Chapter 39: I want you.

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^^ okay she ma wifey😍^^


What did just happen? Why did I do this? I mean I knew why, because I was still senseless in love with her. More than I could ever imagine. The feelings I had towards her were different, they were so strong and I felt so safe with her. When I felt her lips on mine it was like every Problem was gone. Like there wasn't anything that bothered me. Why did I break up? What the fuck did I do to her, to myself?

I just wanted to apologize but I knew it wasn't enough. She would accept it, but she would never take me back as the Ariana I was. I would always be a cheater for her. And she had every right to think like that, but she should give me a chance. To prove that I just need her.

When I walked back into the waiting room, I saw her mother and her hugging each other crying a lot. The first thought of mine, was already the worst but when she turned to me, I saw the little smile on her lips.

„H-He survived surgery, he'll recover Ariana" she spoke out still crying. I didn't think twice but walked to her and pulled her into a tight hug. She didn't deliberated but immediately held me tight. So did her mom who wrapped her arms around us.


It was a few hours later and when I looked on my phone, it was 12 am. Shay was awake for full 24 hours. She didn't look that tired but I knew she was.

„Don't you wanna take a quick nap?" I questioned her while she stared at the ground. Her mom went home to pack some things since she will stay with Terall in the hospital.

„I'm okay" she responded and I sighed.
„Shay you're awake for 24 hours, just sleep a bit"

„I told you I'm fine Ariana" she replied back still not facing me.

„Ms. Grande, Mr. Gomez wants to talk to you" the doctor cut our conversation off.

My face wandered to Shay who still wasn't looking at me. I just saw how her jaw clenched as he mentioned his name.

„Ms. Grande? Do you wanna see him or should I te-"
„-No, I wanna talk to him. Thank you." I replied before he could finish the conversation.

Why didn't she hold me back. Why didn't she get jealous. Did she really stop loving me?

„This way" the doc gestured, leading me into a room.

„Babe" Dalton spoke softly as he faced me. He was laying on the bed. He didn't look bad even though he had a car accident.

„How are you feeling?" I asked sitting on the chair next to the bed.
„I'm better, I'll leave hospital today. Just need to sign some papers you know, we're going home right?" he asked placing his hand on my thigh.


„Dalton I-I did a mistake"

„A big mistake for trusting you again, for letting the memories I had with you, overflowing my mind. Because I'm not in love with you like I was before. You know who I love and for who I fight. I-I'm s-sorry" I told him trying to not hurt his feelings.

He was looking surprised and very calm which irritated me a lot.

„I told you what I will do when you break up with me Ariana" he threatened.
„Then do it, I already lost everything when I broke up with her. I don't care anymore."

„What are you talking about?" he asked confused.

„I don't care! Tell the world I'm a cheater I don't care for gods sake just tell them already. I just wanna have her back, I just wanna be happy again and if you think that's what you need to do, then please do it okay?"

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