Chapter 71: I don't wanna be an option.

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„Baby don't cry, you wanna talk about it after I look who's at the door?" she just nodded and I smiled kissing her head.

„Everything's gonna be fine okay? I promise."

I walked over to the front door looking at the security camera and there stood Joan.

„Hey Joan" I said as I opened up, she immediately embraced me in a tight hug.
„Hey beautiful, how are you"

„I'm fine, how are you Joan"
„Could be worse but could be better" she responded.

„Where's my daughter" she questioned.
„In the living room I think, can I talk to you for a second mama G?" she smiled at the nickname but nodded quick after.

„Ariana was crying before you rang the bell, I told her that I'll talk to her later but—do you maybe know something. I mean nothing bad happened-but-"

„-Uh-She didn't tell me anything, maybe let's have a look together?" I quickly nodded as she followed me into the living room where Ariana typed something on her phone.

„Ariana" Joan called out hugging her tightly.

„How are you honey?"
„I'm-okay" my fiancée responded but me knowing her as good as Joan didn't believe a word she was saying.

„Uhm-Joan would you like a coffee?" I questioned when I had to feeling to leave them alone for a second.
„Sure, black, without sugar" I smiled going into the kitchen.

„What could it be" I mumbled to myself making the coffee.

When I came back, I handed the mug to Joan and took a seat between them.

I played with my fingers while I waited for someone to say something.

And again, someone rang the bell making me raise my brow.

„Wow we havin' company tonight" I uttered and walked to the front door.

What the actual fuck?

When I looked at the security cameras, I saw someone I didn't wanna see ever again. My heartbeat fastend up as I pushed the button to
Open the gate and finally opening the door.

There he stood, looking all ugly and shit.


„Hey—I'm sorry for—" he trailed but shut his mouth when he faced me.

„Oh" was the only thing he could get out of his mouth.

I took a deep breath in trying to control my Aquarius character but failed totally. I took a jacket which was right next to me and crushed the door behind me.

I walked out hearing him following me.

„What the hell are you doing here Dickhead?" I asked turning around.
„I-I-uhm I thought-"

„Well I guess you failed at thinking huh?" my blood was boiling like never before.

„I-just needed to talk to Aria-"
„-Why the hell do you need to talk to her? Didn't I tell you that you should keep your fingers far away from her, far away from me, far away from us?" I uttered a bit louder as he looked at the ground.

„Bitch you was abusing her in damn hospital, and you really showing up here? Did I get that right?"

„-Shay, look—let me talk to her—please I need to know something"
„Ask me and I'll ask her" he sighed.

„You really ready to hear this from me and not from your fiancée?" he questioned me.

What was he even talking about. His damn ass ugly voice gave me headache.

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