" she responded confident.

„You know I will"

„You like Ariana a lot right? Were you just with me so you could make her jealous or to hurt her?"


I hope you like the chap, didn't proofread bc to lazy

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