Chapter 44: Moving to Italy.

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One week passed since I left Los Angeles, since I left the US. Everything felt different, being on another continent, in another country, in another city.

Like I said, I wanted to stay in Italy for a while. Or if you wanna be exactly, I was staying in Milan. I rented a big apartment there, also a car which was a Porsche.

Some would say I'm living my best life, but I was far away from that. I was a mess. Very often I had a mental break down, I cried the whole day trying to calm down.

But luckily I wasn't alone. A friend of my mine was staying in Milan. Her name is Bella. I knew her for a long time but she decided to stay in Italy since she finished her college here.

Milan was a beautiful city. A lot of people and a lot of beautiful places. But it wasn't of any worth. If you feel like shit, everything feels like shit. Like I could live in the most beautiful place, If I'm not okay I won't see the beautiful side of the place. But that's how I feel now.

It was like I left my heart at the place I told her that I'm leaving. Her. She was always on my mind. She was the woman who still owned my heart even though she broke it. I could never forget the beautiful smile she had, they way her hands felt on my body. Just everything about her.

Sadly or not but, not every story ends with a happy end. So didn't our. I had to move on. Both of us had to move on.

Don't get me wrong. I wanted to be with her. I wanted it so bad,  we would be happy for the first few days, but I would doubt on her trust. I couldn't believe her anymore.

Right now I was sitting outside on some random bench while I ate my gelato.

My phone vibrated a few times making me take a look on my screen.


roze💘: holaaaaa mi amor

me: hey what's up :)

roze💘: nothing and wbu?

me: yah me too I went for a walk you know like trying to do some sport
me: guess what
me: this bitch got herself sum ice cream

roze💘: uhhh now I want sum too
roze💘: u free today?

me: sure

roze💘: u wanna come to my place?

me: sure I'll be there in an hour
I need to change and so on

roze💘: okay see u

I made my way to the car and drove to my apartment. When I arrived I took a quick shower, blow dried my hair and changed into some sweatpants, a sweatshirt from the Lakers in combination with my purple Jordan 1's.

Roze was a friend of mine who I've known since primary. As she finished school she moved away to find a good ass job as a designer.

When I finished I sat into my car again and drove to the address she texted me. It wasn't a long ride maybe 15 minutes from my apartment to her house.

As I arrived, I already saw her standing outside opening the gate for me to park.

„Oh my god I didn't see you for hundred years" she uttered when she got out walking towards me. I just chuckled and pulled her into a hug wrapping both arms around her waist.

„I missed you so much Shayl's"
„I missed you too" I replied after we pulled away.

She led me inside and we sat on the couch in the living room.

„Tell me, I wanna know everything what happened in the last twenty years" she uttered with a smile making me chuckle.

„Nothing special happened to be honest, everything was the same the first few years you know. Me and Jaden were fighting all over the time, bla bla, there's nothing interesting I guess. But you tell me."

„I designed some dresses for models, singers, dancers, that's it I guess." she told me and both of us let out a chuckle.

Roze never put pressure to me to tell her something. Even though I knew she knew it too about what happened the last months.

„So how's your love life ‚Ms.Knight?" I questioned with a smirk.
„Oh god please. It's a catastrophe. There's no one who's attractive or at least pretty."

Silence filled the room. I knew she wanted to ask back what happened with me and Ari. But she respected me too much.

„Don't act like that, you can ask me whatever you want so don't-"
„-I-I just don't want you to feel bad about it I mean- I guess you came here to take a break from everything" she cut me off.

„I know and thanks for understanding me but you don't have to act like That okay? Just ask if you wanna say anything."

„Whenever you have a problem you can tell me, okay?" I nodded in response.

„I prepared some food for us I hope you're hungry"
„Totally, yeah" I responded as she led me into the dining room where I saw taccos, pasta, everything I liked.

„Oh my god I didn't eat tacos for so long" she let out a chuckle as we sat down and started eating.

We started to eat talking about some random things like just building up a nice conversation. After we finished, I helped her to put the dishes into the dishwasher.

By now we were sitting on the couch watching tv. Our conversation wasn't anything serious, it was funny though.

„So you really don't mind me asking about what happened between you and-Ariana?" she asked out of sudden. I shook my head.

„You know you just said that it happens sometimes, she wasn't the right one and so on, did you mean it like that?" she questioned.

No. I just didn't want to say that she cheated.

Even though she cheated on me, I would never say something bad about her. I'm not that type of a person.

„It just, we didn't have the harmony anymore, and I didn't want it to be toxic anymore so that's why-I broke up with her. For the best of both of us." I lied to her. She looked at me, trying to read my thoughts.

„But like-you still love her right?" I faced her, of course I loved her but that's not the point.

„I guess I will always love her but I told myself just to move on trying to live my life that's why I moved to Milan."

„I understand. Let's just talk about something else then, I've got an idea, let's watch a movie now and later we'll go out driving around with the car, okay?" I nodded as a response.

That's exactly what we did. I was very happy to know at least Someone and not being alone here in this ass city.


I'm sorry that I didn't update earlier but I had so much to do with school I literally had to write over 1000 words on a word document. It's like, two days I go to school and the other ones I'm at home doing class zooms, it's so exhausting to do both. I hope this will get over soon guys. Also I'll try to update more often I promise.

Stay healthy🖤

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