Chapter 58: I want a baby.

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„Shay don't lie to me, is Ariana with you?"

Shay faced me immediately with a concerned look.

„Oh my god, my pizza, I'll call you back mom" she said and hung up hesitantly.

„That was the worst lie you ever said"
„Don't act like you would lie better babe" she said with a smile following.

„It's not about that now, how should I cover all of that. Look what you did!" I uttered as I showed my neck to my girlfriend.

„Looks good on you babygirl" she winked at me before placing a soft kiss on the side of my neck. I rolled my eyes holding back my smile.

„Don't roll your eyes like that"
„How do you kno-"

„-I know my girl" she cut me off placing her hand around my neck, not too hard but hard enough to make me horny again.

„What if I don't stop?" I provoked her tracing her shoulder with my fingernails.
„Then I will make you" she whispered into my ear.

The way she aroused me was different. Every cell in my body was feeling her touch. Holding my moans back were the most difficult things to do.

„You will loose this attitude in seconds Ariana" she continued to whisper and I felt how I lost the domination over her.

She won.

„Make me then baby" I expressed. I didn't hesitate and pulled my shirt over my head revealing my body to her.

„You're so fucking hot baby" I smiled because of every compliment she gave me. I loved this.

It didn't matter when, she was always telling me how beautiful I look or how much she loved me.

Her fingers glided over my hands up to my shoulders where she started to play with the strings of my bra.

„You are such a damn tease" I whispered kissing her lips. What I wanted it to be a long kiss, she made it a quick one before she pulled the stripes to the side of my shoulders.

„No, you are"

In this moment, her lips hit me harder then ever when she started to suck on my bottom lip. Not even a few seconds went by and we were already moving in sync.

„My body is so fucking sinning for your touch Shay" I whispered when I nibbled on her earlobe.

„The things you're doing to me Ariana, I told you to not play with me" she warned me her eyes being darker than ever.

She pushed my body harder against the mattress and kissed from my lips down to my collarbone, leaving purple marks. From there, she went down to my breasts which were still covered by my bra.

„Can I?" she questioned politely stroking over my shoulders.

This is what I loved the most about her. God, I love this girl so much.

„You don't need to ask anymore baby" I smiled as she kissed my lips and unclipped my bra from behind. In the following seconds, I felt a cold shiver on my bare breasts but soon they were met with her warm hands.

„B-Baby I really need you bad" I semi-moaned when she started to massage my boobs. I never felt that good in my life like I do now.

Soon her lips were on my nipples, licking and sucking all over them causing me to let out moans I didn't even know I was holding back.

„Fuck baby-y-yes just like that"

The way she pleased was one of the best ones I had in my life. Suddenly her lips were between my breasts kissing and licking down to my stomach.

„You are so beautiful Ariana" she mumbled her hands stroking up and down my legs and my thighs.


(a/n: beg me for a whole smut chapter :))

I was laying on Shay's chest while she went trough my hair.

„I missed this so much" I mumbled looking up to her.
„I missed it too baby"

„You still have these perfect skills with your tongue, maybe it even got better than ever." she let out a laugh taking my hand and placing a soft kiss on the palm of it.

„I love you so much Shay and I'm really so sorry for what you've went trough because of me" I know that this maybe ruined the Moment but I really needed to say this.

„We're in the present Ariana, we have to work and build up our relationship to have a good future that's  the most important" she uttered making me smile.

I really loved her so much. She was perfect in every way.

„I want a baby" I said out of nowhere after a few minutes of silence. The chuckles she let out were so cute but I guess she didn't take it serious.

„I mean it for real now Shay, I want kids"
„Yeah I know, me too. But don't you think it's too soon? We just got back together and not even officially. I really wanna take this slow Ari." she uttered.

I mean I totally understood her. She went trough so much because of me. I couldn't expect something like that from her. At least not now.

„I'm sorry I didn't mean to push you. I'm just happy that I'm with you again. I'm afraid that you won't love me one day as you love me now. Because of what I did to you."

„Baby I love you. I promise you to be by your side and love you everyday. The time we were apart, both of us figured out how much we need each other. And I don't wanna live without you anymore. I really need you by my side. I know both of us did mistakes but fuck it now baby. Because we're here, and the most important, we're here together. Please don't think about me leaving you. I promise I'll be by your side until my last breath."

„I love you so much" I Said with tears in my eyes.
„I love you so much too" I responded closing the gasp between our lips.


Hey guys, I hope you're doing good. I don't like the chapter but I needed to update bc I really like this book. I hope I'll get to update more often. I just don't have time or I've got no motivation.

Love u x

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