Chapter 69: You're such a crazy woman.

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„Yeah I'll be there in ten" I said into the speakers as I already put on my shoes.
„See you"

I hung up taking my jacket and my bag.

„Baby" I yelled trough the house earning just a „ha" back.

„I need to leave babes" I yelled again and immediately I heard footsteps running down the stairs coming closer and closer.

„Why" she scoffed looking up at me placing her hands around my neck.
„Lani called me I need to take care of Adeya for the rest of the day" I told her and pouted.

„I want to have a kid too?" I let out a laugh.
„We will, first we gonna get married, then we'll go a long vacation somewhere where no one can find us. Then we'll see if we gonna adopt a baby or we choosing a donor."

„I like that idea, you a smart one" Ariana said looking into my eyes but it felt like she was straight looking into my soul.

„I love you" she said and I let out a small chuckle.
„I love you too babes" she slowly slides her hands from my waist down to my ass when she pressed my body harder against hers.

„You're a whole damn tease you know that baby girl?" I whispered into her ear: I just earned a moan from her which made me go crazy. I immediately attached my lips to her neck leaving purple marks and a few bite marks.

„Why is everything feeling so damn good with you" she questioned more herself than me. Before I responded she smashed her lips on mine and pushed me against the door. In matter of seconds my jacket was on the floor as well as my shirt.

„That is mine" she tipped on my heart before she kissed along leaving hickeys everywhere.
„You're mine forever" she whispered again her hands wandering back to my bra.

Not that easy Ms. Grande. I bit my lip turning us around and pushing her body against the door.

„Don't be so damn impatient my love"

I wrapped my hand around her neck not too hard but hard enough for her to let out a satisfy moan.

„Why are you so needy huh?" I questioned again tracing lines on her neck with my fingers. I knew how much she hated it when I made her wait or when I provoked her that much.

I started kissing her while taking off her clothes. Her shirt was flying somewhere over while her bra stripes were already half down.

„How do you do this to me" I asked her and she just smirked pushing her body closer against me.


„You're such a crazy woman you know that?" I questioned while we were laying on the couch covered in a blanket.
„I think you're the crazy one" she responded cuddling up into the crock of my neck.

„You make me wanna do things I never knew I—liked" Ariana uttered making me laugh a bit.

„No don't laugh I could literally choke me and I wouldn't care because I'd scream your name louder than ever."

„I'm really debating on running away from you, you know that?" I told her.
„Why, is the sex bad?„

„Not everything is about sex Ariana"
„So why then huh?" She questioned placing her hand on my cheek.

„Maybe I don't love you no more?"
„Proof me then" she uttered with a wide grin placing my lips on hers.


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