Chapter 37: Come to Los Angeles.

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She was the calm person and even though she was hurt, she didn't show anyone. I was 24/7 with her, trying to help her and I hope I did. That's why I told her to go to the party with me.

I was adding some more accessories before I took a last look in the mirror. I also added some more perfume and decided to make my way down taking my keys and leaving my house.

The way to Shay's apartment wasn't that long but traffic can be a bitch so I guess it's gonna take me longer.

Kylies family was in New York to finish some business. So we decided to make a little get together. Kris is always the good grandmother and will take care of the kids.

I arrived at Shay's apartment looking a bit around but she was nowhere to found. Just as I wanted to text her, I saw her walking out the staircase.

„Hey goddess" I greeted her with a hug.
„Hey babe" she responded sitting next to me.

„You look beautiful" I told her as she blushed sticking her tongue out.
„You look hot girl shut up"

„Shut up and let's party" I yelled turning on the volume. The music blasted trough the speakers and we started to sing.


We arrived a few minutes ago, Shay was already very nervous to get to know Kylie and the rest since she always watched KUWTK. She's kind of a big fan of them all.

„Hey John" I greeted the bodyguard outside giving him a fist bomb.
„Hey Stassie how are you?"

„I'm good and you?"
„Could always be better" I responded with a wink.

„Who's that?"
„This is Shay, she's my friend" I answered and he smiled greeting Shay with a hug.

„If you need anything girls, call me" he told us responding with nod of both of us.

With an attitude, we walked inside the big house where the lights were already in different colors shining and blinking. The smell of alcohol filled my nostrils.

Suddenly another body smashed against mine. A familiar scent filled my nostrils. When I looked up, I saw Kylie looking already at me.

„Watch your way baby bitch" she told me with a smirk. I laughed giving her firm squeeze.

„K, that's Shay" I introduced them to each other as they hugged.

„Come with me, I'll introduce you to the other ones"


Kylie was very cute and lovely just like the rest of the family. We were partying by now, drinking some alcohol dancing around.

Stassie and I were dancing really close. I didn't even bother to think about things which made me sad so I didn't.

I grabbed Stassies waist pulling her closer to me. Our eyes met and I already felt sexual attracted to her.

„What are you doing?" she questioned but she didn't mean it like that because she was pressing herself more and more against me.

„I'm not doing anything what you wouldn't do too" I whispered licking her earlobe down to her neck.

„You enjoy this?" I questioned curious wanting to know what made her go crazy.

We looked at each other again as I decided to smash my lips against hers. We moved together in sync deepen the kiss more and more. It was a good kiss and I could declare that Stassie was a real good kisser.

„Is here a bedroom?" she questioned breaking the kiss.
„I guess-but even if there's not, we've got a car right?" I mumbled and she smiled.


I woke up by the sun shining trough the curtains. I didn't even open my eyes but felt the headache I got of the alcohol.

When I finally managed to open my eyes fully, I was faced with Stassie who clutched the sheets tight to her chest. First, I didn't realize what was going on but when I looked under the sheets I noticed that both of us were naked. Did we have sex? When I faced her another time, her eyes were opened and she was looking at me.

„Good morning beautiful" she mumbled stroking with her hand over my back.
„Good Morning"

„I hope you slept as good as I did" she sat up placing her hand on my cheek.
„I did to be honest. Did we-you know?"
„Oh yes" she said with a bright smirk on her face.

„I hope you enjoyed it" she was still smirking causing me to let out a chuckle.
„Of course I did. But I hope it won't be awkward between us now."

„Of course it won't be, we were drunk, also we're both single. The word is called friends with benefits honey." Stassie explained confidently. She always managed to make me laugh. What a bitch.

I stood up putting on a robe deciding to go take a shower. Maybe my headache will get better.

The water run down my body as I took some body wash which I rubbed all over. My mind flooded back to yesterday. I didn't remember every detail but I know that I was very drunk.

When I finished, I blow dried my hair fast, put on the dress from yesterday and went out.

„Perfect, You're ready, should I drive you home?" Stassie asked me as she put on her heels.
„If you're okay with that" I told her and she smiled kissing me passionate.

We walked out the house. In the living room were a lot of drunk people still sleeping. I took my phone and it was something around 4 pm.

When I arrived home, I changed into something more comfortable chilling on my couch. I watched ‚You' just because it was very boring.

Did I make a mistake for having sex with Stassie? But I mean , we're not together, we don't have any feelings for each other. It was because of fun.

I became very tired while watching the show. But what a cliche, my phone started ringing just in the second when I closed my eyes.

„H-Hello?" I answered sleepy not even bother to take a look at the ID.
„S-Shay?" my moms voice came trough the speaker. She sounded like she was crying, badly.
„Mom? What happened? Are you okay?" I questioned standing up.

„-Mom what happened are you okay?" I yelled into the phone trying to get a respond from my mother.

„C-Come t-o Los A-Angeles, D-Dad had a c-car accident, h-he will die" my mom stuttered out and I felt myself loosing self balance. I sat on the ground trying to realize what my mother said. Did she say that?

„Mom what-what are you talking about?"
„Shay here's Jaden, come to Los Angeles as soon as you can okay?" my brother uttered.

„I-Is dad okay?"
„Shay come to us okay? Everything will be okay." he tried to calm me down.

Without debating twice , I took my suitcase leaving the half of my clothes in the apartment. I took the first flight to Los Angeles.

What happened to my dad?


I'm gonna be more active guys, I mean, I hope so :) 🥰

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