Chapter 65: Meet me tomorrow?

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I woke up the next day when I heard loud noises which came from downstairs I guess. When I looked to my right, I didn't see my fiancée beside me.

Fiancée that really felt good to call her like that.

I decided to spend some more minutes in bed before pulling up and going down.


kehlani: hey shay I was wondering if you and Ariana want to grab dinner with me. I really wanna get to know you since we never talked personally about the spot and everything. Xoxo

me: heyy girl, sure we can do that what time is good 4ya

kehlani: is 6 pm alright? I'll send you the restaurants address soon.

me: I'm down for it (:

kehlani: I'll see you two there

After closing my phone, I made my way downstairs where I heard my fiancée's voice. She was humming some vocals after noticing my presence.

„Look who's awake, good morning fiancée" she emphasized and a smile immediately grew on my face.

„Good morning to you too, fiancée"

„How did you sleep?" I asked sliding my hands up and down her shoulders.
„Well, I'm not gonna lie I slept really good. I'm just really really sore today. You did bad things to me shay. You ruined me last night baby." she answered making me bite my lip.

„Poor baby" I pouted at her as she slept my hand.
„You're mean"

„Mean or not, I wanted to let you know that we've dinner with Kehlani at six"
„Really? Was This planned?" Ariana questioned looking at me.

„No it was not but since we're going to work together, she wants to meet me and all" I told her and she nodded.

„I'm looking forward to see her too. She has good music" Ari responded before serving a plate full of pancakes.

„Let's fucking eat this whole thing, including the plate" she mumbled licking her lips.
„I'm down for this" I replied before starting to eat the pancakes my fiancée made for me.


I was doing my make up right now, applying eyelashes.

„So when should we tell them" Ariana asked out of sudden.
„Tell them what?"

„That we're engaged dumbass" she answered letting out a sigh.
„Right now"

„What?" I nodded, „just tell them ‚hello guys I'm going to get married soon'" I said in this emotionless Kim Kardashian voice.

„You've got to be kidding me" I shook my head.

„I'll still wait a bit" she told me and I let out a chuckle.

„So you ready to go babe?" I questioned turning around and to fix my dress and my necklace.
„I'm more then ready Ms. Grande."

„Hey nobody said I'll accept your name, shorty"
„Never Call me like That again" she whispered into my ear.

„I'll try to remember shor-"
„-just kidding" I cut myself off.

We finished our make up and dressed up. Ariana wore a red tight dress and I a white one.

„You look so beautiful" Ariana complimented me before I smiled at her.
„You're talking about yourself" I said kissing her lips passionate.

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