Chapter 67: Don't let this happen.

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-The next day-

Since a few I'm not seeing Shay what really breaks my heart. I don't know because of what since I always got a bit of time left but somehow, I spend the time on being with Dalton and my friends. Not to think something dumb, Dalton and I decided to give our friendship a try and of course I gave in. Why? Please don't ask me because I'm sure that I can't even tell myself.

That's why I came home earlier and prepare some dinner for me and my fiancée. I didn't tell her yet but since I have her keys I could mange to set everything up. I'm just hoping that she's coming home and not get away with her dance partners. And if I may add, I really got jealous the most of the time when she was with Kehlani or someone. I was always just worried and I don't even know why because Shay would be the last person who would cheat or something like that. I was just afraid of loosing her.

Anyway, after finishing the table? I got up and placed some roses and candles in our bedroom. I got dressed in a black dress, fixed my make up and sprayed some fragrance on my body.


me: hey baby wyd
me: where r u at

bebe🤍: hey babes I just finished rehearsal and got out of the shower wyd

me: I'm still at the studio
me: do u have some plans for tonight?

bebe🤍: I think not, I'm really not up to do smth rn

me: well if you want to we can do smth tomorrow




me: I'll text ya later, love you

bebe🤍: love you too

Now it meant just to sit around and wait for her. I still don't know if I should tell her about the friendship Dalton and I have. I know she will burn everything down as well as yelling at me and we will have a big argument over this stupid topic. I didn't want that. At least not today.

Just as I started to overthink and overthink everything, the front door closed and I tensed. She was there. I didn't know why I was that excited like that, but my heart was like busting out of my chest. When I heard her footsteps coming closer to me, I stood up.

"Good evening baby" I told her walking towards her. Her mouth kinda dropped and I could feel eyes scanning my whole face and my body.

"Good evening" she managed to utter after a few seconds of silence. "You look so beautiful."

I blushed hiding it behind a small smile.

"I really didn't expect seeing you today Ari" she said and I chuckled.

"I missed so fucking much what should I've done?" I asked walking closer to her. Just when I was in front of her, my hand reached out for hers just to brush over her fingertips. I was sure that both of us were feeling this sparkle.

"I missed you so much baby" I said placing my hand on her cheek. Suddenly she pulled me closer than I already am and placed her soft lips on mine. She didn't pull away before she bit my bottom lip leaving me and herself with a smirk on her face.

"Mmh what's smelling like that?" She asked facing me.

"I made some good dinner for us baby" she smiled more even if it wasn't possible at this time. She placed a soft kiss on my lips again, interlocked our hands and lead us into the kitchen.

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