Chapter 85: One life.

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(Changed how Amari looked, new picture in the last chapter <3)

The day after the party was really bad. I was having such a hard headache and I had to throw up one time. Amari on the other side only got a headache. I guess we shouldn't mix Vodka with some other shit or get high before mixing like everything.

We were just laying in bed together scrolling trough our phones. I made sure that the curtains were closed and that it was as dark as possible.

"Next time I will keep in mind that I feel like shit after I drink. Maybe I'll just leave in up to you next time." Amari uttered rubbing her hands against her face.

"Girl, we say that shit every day after we feel hungover. Don't act so surprised. I wasn't even that drunk yesterday. It would've been funnier if I'd have more to drink." I replied turning to the left side to face her.

"I mean let's make a little break with the party shit. Let's get dinner tonight instead. And get high at home while drinking some wine what do you say?" Amari suggested making me nod.

"My mom kept sending me text messages all morning...she was asking me about how I feel and all but I just don't wanna talk about Cameron and I" she told me causing me too glue my eyes to hers.

"I know how you feel, I'm just going trough the same stuff right now. They are texting every day but I honestly just wanna enjoy the vacation and heal" I responded sighing wiping my forehead.

"I know it's really none of my business, but what happened that you two broke up and she left you so heart broken" Amari questioned and tried to give me a tight lipped smile.

"I would lie if I'd say that we didn't click or stuff, you know? She cheated on me. Three times actually. I proposed thinking that we were finally good and both fully committed to each other but she still kinda loves her ex."

"This Dalton guy with the ugly nose?" I nodded sad clutching the sheets onto my body.

"Shay...there's no need to be insecure about this guy or be sad about what you and Ariana had. Just think of it as something very positive. It sounds dumb but that's how I see the stuff with Cameron after all. God just pulled me out of something, which is not good for me and would end even worse. Be thankful for what you got because in the end you got the pure soul. You don't have anything you need to be ashamed of because I can assure that you put your all in this relationship and tried to best version of yourself only for her to be happy." she told me and grabbed the sheets away from me.

"Now Shay, you need to be the best version for yourself and for yourself only. There are people out there who don't deserve your heart. And I can only confirm that you are truly beautiful. Inside and out. I know we don't know each other for a long time but you was a betta friend than some other people in my life. And for the record, you got a very very cute nose so don't be insecure." she stroked over my cheek making me smile.

She motioned for me to get up and led me to the bathroom. There we brushed our teeth and left into the kitchen.

"Sooo, let's have some beans and sausage?" she said making her accent come stronger than before.

"Only if we can have a cup of tea with it." I joked imitating her accent.

"You not even British, let's have some Latino breakfast." I added excited looking trough the fridge and what I got here.

"I can't cook latino food...or at least I'm very bad at it. Something simple maybe?" she admitted.

"Then we can just make some scrambled eggs with spinach and some ham and maybe some bagels?"she hummed for a second thinking about it and gave in.

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