Chapter 68: Don't be selfish.

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I was already awake for about two hours so it was something about 1 pm. I already prepared some cute breakfast for me and Ari. I was really happy that we got the chance to see each other and spend time with each other. Also the sex yesterday was great but not much about that, I was so fucking happy to have her by my side again.


lani: hey girl, I hope you're doing good and you have a great day off. We miss u X

me: gooooooodddddddd lookatchuuuu😻😻😻me: miss u guys too :/me: worlds best mommy 😼

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me: gooooooodddddddd lookatchuuuu😻😻😻
me: miss u guys too :/
me: worlds best mommy 😼

lani: what kind of mommy 😚

me: let it be the kind you want it to be

lani: well-

me: >>>>>>

After I put my phone away, I just waited for my fiancée to wake up. I was so bored so I decided to lay myself down on the couch and turning on the tv.

Not a few minutes after, the doorbell rang. I really wondered who it was because Ari didn't tell me she was expecting someone. I mean maybe it's Courtney or Doug or someone.

I stood up and just when I was right about to open the door, Ariana yelled my name making me turn around.

„Oh good morning babes, just a sec lemme' open the door real quick" I said and she looked somehow awkward?

When I opened my eyes, I couldn't believe my own eyes.

„Frankie" I yelled out pulling him into a tight hug and right after him I pulled Joan into my arms.

God how much did I miss these two people. I really really loved them so much and I didn't even expect seeing them.

„God I missed you guys so much" I told them.
„We missed you too shay" Joan responded kissing my cheek.

„Come right in I made some breakfast" I told them.

All of us went into the kitchen taking a seat at the table. After a while of talking, laughing and all, I felt a strong tense between Joan and Ariana. They didn't talk but shared these stares to each other.

„Well I'm going to load the dishwasher"
„I'm gonna help you" Frankie responded to me and I smiled a bit taking all the plates.

„Did something happen" I asked him after loading up the plates into the dishwasher. Frankie was just staring at me. „Hello?" I waved my hand in front of him bringing him back to reality.

„Hm? Y-Yeah-I mean yeah everything's fine nothing b-bad happened" he stuttered giving me a smile.
„You're such a bad liar but whatever, if it's nothing bad I'll accept it I guess."

„Everything's f-Fine, I-promise"


„I didn't raise you like this Ariana. I'm really disappointed." my mom told me and I didn't even know what it was about.

„Mom what do you mean?" she breathed out taking my hand and leading me outside in my backyard.

„I literally just saw Dalton standing in front of your door with a big bouquet of roses, Ariana are you kidding me?" she sounded so harsh while saying it. My mom gave me death stares I never knew she could give. I felt like she ate me while standing here.

„You have a fiancée Ariana. A fiancée. A beautiful, cute, perfect fiancée inside there and you're really with that guy? You're cheating on Shay again?"

„Mom I am not cheating!" I yelled at her and she just shook her head.

„So what else is he doing here huh? Is he here to plant those roses in your garden or what? Stop lying Ariana." she yelled back and I could say that I was really afraid of her.

„We-we're just friends-"

„-Stop that! Either him or her! I'm not letting you destroy this girl's life! Not another time. She's doing everything for you, she's doing everything to make you happy to make you feel special to be a good fiancée and you? You just go behind her back like that? You know I hate him because he's not the right for you Ariana. But you know what? I really think you deserved each other. Because if you really do this to her, you're both awful people. And don't make me say more but I will not be the person who will accept you and him together. Either I will come to your place, either I will be by your side while you feel bad, either I will accept my grandkids.If I tell this nonna what I will do, you don't even have to call us, visit us or anything. I didn't raise you to be a cheater! If you do have feelings for you, then break up with Shay. Don't let her waist this time of her life! Don't be selfish!" she yelled at me and left me by going away.

I didn't know that words could hurt so much but I was feeling like I would break down and second. Just in this second I received a call.

„H-hallo?" I asked not looking at the caller ID.
„Hey Ari, are you good? I'm waiting for you a few streets further. Your mom and your brother just told me to go away, we had a little argument and-" Dalton told me trough the phone.

„I c-can't meet you today-"
„-What? Why? But I miss you" he scoffed.

„I can't—I'll call you afterwards"
„But Ariana I-" he started but I just hang up on him.


20 minutes passed and I was still outside sitting on my chairs. I heard tiny footsteps coming closer to me but me being in my thoughts didn't even realize that it was Shay.

„Babes you okay?" she asked sitting next to me wrapping her hand around my shoulder. My head turned in her way. She was so beautiful. What was I doing to her?

„-Yes—my mom and I just—h-had an argument about—you know S-Scooter and so on" I lied trough my teeth.

„Don't take this too hard baby, she just wants the best for you, believe me." Shay answered me kissing my cheek.

„Let's get inside, we should dress up and go out a bit, maybe to the mall?" she suggested but I shook my head.

„I'm really not feeling well  right now"
„Well we could also just do a Netflix evening, whatcha say?" she asked and I smiled and nodded.

That's what we did, we changed into some comfortable clothes and ended up watching catfish.

Was my mom right? Did I have feelings for Dalton? What is wrong with me?


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